Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 692? Long Hao's Comrades

Chapter 692 Long Hao's Comrades
All the people who followed Xinghun were also Long Hao's old friends.

Xiao Liu sighed with displeasure on his face: "It's true that people are more angry than people, and they are all in the third level of Nirvana."

Fang Tianhua said in high spirits: "After this fight, I will definitely compete with you again."

Lei Yin regained his previous look, and joked: "Yo, my little brother is still alive."


Everyone greeted Long Hao with different tones, but it sounded so cordial.

Lu Yao, Ji Hanshuang and others on the side, although they didn't speak, they all smiled at Long Hao.

A big beauty with an ethereal temperament and a sweet face came forward, with longing and warmth in her concerned eyes: "How are you, are you not hurt?"

Seeing that familiar and friendly face, Long Hao's heart seemed to have flowers blooming, the fatigue and complicated thoughts of the past few days disappeared, and a happy smile naturally appeared on his face: "Senior Sister Lingshu, I'm fine."

Not far away, Yanque, who had recovered from breath adjustment, saw this scene, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

A streak of light, with no response from everyone, passed by at lightning speed, and landed on Huanli's body as if teleported.

"Just now, did a big mouse run over?"

Long Si blinked, looked at Long Hao in surprise and said.

In a flash of light, a fat big white cat appeared on Long Hao's shoulder out of nowhere, looked down at Long Si with a pair of big smart eyes and said angrily: "You are a mouse, I am a real dragon!"

Long Si was taken aback, but then said in a surprised tone: "Fuck, this cat has become a spirit, but its head doesn't seem to work well. It's a cat, but you have to say that you are a dragon. You have to laugh." Dead Fourth Master, can he inherit Fourth Master's immortal body?"

Long Xiaomiao stared at him and said nothing, but she had already started licking her paws, which was a sign of going crazy.

Glancing at these two heartless bastards, Long Hao felt dizzy for a while, and he didn't care about the occasion if he wanted to make a fuss, and now it was time for a decisive battle between life and death.

Little did they know that Prince Yongye and the group of demons behind him were about to go mad with anger.

"A group of humble human beings dare to ignore us, it's too deceitful!"

Looking at the cross-eyed Long Xiaomiao and Long Si who were licking their paws, the troll king felt his lungs were going to explode.

And Prince Yongye's gloomy face seemed to be able to drip water, and his bloodshot eyes were full of tyrannical murderous intent.

The dignified emperor's son is always the focus of attention no matter where he goes. He has never been so humiliated.

However, before he could go crazy, the crazier one had already swooped down.

"What are you talking about, let's kill these demons first." Fang Tianhua roared, and rushed down with a halberd in his hand, as powerful as a tiger and as violent as a dragon.

"Presumptuous!" A demon king was furious, unleashing a monstrous force to suppress him.

However, Fang Tianhua's fighting spirit was revived, even in the face of the demon king's power, he was not afraid, and his fighting spirit burst out from his body.

Prince Yongye, whose eyelids were twitching wildly, could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and roared ferociously: "Let me kill all these arrogant humans!"

"As ordered!"

The group of demons couldn't wait to start their killing spree. At this moment, they screamed together, opened their blood-red eyes, and rushed forward.

The domineering king is rampant, and the green skirt female devil leads the other two demon kings to take the lead, arousing the monstrous power of the demon, and the evil spirit is soaring.

"It's crazy, I'll meet you guys!"

Xinghun laughed loudly, and drew his sword soaring into the sky. The mighty sword was like a rainbow penetrating the sun, enveloping all three demon kings.

As a disciple of the Sword Master, in terms of arrogance, Xing Hun is no worse than Fang Tianhua, and at this moment, he wants to kill three demon kings with one against three!

"Damn demons, if you dare to destroy my great flame, you will pay with your blood." Yan Lin opened his blood-red eyes, let out a hysterical roar, and then turned into a divine bird, rolled up the monstrous divine flame and charged into the sky. Among the monsters.

"Let's do it too."

Lu Yao's beautiful eyes shone with a fierce sword light, and her whole body was filled with sword intent, like a peerless sword girl.

Ji Hanshuang and Qin Jian nodded, and silently followed Lu Yao across the sky.

There was an astonishing burst of sword intent in the silence, and a world-shattering murderous aura raged.

All three of them are kendo geniuses who have already comprehended the meaning of the sword. The swords in their hands shone with dazzling brilliance and spread out, with the potential to split the sky and the earth, making the strong demons feel a burst of fear.

"Hey, sister, wait for me."

Xiao Liu, a licking dog, also followed Lu Yao and swooped down.

His whole body was filled with stellar energy, like the light of law. He was wearing a gang spirit battle armor, and holding the Taixu gang sword in his hand. He aimed at a strong demon king and slashed fiercely.

Although his moves are open and closed, seemingly without mystery, but the Taixugang sword is unparalleled and powerful, and in a moment, the powerful demon king who hit him retreated violently, suppressing him desperately.

"Hey, although I don't have much energy, I can't be idle."

Lei Yin, who has always been lazy, saw the three magic commanders attacking her, and then managed to cheer up a little bit. With a swipe of his finger forward, thunder clouds gathered in the sky.

The violent thunder struck down, and the three demon commanders were killed without even making a pitiful scream.

The golden thunder is extremely violent, it is the thunder of the god of heaven, and it contains a trace of the power of divine punishment from the emperor of heaven, and its power is unparalleled.

The violent sound of thunder attracted the attention of other demon powerhouses.

"Supernatural power—Yasha Overlord Sky Strike!"

A demon master used the method of law, heaven and earth, and the condensed demon shadow of the sky, holding a trident and bombarding it, seemed to be able to pierce the sky and the earth.

"Thousand Waves of Demonic Shadows!"

Another Demon Lord suddenly appeared in the void beside Lei Yin, and threw out a spear covered with magic lines. As the magic seal in his hand changed, thousands of shadows of the spear suddenly formed, like rivers of magic power surging Come, the momentum is huge.

Facing the pincer attack of Quanwei Mozun, Lei Yin remained motionless and even yawned.

From her waist, nine small shields flew out and spun around her quickly. Suddenly, a large number of inscription patterns appeared, and a golden thunder curtain formed to communicate with the world, which completely offset the strongest one of the two demon lords. hit.

Those nine small shields are the Great Leiyin Token. After being refined and controlled by Leiyin, they have the effect of automatically protecting the Lord and are indestructible.

At the same time, a violent sonic boom sounded, and Lei Yin's fists struck the two Demon Lords one after another like a lightning bolt, sending them flying.

"Supernatural powers - Thunder Prison!"

The divine thunder of Tiangang struck down again, forming two huge thunder prisons, suppressing the two Demon Lords, and the violent thunder power continued to emerge, like divine flames, trying to refine them to death.

After practicing the complete Tiangang Five Thunder Method, Lei Yin's cultivation has undergone essential changes, and his whole body seems to have been sublimated to a higher level.

Although he had just passed Nirvana, he was able to easily suppress two veteran Demon Venerables with astonishing combat power.

The others are also fully fired, and their fighting spirit is rising.

Among the crowd, Lu Yao was the most amazing. She activated the Beidou Tiangong with unparalleled sword intent. Every sword had the potential to stir up the universe and overturn the universe. Even a super demon was suppressed by her.

Although there are many strong demons, these Yaoguang disciples are all talents of the sky, and their strength is tyrannical, and they will not lose the wind in the fight against them.

(End of this chapter)

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