Chapter 705
The Glazed King glanced at the Tianjue Sword Saint next to him, and said with a mysterious smile, "Whoever has a teacher must have a disciple, who do you think you learned from?"

Hearing this, one of the holy kings turned red with embarrassment.

"Senior Sister, don't talk nonsense." The Holy King Liuli gave a shameful and angry look, and the Holy King Ziyan glanced at the Sword Saint Tianjue slightly sideways, and found that the other party was still calm. And a little lost.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, the Sacred King Ziyan quickly recovered, and said in a fit of anger, "However, as a disciple of this sage, no one is allowed to form a Taoist couple before becoming a sage."

"Oh? Then senior sister, I'm not welcome." Sage King Liuli smiled slyly.

Ziyan Shengwang was speechless, this is to rob her son-in-law.

Speaking of which, Long Hao, as the true biography of the sword master, has outstanding talents and aptitudes, and also agrees with Lingshu, the Ziyan Saint King is quite satisfied.

But her rules cannot be broken, otherwise, once the good time is distracted, it will become an obstacle to her future practice.

But the Sage King of Glazed Glass seemed to have no such scruples at all, and wanted to get there first.

"That kid Long Hao is only in the Nirvana state. The senior sister asked him to provoke the saint, I'm afraid it will end badly..." At this point, the Ziyan Saint King remembered something, and lowered his voice: "And I heard that, The holy girl once made a decree to kill him, and the senior sister brought them together, isn't she afraid of adding fuel to the fire?"

"Alas..." Sage King Liuli directly shook his head: "The two of them are strangers to each other, and they have neither enmity nor enmity. bad."

"By the way, it's called, if you don't fight, you don't know each other."

As he spoke, the Glazed Sage King's tone became more excited: "I have a hunch that when the two of them meet, it will definitely be a wonderful scene."

Zi Yan Sheng Wang was speechless.

This senior sister is really big-hearted, and she looks like she doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, not to mention that one of them is her own daughter.

But the Glazed Sage King didn't take it seriously at all, and turned to look at the Sword Saint Tianjue and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Tianjue, you don't want to set any rules for them like Junior Sister Ziyan, do you?"

Hearing this, the always indifferent Sword Master Tianjue had a flash of remembrance and sadness in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up again.

"All causes and conditions are determined by God."

After saying a word, the Sword Master of Tianjue turned his back and walked steadily towards Tianyuxing, his back was a little sad and lonely.

At the same time, Long Hao also received a sound transmission from the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

"Master ordered me to go to Ziyun Peak after returning to the Holy Land." Long Hao frowned in surprise as he looked at Xinghun at the side.

Xing Hun, who was staring at Lu Yao and thinking about how to strike up a conversation, waved his hand casually: "Then congratulations, brother, it must be that the master thinks you are too weak, so I want to give you a little trouble."

Long Hao was speechless.

It was really hard for him to imagine that the always lazy and indifferent Sword Master Tianjue would specially assist his disciples in their cultivation.

Besides, his weakness is only relative to a saint, he has never been afraid of anyone in the same realm, even Prince Yongye whose cultivation base is much higher than him, was defeated twice by him?

When the two were thinking about each other, a bright and gorgeous glow suddenly projected over, accompanied by a deep and mighty holy power.

"Yo, Yue..."

Suddenly discovering the arrival of the Sacred King Liuli, Xinghun immediately changed into a flattering expression, and greeted him with a playful smile: "Uncle Liuli, what wind brought your old man here?"

"The Holy King of Glass?"

Long Hao's eyes moved, looking at the charming woman who came stepping on the lotus, he couldn't help but feel agitated: "Is she the biological mother of that Holy Maiden?"

The Glazed King is wearing a gorgeous long dress, which is dotted with some orbs, like a little bit of starlight, which sets off her noble and glamorous temperament.

"Little Xinghun, you are really useless, it's in vain that I still have a little fantasy about you."

Hearing this, Xinghun, who has always been proud, seemed to be trampled on his tail, and sighed again and again: "Oh, I'm not blessed as a disciple, so I'd better hire another master."

After speaking, he saluted with fists in his hands, and then slipped away as if fleeing.

Before leaving, he gave Long Hao a meaningful look.

When Long Hao was puzzled, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. He looked up and was surprised to find that the Glazed Sage King had already walked towards him, and his beautiful eyes were constantly looking up and down, which surprised him.

"I'm going, it's not to punish me for her precious daughter, is it?"

But after thinking about it again, how could the majestic saint king lower his status and compare himself with his junior disciple who is in the nirvana state?

"You, are you Long Hao?" The voice of the Glazed Sage King came, and it was quite gentle, without a hint of hostility in it.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Long Hao straightened his clothes, clasped his fists and saluted: "Disciple Long Hao, I have seen the Holy King."

The Glazed Sage King walked around Long Hao, nodded self-consciously, almost narrowed his beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, Tianjue and I are brothers and sisters who have a very good relationship. You can call me Uncle Shi or... Auntie is also fine."

The voice of the Glazed Saint King was very soft and soft, with a smile on his face, without any pretensions of a Saint King, but it made Long Hao's heart pound.

Although he has been a bachelor in both lives, he also understands that the word aunt has a special meaning and must not be called indiscriminately.

"Yes, the disciple has met the uncle."

Sure enough, the next behavior of the Glazed King became even more strange.

"How old is this year?"

"How long have you been practicing?"

"Who are there in the family?"

"What kind of exercises did you practice? Are there any problems?"


This series of inquiries made Long Hao confused.

What is this for?check account?Come and kill them all?
Before Long Hao could react, Long Xiaomiao jumped out from nowhere, as if he was facing a rival in love, he stared at the Glazed Sage King warily and shouted: "There is also Ben Meow, our family is just Dad and Ben Meow."

Sensing the strange gaze of the Glazed Sage King, Long Hao grabbed Long Xiaomiao back and said with a dry smile, "Xiaomiao is an abandoned baby I accidentally adopted."

Hearing this, the smile on the face of the Glazed Sage King was restored, and he was more gentle and friendly than before. He nodded and said to himself: "Hehe, I didn't expect my little nephew to be very caring, not bad, not bad."

But looking at the Glazed Sage King with a friendly smile on his face, Long Hao was full of awkwardness, and couldn't help clasping his fists again and said, "I don't know why the master is looking for a disciple?"

However, at this moment, the Sage King of Glazed Glass suddenly changed his face, the tenderness disappeared, and seriousness and reprimands replaced it.

"Not long ago in Wanzhong Mountain, the two elders of Nirvana and the Four Great Truths of Zixiao Holy Land were killed, including the disciple and grandson of the Great Sage Zhenyun. Did you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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