Chapter 674
Long Hao's cultivation had already reached the state of Dharma Perfection, and he was only short of an opportunity to break through, and the Earth Vein Dragon Marrow was undoubtedly the most critical catalyst.


The chaotic ancestral dragon hovered in the depths of his mind, the chaotic brilliance flowed around his body, and the chains of Taoism and Taoism hung down, deriving a large number of mysterious and simple scriptures.

The scriptures are displayed in nothingness, blooming with sacred brilliance, densely packed, as if explaining the mysteries of life and death, explaining the mysteries of life, it is very difficult for people to fully understand.

As for the cultivation method of Nirvana, Long Hao has long been familiar with it.

But at this moment, he was concentrating on it, motionless, with strands of mysterious mist gushing out from his eyes, pondering over it carefully, comprehending it carefully, suddenly it seemed as if he had pierced through many falsehoods and reached the essence directly.

Although this state is called Nirvana and claims to be able to reshape life, it is only a metaphor. No one in this world is immortal. Even the immortals who transcend the world and jump out of the five elements are only immortal, not immortal.

The real essence of Nirvana is just to evolve the level of life and obtain the power of another kind of rebirth, not the real reincarnation.

Although the strong at this level cannot live forever, they have the inexhaustible power to increase lifespan and delay decline.

To achieve this, the body must be stimulated to the extreme, so as to entice the way of heaven, blend in with nature, and transform heaven and earth into one's body, so as to achieve the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

At the moment of comprehension, Long Hao's body suddenly burst into brilliance, and his whole body was full of blood, as if giant dragons rushed out of his body and lingered around his body, reflecting him like a god.

"Okay, then as long as you refine the earth vein dragon marrow, you can break through in one fell swoop!"

The khaki dragon marrow, although only a few feet long, looks no different from that ordinary stone.

But it contains a huge amount of pure energy, as if it is connected to this piece of heaven and earth.

During the refining period, Long Hao's physical body naturally had a hidden connection with this world.

huh huh...

The empty world gradually became different. In the beginning, mysterious inscriptions emerged, connected together like the natural veins of the world...

As the energy of the earth veins and dragon marrow poured into the body, the veins of the inscription patterns became more and more solid, and finally turned into the chains of order and hung down, reflecting on Long Hao's physical body.

This is the manifestation of the law of heaven. Practitioners need to connect with it through the meridians of the physical body in order to achieve the unity of heaven and man, and the body becomes nature.

But this process is also extremely dangerous.

"here we go!"

huh huh...

At the same time, the dragon veins in Long Hao's body lit up completely, turning into flying dragons and breaking out of the body, connecting with the veins revealed by the Dao law of that day.

The two forces collided together, and fierce sparks burst out, but reflected in Long Hao's body, it was a severe pain like bone and muscle.

A strong person in the Nirvana state, not to mention mastering the laws of heaven and earth, is extremely difficult to even sense.

The danger is here too.

If the induction is wrong, the meridians of the physical body will be randomly connected with the meridians of the laws of heaven, not only will not be able to be nourished by the power of heaven and earth, but the meridians will be destroyed instead, and in severe cases, the body will explode and die.

The power of the law of heaven is so overbearing that even a saint can hardly grasp it, and it is even more catastrophic for the strong in Nirvana.

But all of this is not difficult in front of Long Hao. After his eyes changed, he can clearly see the law of heaven and earth, and his ultimate control of power also makes it easy for the dragon veins in his body to successfully connect with it.


At the same time, the world changed.

Endless power of heaven and earth surged from all directions and gathered above Long Hao's head to form a huge vortex, the energy in it was as majestic as the sea and extremely pure.

"Brother Hao is about to break through." Huanli, who was protecting the law beside him, stood up excitedly, his big eyes were full of excitement and joy.

Yan Lin, who was being healed, was also alarmed, seeing the energy vortex gathered high in the sky, his heart shook.

"The power of heaven and earth within a radius of ten thousand miles has been withdrawn. This is too exaggerated!"

Generally speaking, a strong man in the first level of Nirvana can only mobilize the power of heaven and earth within a thousand miles, and only a strong man in the tenth level of Nirvana can move thousands of miles away.

Like Yanlin, the proud son of heaven, when he first broke through, the vision was astonishing, a divine bird was born, moving the world for three thousand miles.

It seems that there is not much difference from Long Hao, but in fact there is an essential difference.

hold head high--

The sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky, and the pure and mighty dragon's majesty ravaged the world, reborn like a real dragon.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of giant dragons swooped down from the energy vortex on the sky, and poured into Long Hao's body along the vein of the law of heaven.

At that moment, Long Hao's body seemed to be bombarded by thousands of thunders, his flesh was completely exploded, blood was dripping, and wisps of black smoke gushed out.

That is the impurity of the flesh.

If you want the unity of nature and man, and the body is natural, the physical body must be refined and flawless, like rough jade, without the slightest impurity.

Yet this is just the beginning.

Following the crazily running of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, strands of chaotic light emerged from Long Hao's shattered body, piercing into the dark and yellow dragon veins like a divine chain of order.

hold head high--

In an instant, the whole earth trembled violently, the Xuanhuang dragon veins seemed to come alive, gushing out majestic dragon veins and earth energy, converging into a river of heaven and pouring into Long Hao's body.

"Even the dragon's veins..." Yan Lin's pupils widened, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The Xuanhuang Dragon Vein is the foundation of the Xuanhuang Great World. Except for the ancient Emperor, no one has ever heard of anyone who can mobilize her power.

What made him even more astonished was that, with the surge of majestic energy, above Long Hao's head, a huge dragon appeared across the world, with chaotic brilliance flashing all over his body, as if he was the master of this world.

The majestic dragon's majesty stretches across the nine heavens and ten lands, oppressing all directions.

All the energy between the heaven and the earth seemed to flow into the sea, and it was automatically pulled over. The scene was astonishing.

"A miracle!"

Yan Lin had never heard of such a vision, so he could only describe it as a miracle.

Boom boom boom!
However, at the same time, Long Hao was also enduring incomparable pain. The impact he received was ten times and a hundred times that of an ordinary person's tempered body.

The huge pain was accompanied by him, which made him almost scream out, his bloody body almost lost its human shape, only the endless light of law flickered, and the energy dragon that entered his body crazily, flooding the world.

There is another huge reason why it is called Nirvana.

That is when heaven and man are united, the law is added to the body, the power of heaven and earth enters the body, and the practitioner will suffer great pain like reshaping bones and skinning for blood.

This state will continue for a long time, and if you can't stand it during this period, you will explode and die immediately.

It is precisely because of this that every strong man in the Nirvana state can be called a dragon and phoenix among men, and is the mainstay of various forces. He has already embarked on a smooth road to becoming a king, and there is no longer any shackles ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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