Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 681? Saint Power Collision

Chapter 681


At the critical moment, Long Hao did not lose his composure, and fully stimulated the holy power in the sword pill.

The shocking sword energy is [-] miles long, almost penetrating nine heavens and ten places, turning into a bright Milky Way, hanging in the air, illuminating the sky with endless brilliance, purifying every inch of space.

In the extremely revived sword intent, there is a general tendency to obliterate everything.

chi chi chi...

The shocking sword energy and the Heaven-devouring Demon Pot collided instantly.

This was a terrifying big collision, the rays of light were swallowed and violently turbulent.

Although the battle took place high in the sky, it still caused the entire mountain where Xusheng City is located to shake violently, as if the copper furnace for melting the world had overturned, and it would destroy the world, and the endless divine power raged violently.

The revival of the Holy Formation protecting the city was also washed away by the terrifying torrent and collapsed.

The huge impact raged, and most of the city collapsed. Countless strong Xu family members in the city were wiped out before they could even scream.


At this moment, all spirits retreated, the group of demons were terrified, and even the sky and the earth seemed to lose their color.


The Heaven Devouring Demon Pot shook violently, and the green glow surged, like a magic star opened up in a black hole, exuding a magic power that strangled the world, trying to twist and smash the heaven-shaking sword energy, and suck it in.

However, that shocking sword energy is peerless, like a solid fairy sword, pouring out endless killing energy, as if it can cut through the sky.

"how can that be?"

The group of demons hid in the distance, their dilated pupils trembling unceasingly, deterred by the terrifying holy might.

"A blow from an ordinary saint will definitely not be able to resist the power of the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot!"

"That sword power pierces through the nine heavens and ten earths, destroying everything, is by no means mastered by ordinary saints, could it be..."

At this time, even Prince Yongye, who had always been proud and conceited, changed his expression greatly, the peerless sharpness in front of his eyes was revealed, as if he wanted to cut this world apart, obliterate everything in it, and greatly increased his pressure.


"This is the power of the Sword Saint!"

At this moment, Prince Yongye put away his proud expression, and no longer dared to underestimate Long Hao.

He never imagined that the Sword Master's Strike was actually blocked in a small sword pellet.

How does the Juggernaut exist?

No matter where in the heavens and myriad worlds, the most sage of swordsmanship represents the ultimate power of swordsmanship, he can challenge the Great Emperor!

Under the pressure of the sword master's power, Prince Yongye's veins bulged, and he transformed into the real body of Demon Yasha. He kept spitting blood on the magic pot, and roared hysterically: "Break it!"

In an instant, the magic power skyrocketed.

The skull seemed to be resurrected, showing a trace of peerless imperial power, and the devouring and strangling power spewed out of its mouth became stronger, like a black hole that swallowed the universe, making the world pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

There was a loud bang, shaking the sky, and the force like a vast ocean surged down, covering every inch of space, like a cosmic galaxy collapsing down.

The sword energy was finally annihilated, leaving only a sword intent that penetrated the world, which seemed to be eternal.

The Sky Devouring Demon Pot was also blown out, smashing out a huge crater in the distant land, destroying mountains and rivers, and killing all living beings.


The terrifying wave of destructive light swept through the void, and Long Hao was immediately blasted out.

bang bang bang...

Layer after layer of voids collapsed, and the terrifying destructive force caused Long Hao's robes to explode completely, his flesh and blood cracked completely, and he became a blood man, which looked shocking.

"Cough cough..."

"Damn it, if I hadn't transformed into heaven and earth after I broke through the Nirvana Realm, and counteracted the power of destruction, I'm afraid my water and fire twin treasures would have exploded long ago, and would have been wiped out in ashes!"

At this time, Long Hao was extremely weak, and lost a lot of his source of life. If the tenacious dragon veins hadn't protected his vitals, he would never have survived.

At that moment just now, it seemed that the two gods and demons were attacking each other, and the power that erupted was so terrifying that it almost destroyed this world.

"Prince Yongye really came prepared. Such a powerful demonic holy weapon, the seal of the space-time channel is absolutely unstoppable."

Fortunately, Long Hao had already made preparations, and let Yan Lin and the others go ahead and rush back to Yaoguang Holy Land to report.

But now, he had no more worries, and after glancing at Prince Yongye, he immediately strengthened his seriously injured body and fled into the sky.

This time, without hesitation, he took out a plant of Yaowang and took it to make up for the damaged source of life, and then turned into a swimming dragon, flying thousands of miles, and sent his speed to the extreme.

The destructive light wave behind him blocked the path of the group of demons.

When the light waves dissipated, Long Hao was about to disappear from sight, which made the group of demons anxious, screaming and wanting to intercept and kill them one by one.


Prince Yongye stopped them again, not out of kindness, but out of fear.

After the fierce collision just now, he also suffered a huge backlash, the situation was not much better than Long Hao, and he was completely powerless to drive the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot.

But he wasn't sure if Long Hao still had such a terrifying killer weapon on his body, if he rushed after him rashly, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"His Royal Highness, that human kid's aptitude is against the heavens, and he is a great threat to our family. He must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise..." The troll king was really frightened by the scene just now, and at the same time, he had the desire to kill Long Hao.

Although the other demon powerhouses didn't say much, they all had the same thoughts.

Prince Yongye knew this better than them, but in the end he shook his head.

"That kid has an extraordinary background and many means to save his life. It is very likely that there is a sword master standing behind him..."

As soon as these words came out, the group of demons fell silent. Every time they recalled the shocking sword strike just now, their souls would shudder. If there was another blow, the consequences would be disastrous.

Taking a deep breath, Prince Yongye looked out of the sky with stern eyes, and said solemnly: "Our primary purpose now is to open the sealed time and space channel, and we can't waste time on that kid..."

The Queen in the green skirt also said: "Your Highness, what you said is true. Those who escaped before will definitely be informed of our plan to the Shrine of Light. We must take the first step now. As long as we open the seal, the strong of our family will be able to use it as a source of energy." Constantly breaking into the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"At that time, Yaoguang will be destroyed, and Long Hao will not be able to escape!"

The Green Dressed Demon Queen is very clear about the fact that there are no eggs left under an overturned nest.

"Pass the order of the crown prince, set off immediately, and go to the capital of Dayan!"

With Prince Yongye's order, the group of demons immediately moved into action. Under the arrangement of Patriarch Xu, they set off in a quaint chariot.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, these chariots are left by the ancestors of our clan. Not only can they hide their aura and shield the perception of the saints, but they are also faster than the kings. They will definitely reach the capital of Dayan Kingdom one step ahead."

After this turmoil, the Patriarch of the Xu family also became cruel and suppressed all the money of the entire Xu family.

"Long Hao, wait for the fluctuating light to be destroyed, the prince will see where you can go!"

Taking a cold look at the direction where Long Hao disappeared, Prince Yong Ye stepped onto the chariot and pointed his sword at the capital of Dayan Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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