Chapter 679

This group of demon powerhouses came in such a menacing manner that they threatened to destroy the entire Shaking Light Holy Land in one fell swoop.

With the current strength of Long Hao and others, they are simply unable to compete with them, so they can only choose to return to the Holy Land of Yaoguang to rescue soldiers.

This is a matter of life and death for all of them, and there is no delay at all.

However, the moment they got up and were about to leave, that Prince Yongye suddenly turned around, and two strange rays of light shot out from his sinister pupils, as if they could penetrate emptiness.

"He Fang you bastard, hide your head and show your tail, and don't let this prince get out!"

Prince Yongye had his hands behind his back, his eyes were squinting, his tone was strong and domineering, and he exuded an extremely tyrannical demonic thought, which swept over him like a tide.

"Oops, found out."

In an instant, Long Hao and the others seemed to be suppressed by a magic mountain, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Didn't it mean that the soul of the Demon Yaksha clan was inherently weak, how could he have such a terrifying evil thought?" Yan Lin turned pale with shock, the strength of that evil thought made him feel like a king, irresistible.

"After all, he is the crown prince of the Demon Race, and some of them are resource treasures. Moreover, after they defeated the Phantom Demon Clan and devoured their souls, they must have already made up for the weakness of the soul, and even further strengthened it."

This prince of Yongye gave Long Hao the feeling that he was mighty and powerful, not weaker than the demonized ancestor of the Xu family, and his soul had no weakness, he could be called the arrogance of the world.

"Illusion field?"

Prince Yongye's eyes were sharp, as if he had sensed something, and a murderous intent suddenly appeared in his pupils: "I never imagined that there are still remnants of the Illusory Heart Demon family alive."


Seeing that Long Hao and the others couldn't hide, and were rushing towards the outside of the underground palace at top speed, Prince Yongye was furious.

The sharp green claws were dazzling, and they grabbed Long Hao and others with extremely terrifying power.

This is the huge claw manifested by Prince Yongye, like the hand of a demon god, covering the underground palace in front, and it also contains a trace of imperial power, which has the terrifying power of sealing the world and absorbing souls.

The green demon claws are extremely coercive, overwhelming the illusion field.

Huanli spat out a mouthful of blood, his little face turned pale, and his whole spirit was sluggish.

After losing the illusion domain, the figures of Long Hao and others appeared in the sight of the group of demons in an instant.

Seeing that Huanli's situation was not good, Long Hao's eyes flashed coldly, he immediately activated the divine pattern of power, punched out a golden fist, pushed it across like the scorching sun, and collided with the green claw.

Two huge and violent forces exploded, overturning most of the underground palace.

Long Hao was shocked back a few steps, but he didn't dare to delay at all, he punched through the formation outside, and rushed out of the city with everyone.

"Damn humans, how dare they sneak under our noses!"

"They heard our plan, they must not let go, kill!"

"There is also the remnant of the Illusory Heart Demon family, which must be captured alive!"

After discovering the figures of Long Hao and others, the group of demons were furious, feeling a great humiliation.

A demon king triggered an endless force to crush him, followed by a large number of demon masters and commanders, rushing out with rolling demon clouds, vowing to kill Long Hao and others.

At this moment, Long Hao and the others broke out with all their might and rushed to the gate of the city.

Teams of strong Xu clans came from all directions and formed a battle formation, trying to stop them.

"Get out of here!"

Long Hao took the lead, mobilizing the majestic power of heaven and earth, condensing black and white twin dragons, exuding unparalleled momentum, like a giant beast pushing the sun and the moon, and blasting away all the powerful Xu clans who formed a battle formation in front of them .

Supernatural powers - Heaven and Earth Shuanglong Kill!

With one blow, hundreds of Xu's strong men died tragically, and the blood rained down, staining the gate of the city red.

However, those demon kings are powerful and faster, and they have already caught up. The terrifying momentum they exude is oppressive like mountains and seas, making it difficult to breathe.

"Big trouble!"

Seeing the group of demons attacking, Yan Lin's pupils shrank, his face was ashen.

In the face of such a general trend that crushes everything, even if he tried his best to explode his golden core, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

"You go first, I will block them and buy time."

At the critical moment, Long Hao suddenly stood in front of the group of demons.

"If you want to die together, I, Yan Lin, will never leave my brother alone..."

Before Yan Lin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Long Hao sternly: "Stop talking nonsense, go back and inform the Holy Land quickly, otherwise when the space-time channel opens, catastrophe will come, and we will all die. Go, I am sure of my life!"

"Brother Long..." Yanque's face was full of grief, she was as strong as her, but she couldn't stop her tears.


Taking a deep look at Long Hao's back, Yan Lin gritted his teeth and pulled Yan Que, who was holding Huan Li, away from the city.

He knew that Long Hao was right, and the most urgent task right now was to send the news back to the Holy Land of Shaking Light, otherwise the group of demons would attack and the nest would be destroyed.

"Brother Long, you must live!"

Taking a last look at Long Hao, Yanque regained his composure, and his deep eyes were full of determination and determination.

One day, she will lead countless black and yellow powerhouses to completely eradicate the evil, and prevent the tragedy from happening again.


The majestic demonic energy is rolling in, threatening to destroy the world.

Long Hao stood in the void, with black hair flying, facing the group of demons, his pupils flashed with cold murderous intent, without fear.

Not far away, Prince Yongye led a group of demons across the sky, all of them had ferocious faces and fierce aura.

"Humble human beings, dare to stop me?" The troll king with a ferocious expression smashed the sky with one foot, and his whole body exploded, wanting to suppress and kill Long Hao.

"His Royal Highness, I'm going to intercept and kill those escaping ants right now." The queen in the green dress wriggled her body and came, her winking eyes also filled with cold murderous intent.

But at this moment, an earth-shattering sword intent burst out from Long Hao's body, with a terrifying momentum that would destroy the world, causing the expressions of the group of demons to change drastically.

"and many more."

Seeing a milky white sword pill in Long Hao's hand, Prince Yongye's pupils shrank immediately, and stopped the two demon kings who showed their murderous intentions.

Long Hao's prediction was correct. After Prince Yongye devoured the souls of many strong members of the Illusory Heart Demon family, he not only made up for the weakness of the souls, but also obtained further strengthening. The evil thoughts were pure and vast.

It was also because of this that he deeply felt a terrifying threat of death from the engraved sword pill, which made him extremely afraid.

Although he was afraid, he didn't back down because of it, instead he stepped forward like a leisurely court, staring at Long Hao, with a smile on his face: "You were the one who blocked the prince's attack just now, right?"

"At the first level of Nirvana, you have such power. It seems that you have many secrets."

"Report your name, you are qualified to be remembered by the prince."

Prince Yongye had his hands behind his back, and his gaze was contemptuous, showing his pride.

"Shake Light—Long Hao!"

Naturally, Long Hao didn't admit to being cowardly, and announced his name loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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