Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 719 Mysterious little girl

Chapter 719 Mysterious little girl

"Didn't we go directly to the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace? Why is there still danger?"

"Where do you think the Heavenly Palace of Myriad Realms is? It is a battlefield of Myriad Realms, where powerful men from Myriad Realms often appear, and there are murderous opportunities everywhere."

"The Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms is located outside the territory, so the space teleportation array cannot reach it directly. There is a section of the road to the sky in the middle, which is stained with blood and bones are buried everywhere. Otherwise, how can the saint personally do such a trivial matter as transporting materials?"

Some veteran disciples were bragging there, scaring Mengxin next to them.

"Don't listen to their nonsense. Although the road to heaven is not smooth, it is close to my fortress in the Xuanhuang Realm. The strong outside the region dare not be too presumptuous. Generally, there are few accidents when a saint leads a team, let alone the Great Sage Xuanming. The strength is extraordinary, you don't have to worry too much."

There were also some veteran disciples who couldn't stand it, and comforted Mengxin.

Long Hao stood alone in the corner, quietly watching everyone bragging.

"That's what I said, but the outside world is not peaceful recently. It's only been more than a year. My Heavenly Sword Holy Land has already lost three sword kings."

"That's right, recently it seems that even those worlds that have surrendered have become restless, and have repeatedly turned against us secretly."

"Hmph, if you are in a hurry, the Beiming Sword Master will naturally dispatch and slaughter them directly."

"Tch, when will the land of war outside the territory be peaceful?"

Not far away, the conversations of several Heavenly Sword Holy Land disciples caught Long Hao's attention.

It seems that not only the Yaoguang Holy Land family, but also the elite powerhouses in several other Holy Lands have fallen one after another recently.

Otherwise, the hall would not be full of people.

Except for the Great Sage Xuanming who sent the resources, the rest of the dozens of people are all true disciples of the Holy Land, the weakest are all at the Nirvana level, and there are better masters at the King level, and half of them are to fill the quota. empty.

This shows that in the past six months, 30 to [-] true disciples of the six holy places have fallen.

In a period of relative peace, this death rate is not insignificant.

And his intuition told Long Hao that there must be some unknown secret behind the downfall of Liuyun Sword Master and others.

"Hey, there's a big mouse."

A gust of wind blew by, and the treasure pill that Long Xiaomiao was playing with was taken away. The little guy stood upright angrily, staring at a certain place in the hall, his eyes glowed green: "Hmph, Ben Miao will meet you."

As he said that, he teleported away with a whoosh.

"Inspect the heavily guarded teleportation hall of Tiangong, where did the rats come from?"

Just when Long Hao was wondering, a little girl in a pink dress walked over looking around.

When she walked to Long Hao's side, the little girl raised her head and revealed a pair of big watery eyes and said, "Big brother, have you seen my little bear?"

"Sorry, brother didn't see it." Long Hao smiled and shook his head.

This little girl has beautiful features, and she looks innocent and cute with two braids, which makes it easy for people to feel close.

Suddenly, Long Hao frowned, slightly startled in his heart, although the little girl was only half a person tall, and her bone age was only eleven or twelve years old, she had a profound cultivation level of Nirvana, and she had to be said to be a genius.

The most important thing is, how did such an innocent little girl get here? Could it be that she also wants to go to the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace where murderous intentions are everywhere?

At this moment, Long Xiaomiao jumped back, holding a round meat ball about the same size as him in his hand.

"It's not a mouse, what are you, come here, meow."

While sizing up the white fleshy ball, he threatened.

"Yeah, little bear."

When the little girl saw the meat ball, she immediately cried out in surprise.

And when he heard the little girl's voice, the fleshy ball suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be a white bear that shrunk into a ball. It was delicate, cute and spiritual, but its small eyes were full of resentment.


"My sister is in charge of the little bear. That wild cat came out of nowhere. It grabbed the little bear and beat it. The little bear almost couldn't come back, woohoo..."

The little white bear was obviously a scheming whore. After seeing its owner, it cried and glared at Long Xiaomiao viciously.

"Thief bear, dare to scold Ben Meow?"

How could Long Xiaomiao be the master who swallowed his anger, he stared back viciously, and had already started licking his paws as a warning, and was about to lose his temper.

"Little bear is sometimes naughty, but if you have any losses, I will just accompany you. You are not allowed to bully little bear."

Seeing this, the little girl hugged the white bear in her arms, and stared at Long Xiaomiao and Long Hao with vigilant eyes, her big eyes full of grievances.

Treating such an innocent, cute and polite little girl, Long Hao really couldn't care about anything with her, so he sent her away after a few words of comfort.

Long Xiaomiao was so angry that she sat on Long Hao's shoulder and grinded her teeth, with an unhappy expression on her face.

But Long Si stared at the little bear, his eyes brightened: "The violent war bear, this is a wild alien species, and it was domesticated as a pet. That little girl has an extraordinary background."

"Frenzied War Bear? Prehistoric Alien?"

Most of the prehistoric alien species appeared when the ancient world was first opened. They were infused with the essence of the world and were extremely powerful. However, most of them have been extinct since ancient times. This is the first time Longhao has heard of this violent warrior.

"Even in the ancient heaven world, the furious war bear was domesticated as a war beast. It is amazing to be able to slaughter gods and immortals when it becomes mad." Long Si smacked his lips and said.

"Cut, shit, just that stupid bear, I can slap him to death with one paw." Long Xiaomiao was quite disdainful.

"Hey, that's right. The Sky-swallowing Demon Dragon is the top-level existence among the prehistoric alien species, comparable to the four great dragon clans." Long Siqian laughed.

But Long Hao looked at the little girl, bouncing all the way to the side of the Great Sage Xuanming, and the eyes of the Great Sage Xuanming seemed to be extremely doting on her.

"It is indeed of extraordinary origin, probably a descendant of a saint."

Long Hao has seen many disciples and grandchildren of saints, and killed many.

Although their talents are extremely high, they have been taught by sages since they were young, and they have no shortage of cultivation resources, but this is the first time Long Hao has seen an eleven or twelve-year-old Nirvana-level powerhouse, and he has started to practice in the womb.

"Report to the Great Sage, everyone has arrived and we can set off."

Not long after, an inspector came and bowed respectfully to the Great Sage Xuanming.

The Great Sage Xuanming then stood up, glanced at the crowd, and nodded.


With the infusion of energy from a large number of spirit stones, the entire hall began to tremble violently, and a series of spiritual lights suddenly appeared, as if the law was revived, a complex and mysterious formation was outlined on the platform in the center of the hall.

The power of space permeates everywhere, unparalleled in domineering, shocking, as if feeling the power of a different world.

"You must obey the order of the Holy Spirit along the way, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

Great Sage Xuanming said in an extremely harsh tone.

The crowd was intimidated by the Great Sage's threat, and they didn't dare to say much, they just nodded in agreement, and then followed in the footsteps of the Great Sage Xuanming, and stepped into the teleportation formation.

(End of this chapter)

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