Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 706 Selected by the Holy King

Chapter 706 Selected by the Holy King

There is no impenetrable strong man in the world, Long Hao knows this very well.

However, the secrets in the Ten Thousand Mountains are very important, so he neither refuted nor admitted it, and was noncommittal.

The only thing that surprised him was the attitude of the Sacred King of Glazed Glass. He was soft-spoken a moment ago, but in an instant he became stern, releasing a powerful holy power and suppressing him.

"It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

With a sneer, the Sage King of Liuli said sharply: "Dare to provoke saints repeatedly at such a young age, and challenge a holy place unscrupulously. The king and several great saints are not far away, if you were not afraid of me shaking all the saints, you would have died already!"

When it came to the end, the Glazed Sage King suddenly accentuated his tone, stared at Long Hao with majestic eyes and said, "Are you scared now?"

At this moment, the majesty of the holy king was released without restraint, like a mountain of thousands of gods pressing on Long Hao's head, making his body tremble.

In particular, the majestic gaze of the Glazed Sage King contained the power of the law of heaven, which seemed to be able to penetrate psychological defenses and reach the depths of the soul, giving people great coercion and panic.

"The Holy King is angry!"

The domineering power of the holy king soon alarmed everyone.

"That's Long Hao? Could it be that he angered the Holy King?"

"Didn't Long Hao just make a great contribution? How could the Sage King of Liuli treat him like this?"

Some of the fluctuating light experts nearby were worried, some were surprised...but under the domineering power of the Glazed King, no one dared to approach, and no one was able to stop them.

"Are you really here to ask for trouble?"

Under the domineering holy prestige, Long Hao's bones made a crisp sound, as if he was about to fall apart, but not only did he not admit his cowardice, but he straightened his waist, looked directly at the glazed holy king, and a wave of pain emerged in his heart. anger.

He thought that he had never offended her, but her daughter, the Holy Maiden of the Light, had issued a decree to harm him.

This pair of mother and daughter is too domineering, do you really think Long Hao is easy to bully?


Bearing the huge coercion, Long Hao proudly raised his chest, and said coldly: "Why should I be afraid, they should be the ones who are afraid!"

"Boy, you're crazy." The Glazed King narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Humph, the so-called Zixiao saints, their potential is almost exhausted, and I am gaining momentum, just at the time when Qianlong ascends to the abyss, when I become a saint, I can suppress them with a single hand, so they are afraid, so they will Repeatedly trying to put me to death!"

When Long Hao spoke, his face was neither red nor out of breath, and his voice was sonorous and powerful, full of a kind of self-important arrogance.

Throughout the ages, there have been many talented and outstanding people, but no one dared to say that once they became saints, they could suppress the saint king.

But Long Hao dared not brag, but self-confidence, invincible self-confidence!

Just rely on his Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue!
"Not only crazy, but also conceited."

The Glazed King's eyes were fixed, and his face became more severe, but Long Hao's eyebrows were cold, his eyes were firm and resolute.

The two eyes looked at each other, like the tip of a needle pointing at the wheat awning, which made the surrounding air suddenly chill, frighteningly cold.

"Hey, this distance is either for fighting or for kissing, Brother Long, come on." Xiao Liu stood aside, watching the excitement without thinking it was a big deal, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Really, why do I feel like the mother-in-law is looking at the son-in-law?" Lei Yin rubbed his chin and teased.

It wasn't until Lu Yao's cold eyes projected over that the two of them closed their mouths with a sneer.

Ling Shu, who kept rubbing her little hands, couldn't hide the anxiety and worry in her heart: "Senior Brother Xinghun, why did the Liuli Sacred King do this, and did Long Hao ever provoke her?"

However, Xinghun smiled indifferently, with a hint of envy showing in the depths of his pupils, and said in a mysterious tone: "Don't worry, the fourth child is going to be lucky, of course, it may also be bad luck." Big mold."

"What does it mean?"

Everyone felt baffled.

But soon, the coercion of the holy king in the world suddenly dissipated.

The seriousness and coldness on the face of the Glazed Sage King were replaced by a warm smile. The contrast between the front and the back and the rapid change surprised everyone.

"Hehe, at such a young age, not only is he bold, but he is also arrogant and conceited. I have seen the fourth disciple of Tianjue."

"Work hard, boy, I am optimistic about you, auntie."

The Glazed King suddenly smiled like a silver bell, took a deep look at Long Hao, then left a word and drifted away.

Long Hao: "..."

All kinds of strange behaviors of the Glazed Sage King completely blinded him, and when everyone surrounded him to ask questions, he still hadn't reacted.

on the sky.

Dressed in purple, the Ziyan Sage King with a cold face saw the return of the Glazed Sage King, and then curled his lips and said: "With such a big commotion, senior sister has found out the details of Long Hao?"

"It's more daring than the rumors say, it's him."

The Glazed King looked at Long Hao below, with a satisfied smile on his face.


"Senior Brother Ye and the others are back."

"Hmph, those members of the Xu clan wanted to escape, but they didn't expect to be captured by Senior Brother Ye."

"Come on brothers, let's take one knife at a time to avenge those dead brothers."

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the distant sky.

Everyone followed the sound and found that Ye Guyun, Ji Hanshuang and Yan Lin were rushing back with a few escaped fish from the Xu clan.

"Report to Master, the Patriarch of the Xu Clan and the three elders will bring them here, and all the rest will be executed."

Ye Guyun and the others escorted the Patriarch of the Xu family and others in front of the Great Sage of the Nine Tribulations, and everyone immediately surrounded them.

Both Ye Guyun and Ji Hanshuang came from the Yaoguang Law Enforcement Palace. They hated evil and helped Long Hao punish Ouyang Yan and others. Yan Lin was even more vengeful, so he kept chasing and killing the powerful members of the Xu clan.

Although Ye Guyun's strength is not as good as Xinghun's, but it is far from being comparable to the waste of Xu's Patriarch, who can only break through by infusing his body with demonic energy. He suppressed him and escorted him back.

At this time, the head of the Xu family and the three elders did not have the prestige and ambition before. They were all lying on the ground like dead dogs, with countless knife marks on their bodies, and almost lost their human form.

These are naturally the masterpieces of Yaoguang disciples venting their hatred, but they also have a sense of proportion. Every knife and every sword is extremely ruthless, but they don't hurt their lives.

Although the four members of the Xu family were extremely miserable, none of them felt pity for them.

No matter when and where, betrayers are the most hated.

If it wasn't for their betrayal, it would be impossible for the abyssal demons to gather a large number of powerful people quietly, let alone come to the capital of Dayan quietly, and open the seal of the time and space channel, and there would be no such a tragic war , and the death of countless living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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