Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 686? City Breakdown

Chapter 686

When the dark purple light beads fell into the blood sacrifice formation, the turbulent blood water immediately gathered and rolled upwards with the light beads as the center, unexpectedly forming a tall and mighty demon body.

"The Will of the Demon Ancestor, come!"

The sky exploded with a bang, and a terrifying aura that overwhelmed the nine heavens and ten earths raged from the other world behind the black hole. At the same time, there was a dazzling magic light, which seemed to fall from the nine heavens and shot into the tall demon body. among.

At the same time, a huge vortex opened up in the bloody demon body.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up, and the mountains and forests in the distance quickly withered, the rivers dried up, the earth rotted, and the endless aura was absorbed by the demon body.

"what happened?"

Yanque stared dumbfounded, this is too weird, the natural force of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of thousands of miles has been swept away, what a huge energy that must be.

What's even more strange is that with the majestic energy entering the body, bursts of light and mist emerged from the demon's body, and it no longer had the feeling of fierceness before.

A series of colorful lights of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple kept flickering, and at this moment, the demon's body was reflected so holy and peaceful, like a god.

Yanque couldn't believe her eyes. One moment she was ghastly and terrifying, but the next moment she burst out with a holy light. It's really too evil!

At this moment, the blood was rolling and squirming, and the endless energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly from all sides. The majestic aura flowed over the entire capital, and the demon's body gradually became solidified, and the colorful rays of light also appeared. It is getting more and more prosperous, shining straight into the sky.

"What the hell is that?"

"so horrible!"

Everyone in Du Chen opened their mouths wide in surprise, and watched a phantom that lifted the sky and the earth manifested, exuding the momentum of destroying the world, making it difficult for them to breathe.

After a while, the demon body remained still, as if it had absorbed enough heaven and earth essence, and the aura no longer surged here.

The light of the blood moon fell again, reflected on the erasure, and suddenly burst into a dazzling light, even the rising sun was less than one ten-thousandth of it. At this moment, the solidified demon body suddenly stretched Eyes opened.

An earth-shattering loud noise resounded, as if thousands of thunderbolts struck down at the same time, the entire capital trembled, the dazzling light disappeared, and the endless blood-red light filled the sky and the earth, and there was no other color.

"Using blood and soul as a medium, swallowing mountains and rivers, condensing the true spirit of heaven and earth... the will of the demon ancestor has been revived!" Long Si muttered to himself, even he felt the great pressure.

All the living beings within a radius of tens of thousands of miles felt a boundless terrifying aura, a surge of monstrous devilish energy, raging all over the world in an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, and the dreary feeling almost made people go crazy .

And in the endless darkness, two blood-red lights were coldly scanning all directions. For some reason, after seeing those two blood-red merciless lights, everyone was stunned, as if their souls had been sucked away , turned into a walking dead.

When the blood-red and ruthless eyes shot at Long Si's body, he paused obviously, and then burst out with more fierce and fierce aura, the demon body roared and roared to the sky, as if he had gone mad.

"I haven't seen you in a million years, but your cultivation has really improved a lot."

Long Si put away his sloppy demeanor, his eyes were fixed, and there was a sense of heroism, and his fighting spirit rose: "Today, we will fight again!"

hold head high--

Suddenly, Long Si's body glowed with a strong divine light, and a mighty divine dragon evolved to hover over the capital, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the world.

Everyone's mental consciousness was pulled back, and they finally woke up, but they couldn't help trembling in the face of the demon body that towered over the sky and oppressed the universe.

"What are you still doing in a daze? If you don't want to die, you should use all your energy."

Hearing Long Si's roar, everyone dared not be negligent any longer, and they tried their best to move the formation towers.

"Grandma's demon clan smashed, I will fight with you!"

Some Great Yan Kingdom powerhouses who lost their loved ones and were heartbroken, even directly burned their mana, pouring energy into the array towers desperately.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were filled with darkness, and endless demonic clouds shrouded the mountains, creating a terrifying scene as if the unrivaled demon god was about to destroy the heavens and the earth.


Suddenly, the demon body roared into the sky, shaking all over the world.

The earth was surging like waves, the mountains in the distance collapsed one after another, evil spirits and demonic energy continuously surged up, and waves of demonic howls shook the heaven and the earth.

Absolute horror!
In an instant, this world has become a demon realm.

However, at the next moment, the sky suddenly exploded, and a dark purple devilish energy poured down like a torrent, condensing into a huge hand of a demon god, which shot down from the sky, and ruthlessly bombarded the ninety-nine Guiyuan formation .

More than [-] strong men from the Great Yan Kingdom were instantly shaken by the powerful shock wave, breaking their bones and tendons, turning into flesh and dying on the spot. The rest were all seriously injured, but they still stood firm.

Because in front of them, there was still a dignified and majestic figure holding the stele, resisting the heavy blow from the demon god's hand.

The power of the ninety-nine Guiyuan formation was obviously not enough to completely counteract the power of the Demon God's Hand. At the critical moment, it was Yanque who made a move, leading the Tianbei to burst into a burst of radiant light, blocking the violent and domineering magic power.

This time, everyone almost tried their best to resist the terrifying blow of the demon body.

But followed by a magical howl, resounding through the sky, accompanied by heart-piercing screams.

The ground shook violently, and more than a dozen mountain peaks in the distance collapsed.

This time, the demon's body came out with both hands, condensing a huge dark purple scorching sun, which bombarded down with a supreme force, with the peerless power of annihilating a world.

"Cough cough..."

Long Si wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and strong unwillingness and madness burst out in his eyes: "What the hell, fourth master, I will fight with you too!"

With a shout, he quickly formed a seal, and the four fairy leaves on the top of his head burst out Taoist chains at the same time, pouring into the formation.

At the same time, the sound of dragon chant came, and the four great dragon clans appeared at the same time, hovering around the ninety-nine Guiyuan formation.

The dark purple mana scorching sun blasted down, carrying a majestic coercion like the sea, mighty and mighty, surging in this world.

This is a force that makes everyone terrified. The powerful men of the Great Yan Kingdom that drove the formation tower roared, burning mana desperately, but they couldn't hold it back at all. One after another, their bodies exploded, and the people on the formation tower The light gradually dimmed.

81 returned to Yuan Dazhen, but finally collapsed.

The terrifying mana scorching sun crushed everything.

The Flame Sparrow hit the ground heavily, spurting a mouthful of reverse blood, looking at the collapsing formation and the collapsed city, the will to die sprouted in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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