Chapter 680

Seeing that Yan Lin and others had disappeared out of the sky, all the demon powerhouses were extremely anxious, but frightened by the majesty of Prince Yongye, they dared not say more.

Until the thick voice came out, and it swayed back and forth in the void, which surprised those strong demons.

"Long Hao?"

"Is he the one who destroyed Princess Youlian's plan and made the century-old efforts of the Jiuyou Moque clan come to naught?"

Pairs of blazing magic eyes projected over, like knives and swords, as if they wanted to strip Long Hao of his cocoon and see it thoroughly.

Prince Yongye was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"What a crazy Long Hao, knowing that the Crown Prince wants to capture you, you dare to send him to your door!"

The group of demons behind him also laughed, and the laughter was full of teasing.

"Arrogant and conceited, I don't think he has much ability. It's really unfair that Princess You Lian lost to him."

"It must have been a fluke. I can suppress such ants like this with a single hand."

"People are not frivolous, what a waste of youth!"

Facing the unscrupulous ridicule of the group of demons, Long Hao remained extremely calm, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "I just want to see, you want to catch me, but you look helpless."

"What a big breath!"

The group of demons were furious. How dare an ant in Nirvana to run rampant in front of their demon kings was simply the greatest insult to them.

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate will suppress him."

The troll king's temper was as violent as thunder, and he shouted angrily, releasing a mighty kingly coercion, but was stopped by Prince Yongye.

"Your talent is good, and it's different from other humans."

Prince Yongye came at a leisurely pace, showing a domineering arrogance to dominate one side, proudly looked down at Long Hao and said, "I'll give you a chance to survive, submit to this prince, and after you break through the fluctlight, you will be the new fluctlight master." !"

As the parent and son of Emperor Yongye, he prides himself on being a genius in the sky, and he is invincible in the world in the same realm.

However, Long Hao's cultivation was much lower than his, but he was able to confront him head-on, which already proved Long Hao's strength, and made him want to subdue him.

It's a pity, he thought he was a genius in the sky, but in Long Hao's eyes, he wasn't bullshit.

"Even Princess You Lian, who has both talent, wisdom and beauty, was defeated by me, and you are just a servant of my Xiaoli..."

Long Hao laughed loudly, arrogantly: "Take me in, you deserve it too?"


In Prince Yongye's ears, the word "servant" was sharper than a sword.


"Since you are looking for death, then the prince will kill you with his own hands!"

In the past, being a vassal of the Phantom Demon clan was regarded by him as the greatest shame, but now that Long Hao's scars were uncovered, he was furious instantly.

"His Royal Highness Prince He Lao strikes, this subordinate..." The troll king, who had been impatient for a long time, stepped forward angrily, but when he saw Prince Yongye's vicious gaze that looked like he could eat people, he was startled in shock and quickly backed away .

"Troll, your EQ is really eaten by dogs. Of course, the opportunity to show this kind of performance must be given to the master."

The demon king in the green skirt sneered, and then said flatteringly: "Using His Royal Highness's supernatural powers to suppress a human being in Nirvana, wouldn't that be easy?"

But the next moment, her smile froze on her face.


The vast sword intent erupted, and the endless killing aura spread all over the world. The world suddenly entered a cold winter, and everything became extinct.

In Long Hao's hand, the sword pill burst out a bright ray of light, illuminating the sky of all things. This ray of light is gray and white, and when it appears, it is extremely eye-catching, like a river hanging horizontally.

But in such a beautiful sword intent, there is a terrifying killing intent, as if it can destroy the world.

"Holy power, the attack of the saint is sealed in the sword pill!"

All of a sudden, the group of demons were startled, and the sword intent ravaging the world made them all feel like they were being bitten by lightning, and they felt a great terror of facing death.

At this moment, they finally understood what Long Hao's confidence was, and also understood why Prince Yongye would stop them.

Such an earth-shattering power of the holy way, even the most powerful king, cannot resist it.

"Hmph, today I will slash demons with my sword, and make you regret coming to the Xuanhuang Realm!"

Long Hao let out a yell, his whole body was full of breath, and there was a general trend that one man was in charge, and ten thousand men could not open it.

At the same time, he aroused the holy power in the sword pill.

The air was instantly split, and the entire Xusheng City trembled violently at this moment. Just as the sword light burst out, the entire city tower collapsed, and a wide gully appeared, extending to the other side of the city.

At this moment, the group of demons were silent, and the holy power burst out completely, suppressing the heavens, possessing unparalleled attack power, who can stop it?

"Do you think you can challenge the Crown Prince with a single sword pill?"

"You are too arrogant!"

Prince Yongye's long hair fluttered, his expression proud, and he also sacrificed a powerful treasure in his hand to suppress it.

An overwhelming aura filled the air, and the devilish energy rose in the sky, and a dark green skull suddenly appeared, directly shattering the sky.

The shape of the skull is weird and ferocious, with a sinister and evil spirit permeating the air. The magic patterns on it make up for it, and it seems that there is an orderly chain of gods. One glance, it seems that the soul is about to be sucked in.

The skull suddenly opened its mouth wide and turned into a black hole. In an instant, the situation changed, and the power of heaven and earth within tens of thousands of miles was swept away, showing the general trend of swallowing heaven and earth, and pressing down.

"This is the treasure they said?"

Earlier, Long Hao had heard from the group of demons that the treasure brought by Prince Yong Ye could directly break the seal of the space-time channel.

Looking at it at this moment, it really is a monstrous magic power, which made Long Hao feel a terrifying threat of death.

"Dark Devouring Demon Pot!"

"That's great, His Royal Highness actually brought this treasure, it's so bright that it will be broken!"

The group of demons became excited all of a sudden, and their pupils were full of panic and fanaticism under the mighty demon power that overwhelmed the heavens.

"This pot is forged from the skull of an ancestor of our clan. It has the power to devour the sky. It seems that the prince will swallow you directly!"

Prince Yongye laughed loudly, and the arrogance in his eyes grew stronger.

This treasure was made by his father, the Emperor Yongye himself, and it contains a trace of Godless power. If it is placed in the hands of the emperor, it can devour a whole world!
Even if it is not the emperor's holy soldier, it is not much worse.

The Heaven Devouring Demon Pot fell down, exuding an aura that made the sun, the moon and the stars tremble. Wisps of dark green light fell down, crushing the heavens of all ages, and shattering all corners of the world.

The next moment, the thousands of strands of energy that were shaken out of the Heaven-devouring Demon Pot exploded with monstrous light, like billions of magic swords revived, distorting the world, reversing yin and yang, as if to include this aspect of the world.

Under the terrifying magic power, Long Hao felt that the surrounding space was distorted, and wanted to smash his precious body to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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