Chapter 685

The demonic energy outside the city was billowing, and the evil energy was soaring to the sky. The cold blade reflected under the blood moon, causing the world to be chilled.

"My lord, what should I do?"

Many strong men in Dayan Kingdom are very anxious, many of their relatives and friends are under the butcher knife of the strong demons at this moment.

"Listen, people in the city, open the city and surrender now. His Royal Highness promises that you will be prosperous and rich, and enjoy peace forever. Otherwise, after breaking through the city, you will end up like them."

The troll king grinned grimly, and winked at those strong demons.

In an instant, one by one of the strong demons rushed into the crowd and began to massacre, with the light of swords and blood, dyeing the world red.

"Haha, I must eat these soft lambs to my heart's content today."

There are also strong demons who have grown in size and turned into devils that can lift the sky and the earth. When they opened their mouths and sucked in, a large number of humans turned into dead corpses and fell down. Their flesh and blood essence and even their souls were all sucked out. .

"Damn the devil's bastards, they are simply beasts!"

"Lord, open the city gate and let us out, fight them!"

The strong men of the Great Yan Kingdom in the city watched countless people die under the butcher knife of the demons, and suddenly became excited.

In the blink of an eye, 10 humans were slaughtered.

The rest of the people were shrouded in the shadow of the group of demons, crying and roaring, and these voices pierced their hearts like knives and swords.

"The city gate must not be opened!"

Yan Li yelled angrily, and turned to Yanque and said: "Master, the space-time channel is no small matter. Once they break through, it will not only be our Great Yan Kingdom that will be devastated, we will be the sinners of the Xuanhuang Realm!"

Seeing the blood flowing into rivers outside the city, Yanque gritted her teeth, feeling extremely entangled in her heart.

As the lord of a country, she would never have the heart to see any of her people being harmed, but the current situation did not give her a choice at all.

"The king doesn't need to blame himself. These demons have been spying on me for a long time. No matter whether we surrender or not, they will never let us go."

Looking at Yanque, who was struggling with self-blame, Yan Li felt distressed, but she had no choice but to warn: "It's not that I can't trust them, it's that they can't be trusted at all!"

Whenever the abyssal demons invade the Xuanhuang Realm on a large scale, it is commonplace to massacre cities and destroy families. The demon soldiers are going to kill people, and there has never been an exception throughout the ages.

"Kill again!"

Seeing that there was no reaction in the city, Prince Yongye gave an order, and a large number of strong demons took action, starting an even more brutal and bloody massacre.

The entire capital of Dayan has a population of just over one million, and the number of people arrested right now is five to six million, almost half of them.

After several massacres by the demons, the blood pooled into a river, surrounding the capital, the scarlet blood reflected the void, and the strong smell of blood permeated the world, it became a purgatory on earth.

Even some strong demons have some performance art style. They piled up a large number of human bones into pyramids of strange shapes to satisfy their perverted hobbies.

"My lord, bear with me a little longer."

Looking at Yanque, who was on the verge of collapse, Yan Li kept comforting him all the time: "Master Guoshi desperately stopped them, just to prevent the tragedy of the devastation of the people in the Eastland thousands of years ago, as long as you bear it a little longer, wait for the power of the Shaking Light Holy Land." If the perpetrators come, they will all pay a heavy price!"

"Big Brother Long!"

Yanque's eyes suddenly became resolute: "Yes, we must not let Brother Long's efforts go in vain. The whole city is on alert, even if we die, we must stop them!"

At that moment, a decisive force emerged from Yanque's body. She leaped into the sky and personally led the strong men of Dayan Capital to guard the city gate tower.

Although her heart has been riddled with grief, anger and humiliation..., she is still strong, and what she did for not only the dead people of Great Yan, but also the endless black and yellow creatures.

That kind of fearless spirit inspired everyone.

All the powerhouses of the Great Yan Kingdom transformed the grief in their hearts into endless strength, and they desperately wanted to stop the attack of the demons.

"This little girl, the general trend of the emperor has already taken shape, it's incredible."

Long Si has lived for endless years, experienced the collapse of the world, the doomsday of the annihilation of the heavens, and has already seen through life and death.

But Yanque is different. Speaking of which, she is just a little girl under 30 years old, but she has gone through ups and downs and tribulations, and endured the grief of hundreds of thousands of people being slaughtered. Her royal benevolence.

Survive the past, realize the will of the emperor, grasp the general trend of the universe, and have a bright future.

Unable to make it through, my mood collapsed, and I have been mediocre ever since.

At this time, Yanque was in charge of the Tianbei, standing in front of everyone, resisting the monstrous demon power without flinching, and she had a fearless aura on her body, like the supreme emperor.

"Hmph, kill, kill all these humble ants."

Seeing that Yanque not only refused to compromise, but also showed the momentum of smashing to the end, Prince Yongye couldn't help being furious.

In his rage, tens of thousands of heads fell to the ground, and blood was soaring to the sky, like blood-colored god chains, connecting the strangely shaped bone towers, and suddenly there were strange magic lines revived, reflecting the world, and evolved a series of hideous and terrifying strange scenes elephant.

"No, this is..."

Looking at the changes outside the city, Long Si remembered something, and his face changed drastically.

At the same time, the green-dressed female demon king in the sky cast mysterious seals one after another, and landed on those bone towers. In an instant, blood and water rose up, covering the world.

"The blood sacrifice formation has been completed, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of living beings is enough to summon the will clone of the Demon Ancestor."

Hearing this, the eyes of Prince Yongye burst out with wisps of coldness.

"Okay, without further ado, break through the ninety-nine Guiyuan formation immediately, the crown prince will do it himself, and swallow Yanque's soul!"


As the blood and water rolled back, a series of deep magic lights erupted from the bone tower covered with magic patterns, breaking through the sky and forming a huge black hole.

There is a terrifying and boundless aura emanating from the black hole, as if it is connected to the place of the demon god.

"Unexpectedly, there is an awakened demon ancestor bloodline among them."

Long Si took a deep breath, and quickly shouted to the strong men of Dayan Kingdom: "Everyone pushes the formation tower with all their strength, hurry up!"

Although everyone didn't know what happened outside the city, they didn't dare to be negligent, and tried their best one by one to enhance the power of the Jiujiu Guiyuan formation.

"Great demon ancestor, your descendants need you, at the cost of my blood and soul, I beg for your will to come down!"

The queen in the green dress uttered a strange syllable and chanted, a dark purple bead of light floated out from her head, which was where the essence of her blood soul was, and possessed the purest and most powerful magic power.

(End of this chapter)

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