Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 691? A Shocking Battle

Chapter 691 The Shocking Battle

This is the same as landing on the beach. The leading troops open up a beachhead, and the follow-up troops follow up to stabilize the beachhead.

In this way, the follow-up army can continuously invade the Xuanhuang Realm through the space-time channel.

The demon legion led by the two demon saints also immediately turned into a raging ocean of magic power and rushed towards the two starships rushing towards them.

The monster roared, and its evil spirit soared to the sky!
"Haha, stupid human beings, I declare that this world belongs to my demon clan from now on, and you will all become slaves!"

A demon saint laughed wildly.

"Big words!" Kong Shengdan rushed out of the battleship, bathed in seven-color immortal flames, rushed to the sky, and shouted in the air: "The old man is here to kill you!"

Boom boom boom...

The holy power erupted, like a tsunami surging between heaven and earth.

The saint fought in the high sky, and in the void outside the capital of Dayan, the demon army immediately fought against the strong fluctlight.

"The naval gun is launch!"

Bursts of spiritual light lit up, and dozens of naval guns on the starry sky battleship aimed at the demon army in front at the same time, and the torrential energy poured out like a meteor.

Boom boom boom!
A salvo of naval guns fired, and dozens of thick beams of light immediately traversed the void. Each beam of light contained terrifying and destructive power, interweaving with each other to form a huge sky net. annihilation.


Accompanied by bursts of screams, hundreds of demon powerhouses were wiped out, thousands of demon powerhouses were severely injured, and the formation was instantly blown apart.

These space warships were built with great painstaking efforts by the organ hall of the Shaking Light Holy Land. Even if they are not at the level of a holy weapon, they are not much different. Every time they are activated, they need to consume a large amount of spirit stones and absorb the majestic power of heaven and earth. .

The power that erupted could kill the king.

But the more powerful the killer, the longer it takes to accumulate energy.

After a round of volleys, a large number of strong demons reacted, unleashed their weapons one after another, unleashed their supernatural powers, and stormed towards the starry sky battleship.

"Kill all the demons and protect my fluctlight!"

The murderous Lord of Zhenwu Hall jumped out of the battleship, shouted loudly, and the king's power raged in all directions.

Behind him, the hall masters and elders of various halls, leading countless true disciples and even core disciples, came out in full force.


The star robes on them glowed with dazzling light, like a sea of ​​clouds in a galaxy, colliding with the ocean of magic power in front of them.

Just one collision between the two sides caused a turbulent shock wave to wreak havoc, overturning the surrounding mountain peaks and cutting off the churning river... Except for the capital of the Great Yan Kingdom that was shrouded in the Tiangang Forbidden Space Formation, everything within a radius of thousands of miles, All turned into powder.

Moreover, this terrifying wave of destruction, as the war continued, was still spreading crazily towards the surroundings.

"I'm going, this is simply bigger than a blockbuster movie!"

After coming to Xuanhuang Realm, it was the first time for Long Hao to see such a large-scale battle, the saints fought for their lives, the kings all came out, and the weakest ones all had cultivation bases of the Faxiang Realm.

Every person or demon clan's body shone with dazzling light like stars, and they fought fiercely with each other, just like two galaxies colliding fiercely.

Boom boom boom...

There were bursts of violent energy explosions, the roar of monsters, and the screams of terror... One after another, the bloody storm between the heavens and the earth was like a scene of purgatory.


Accompanied by a miserable howl, Long Si fell on Long Hao's side like a ball, but this guy was rough and thick, so he stood up immediately after slapping his butt, and asked curiously, "What is a blockbuster?"

"It's a shocking scene." Long Hao responded casually.

"Cut, this is nothing." Long Si shook his head disdainfully, slapped his chest and said, "I think back then, Fourth Master, I led millions of heavenly soldiers to sweep across the heavens and worlds, killing immortals and gods, and all spirits were terrified. It's a real blockbuster."

Seeing that this guy started bragging again, Long Hao glanced at him and chuckled lightly, "You've already been beaten into such a virtue, so how about bragging?"

Although Long Si still looked alive and well at this time, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he didn't know how many bags had bulged up on his head, obviously he was beaten badly.

But the body of the fairy root is to resist beating, otherwise, if you are a king, you should be beaten alive.

"Hmph, fourth master, I'm alone in charge. Is it easy for me to pick out a group of demons alone, or you can try?" Long Si blew his beard and stared, with an expression of dissatisfaction. Beat out the human form.

At the same time, bursts of demon energy surged, and the group of demons pressed over, with bloodthirsty smiles on their faces.

Prince Yong Ye led the group of demons, looked down at Long Hao arrogantly, and sneered: "Now, what else do you use to fight this prince?"

The Tiangang Forbidden Formation sealed off the heaven and the earth, completely separating them from the outside world.

Even the great sage of mystery who is proficient in formations, it is not easy to break through the formations, not to mention that another demon sage has long been eyeing him and is fighting fiercely with him in the high sky.

It seems that no one can break through the blockade of the big formation and rush in in a short time.

And Prince Yongye led the group of demons, and he already had an overwhelming advantage in the face of Long Hao and the others. Of course, he was full of confidence.

"No one can save you, today you will surely die!" Prince Yong Ye forced him over with his head held high, ready to kill Long Hao himself.

"Not necessarily."

Facing the crisis of life and death, Long Hao remained calm and composed.

While he was speaking, there was a muffled sound that startled everyone.

The group of demons turned around in surprise, and were shocked to find a short, furry boy with a long sword on his back, holding a light bead in his hand, and walked in with a proud smile on his face.

But the light bead in his hand was quite extraordinary, exuding a mysterious aura, like a fairy light, where everything it passed collapsed.

Even the Tiangang Forbidden Formation seems to have lost its effect, and a hole was forcibly torn open in the barrier of the formation.


A series of figures with strong aura followed him, and the barriers of the formation were healed again.

The group of demons were stunned.

The big formation, which is difficult for even the Dao Saint Master to decipher, seemed to be empty in front of that furry boy with a stinking expression, and he could come and go freely.

"Haha, fourth child, your senior brother and I came in time."

That furry boy is none other than the third disciple of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven—Xing Hun!
The light bead in his hand is the most precious treasure left by his immortal ancestors - the star source bead, which can break the restriction of all magic circles in the world.

This kind of treasure that contains the power of immortality, in his hands usually, is just a supreme weapon for breaking into houses at night and peeping at beautiful women.

It is estimated that if his immortal ancestor found out, he might be so angry that he would jump out of the world and slap him.

Now, it's finally on the right track.

"It came just right!"

Looking at Xinghun and the people standing behind him, Long Hao smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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