Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 687? Die generously

Chapter 687 Generous Death
The huge mana scorching sun exploded in the sky, and the raging torrent of mana poured down, destroying everything.

Seeing that the great formation was broken, and the formerly prosperous capital was annihilated in the torrent of magic power, a powerless despair grew in everyone's heart.

"Cough cough..."

Long Si rushed out from the ruins, extremely embarrassed.

"What the hell, a mere will clone is so powerful. The current Demon Ancestor is probably far beyond the peak, reaching the legendary supreme state!"

Long Si's heart was full of depression and sorrow.

Under the catastrophe of millions of years ago, the ancient heaven world was shattered, and he was also seriously injured and fell, leaving only a dragon soul to escape. Finally, he found a celestial root possessed by him, and woke up from the silence. peak.

Unexpectedly, it was a slap in the face when he came up, and he suddenly realized that the world had changed drastically, and it was no longer his time.

"Haha, the formation has been broken, now we only need to open the seal, and our army can come to Xuanhuang!"

"Congratulations to His Highness the Crown Prince for his immortal feats, no one will dare to underestimate my Demon Yasha clan in the future!"

Hearing the bursts of cheers and praises from around, Prince Yongye proudly puffed up his chest, his face also filled with endless joy.

But at this moment, a figure shrouded in golden light soared into the sky from the shattered capital, blocking in front of the strong demons, with a stubborn and crazy face that would rather die than submit, and fight to the death rather than retreat.


Some of the powerful people of the Great Yan Kingdom who survived the ruins were all shaken.

Flame Sparrow's body exuded the divine light of the imperial way, and a fearless aura suddenly emerged, infecting them and dispelling the despair and fear in their hearts.


Without saying a word, they climbed into the void silently, and stood behind Yanque, under the reflection of the mighty emperor's divine light, their eyes burst into blazing flames, and their fighting spirit was soaring.

"Hmph, the power of ants dares to stop my Demon Race Tianwei!"

The troll king roared, pointed at the crowd with a magic knife in his hand, and his whole body was full of evil spirits.


Prince Yongye gave an order with a cold face, and the troll king immediately led a large number of strong demons to rush over with overwhelming force.

"Swear to live and die with Great Flame!"

All the powerhouses of the Great Yan Kingdom shouted in unison, endless madness burst out in their eyes.


They all ignited their mana, ignoring their collapsed bodies, frantically absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and then rushed towards the strong demon in front.

"The Great Flame is not extinguished, and the battle to the death is endless!"

With a long roar, Yan Li rushed forward with a frenzied expression and detonated his golden core at the same time, and exploded instantly with the absorbed power of heaven and earth. The terrifying and destructive power was like a black hole, spreading crazily towards the void in all directions.


Seeing Yan Li's figure disappear into the world, Yan Que's body trembled violently, and a sense of grief welled up in his heart.

"The light of rice grains, dare to show your shame in front of this king?"

The troll king sneered, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed out the light of the death knife, shattering the sky.

The destructive power of Jin Dan's self-explosion had just spread, and was wiped out by the troll king.

Even if the strong man in the Faxiang Realm exploded his golden core, he would not be able to cause much damage to a king. The whole world seemed to be on the side of the troll king, forming a field that offset the turbulent energy tide.

However, before the troll king could withdraw his saber, one by one from the Great Yan Kingdom powerhouses rushed forward, detonating the golden cores one after another, and the power of destruction surged across the world.

Although they knew that they couldn't stop the demon king's attack, these powerful people from the Great Yan Kingdom still rushed forward fearlessly, and died generously!
Their fighting spirit is high-spirited and immortal, and it will last forever with the world.

"Everyone, go with peace of mind. I, Yanque, swear here that I would rather die than keep the Great Yan Kingdom!"

With a loud shout in her heart, infinite light burst out from Yanque's body, the inscription on the Xuanhuang Tablet of Destiny revived, and the divine chain of order was entangled, and she led the imperial way to suppress Prince Yongye.

"Bold, dare to attack His Highness the Crown Prince!"

The female demon king in the green dress gave a coquettish cry, and drew out her sword to attack and kill her.

"The prince will kill her himself!"

However, Prince Yongye's movements were faster, and he rushed forward first, arousing boundless magic power to cover the sky.

"Hmph, little girl, if you dare to fight against the prince, you will only die!"

With a grim smile, Prince Yongye's palm became crystal clear, with a large number of magic lines flashing, shooting out magic light, and then condensed a hand of a demon god, coercing the world, exuding a terrifying aura.

In an instant, the light of the blood moon was blocked, and in the eternal night, only a mighty demonic hand slapped it down.

The power of one palm can destroy mountains and rivers and penetrate the sky.

"Supernatural powers—Eternal Night Covering the Sky Palm!"

"This is the unique technique of Emperor Yongye. It is extremely powerful and mysterious! When it reaches the ultimate level, it can move the Dao, cover the sky with one palm, plunge the world into eternal night, and kill everything!"

The queen in the green skirt couldn't help exclaiming, the power of the emperor's unique skills was earth-shattering, even she felt a great sense of threat under this palm, and praised repeatedly: "His Royal Highness is indeed a genius, with this palm Can compete with the king!"

"Tianbei Suppresses Demons!"

And the Flame Sparrow, who was about to rush up, did not flinch even in the face of the demonic power that overwhelmed the world, and tried his best to attract the Tianbei to fight against it.

The sky was trembling, rumbling loudly.

The magic light between the sky and the earth shot out in all directions, which made people feel palpitating. The palm of the covering sky destroyed everything, just like a dark demon world crushed down, knocking back the sky monument.

With a bang, Flame Sparrow fell to the ground, blood staining her skirt red.

The difference in cultivation base is too big, and this is not the Holy Imperial City, and the Flame Sparrow, who is only in the Faxiang Realm, can't mobilize the power of the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein, and he is simply unable to compete with Prince Yongye, who is more powerful than the king.

If it wasn't for the indestructibility of the Black and Yellow Tablet of Destiny, which canceled out most of the power of the demon's palm, Yanque would be crippled even if he didn't die under this blow.

"Hmph, vulnerable."

Smiling contemptuously, Prince Yongye cast his eyes in the direction of the palace, showing a trace of excitement.

"When the prince opens the seal, he must taste your soul one bite at a time."

After finishing speaking, Prince Yongye rose into the sky and reached the top of the palace in the blink of an eye.

When the ninety-nine Guiyuan formation was broken, the palace also suffered a huge impact and was almost destroyed, but there was a mountain standing on top of the ruins, standing motionless.

"Yanzu Forbidden Land!"

Shock flashed across Yanque's eyes, but he soon became resolute again, and with a loud roar, he chased after Prince Yongye again: "Don't even think about it!"


"Anyone who dares to obstruct His Highness the Crown Prince will be killed without mercy!"

The troll king and the green-skirted female devil shouted at the same time, leading the group of demons to attack and kill the flame sparrow.

"Hmph, little devils, can you treat your fourth master as a display?"

A long howl came, and Long Si rushed into the void, holding a huge Dharma plate to move the four poles of the world, and a majestic Dharma circle was completed in an instant.

clap la la...

The Yellow Spring surged, and the blood flowed horizontally, covering all the demons in it.

(End of this chapter)

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