Chapter 690 All Saints Arrive
From the breaking of the seal to the present, in just a few breaths, a demon saint led an army of tens of thousands of demons to arrive.

The ferocious magic power oppresses the world.

"It's coming, it's really coming..." Under the overwhelming magic power, Long Si only felt his scalp tingling, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in and never come out again.

He has just recovered to the Nirvana state now, and compared with a demon saint, he is more than a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

It's a pity that he wanted to escape, but the troll king and the green-dressed demon king and other strong demons didn't want to let him go.

Especially the troll king, who suffered a big loss from Long Si's hands just now, and now the first one rushed up and attacked fiercely.

And in the ruins of the palace, Prince Yongye suddenly burst into laughter, his cold eyes kept scanning Yanque and Huanli, full of complacency.

"The mantis arm is a car, and it is beyond its own power."

With a sneer, Prince Yongye once again resorted to the emperor's unique skills, preparing to completely obliterate the two of them.

"Supernatural powers—Eternal Night Covering the Sky Palm!"

The huge demon palm carried the eternal night, which was thousands of feet in size, like a mountain, causing the void to tremble violently.

This time, Prince Yongye attacked with all his strength, and unexpectedly aroused a trace of emperor's power, making him invincible.

"Could it be God's will..."

Yanque held Huanli in his arms, a trace of despair and unwillingness appeared on his pale face.

The two of them had tried their best to re-seal the space-time channel just now, but in the end, apart from being severely injured by Prince Yongye, it was of no avail.

However, the moment Yanque closed his eyes, a confident and powerful voice suddenly came.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Before the words were finished, bright golden lights suddenly appeared, and a huge fist print fell from the sky, like the scorching sun, implying the invincible trend of suppressing the world.

The scorching sun exploded and shattered the night.

In the turbulent energy tide, Prince Yongye was shaken away, and turned to look at the sky, with an inconceivable look in his pupils.

There, a figure was like a swimming dragon, striding thousands of miles across the heaven and earth, and exuding majestic power fluctuations around it, causing all the power of the heaven and earth within a radius of ten thousand miles to boil.

"Brother Long..."

"Brother Hao, it's Brother Hao who is here!"

Yanque and Huanli snuggled together, looking at the radiant young man in white robe, endless ecstasy suddenly burst out in their eyes.

"You guys take a good rest and leave the rest to me!"

The young man in white robes bathed in divine light came and landed in front of the two of them. Although he was facing the group of demons, he was calm and composed, with a confident smile on his face.

The short words were full of a sense of security, as if they could soothe the pain in their hearts, so that both Yanque and Huanli regained their composure, and began to resume breath adjustment, preparing to activate the power of the seal again.

"Long Hao, originally you were a fugitive, and you might be able to get along for a while, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to come back to die!"

After a brief shock, Prince Yongye regained his composure and arrogance, raised his head and looked at him contemptuously.

"No, no, you are the ones who sent you to death. I came here specially to collect your body." Long Hao shook his head and smiled.

"Ha ha……"

Prince Yongye laughed wildly, then stared at Long Hao with disdainful eyes and said: "Just by you? Ridiculous! The army of our clan has descended on Xuanhuang, the general trend has been achieved, and the magic power can destroy everything!"

Glancing at the majestic demon army standing in the sky, Long Hao didn't care, his eyes shone with confidence and said: "It's not just me, but our Holy Land of Shaking Light!"

While speaking, a gigantic ship broke through the dark clouds with a violent roar and appeared in everyone's sight.

On the battleship, flags are flying, and there are countless soldiers.

The rising sun hangs down, reflecting the battleship, like a bright star, mighty in the world.

This is the starry space warship of the Holy Land of Waving Light, which is full of experts from the Holy Land of Waving Light, and finally arrived at this moment.

Although Yanlin took the first step and rushed back to the Yaoguang Holy Land to report the news, it took time to report the news and organize the manpower. Fortunately, Dayan Kingdom is not far from the meteorite, and with the speed of the Star Warship, it can arrive within a cup of tea.

The time is just right.


The void shook, and the majestic holy power swept across the world.

A majestic old man wearing a blue star cannon, standing on the prow of the starship battleship, bathed in seven-color fairy flames, glanced at the group of demons and shouted in a stern voice: "Anyone who offends me will be killed without mercy!"




Then there was a deafening roar from the starship battleship, and the drums were beating together, like ten thousand thunders shocking the world, and the murderous aura soared to the sky.

"Old man Kong!"

Seeing the majestic old man standing on the bow of the ship, Long Hao was a little bit taken aback. He didn't expect that the other party would become a saint so quickly, and even lead the team on the expedition.

"Hehe, it seems that he wants to make a name for himself."

Kong Shengdan has always paid attention to face, Long Hao also understands this.

"Hmph, you're too happy."

Prince Yongye said coldly: "The passage of time and space has been opened wide, and the army of the demon world is coming in a steady stream. You can't stop it at all with the Holy Land of the Light. Just watch, the destruction of the Light is now!"

As soon as his words fell, the space-time channel not far away trembled violently again, and a torrent of magic power surged out of the constantly distorted space.

The magic power is overwhelming, and the holy power is raging.

In an instant, another demon saint led a group of demon army down.

These vanguard troops are just probing. Once they are sure that the powerful in the Xuanhuang Realm are unprepared and only the Holy Land of Wave Light will come alone, all the saints in the Demon Realm and even the Supreme Demon Emperor will swarm in.

It seems that the catastrophe of the past is about to come again.

This point, Yaoguang Holy Land is also very clear, they have already notified the news to inspect Tiangong.

However, before the arrival of the powerhouses inspecting Tiangong and other holy places, just in case, Yaoguang Holy Land made two preparations.

After a loud rumbling noise, another starship warship came straight to the space-time channel in the capital of Dayan with lightning speed. Standing at the bow was the Great Sage of Mystery.

The Great Sage Xuanji is a master of formations who has intensively studied the formations, and he came here this time to seal the passage of time and space.

But the Mozu side has long been prepared.

The third wave rushed out from the space-time channel. There were no demon saints, but a formation army composed of 36 demon kings and 360 demon kings.

They acted as soon as they appeared, distributed around Dayan Capital, holding formation disks, unfurling formation flags, and arranged a powerful formation at an astonishing speed.

"Sky Forbidden Formation!"

"This is the secret formation of the Tiangang Army of the ancient heavens, with the power of forbidden space!"

Long Si, who had breathed a sigh of relief just now, was so enraged that he almost vomited blood when he saw that he was surrounded by a big formation again.

(End of this chapter)

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