Chapter 720

Boom boom boom...

With the violent roar, the large formation started to rotate, forming circles of space light waves, which completely moved the space where the large formation was located from the world.

The large space teleportation array constructed by the powerful in the Great Emperor Realm can span hundreds of millions of miles and reach directly into the sky.

A few hours later, in the Temple of Heaven on the top of Lingyunjue in the extreme north, the domineering power of space finally arrived, engulfing everyone.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, and the mountains and rivers are indistinct.

Standing in the Temple of Heaven, you can have a panoramic view of the hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in the Xuanhuang Realm, like a magnificent landscape painting, full of a sense of vastness and vastness.

"I didn't expect that my Xuanhuang Realm is so big, how spectacular is it?"

Many practitioners who came here for the first time looked down at the vast Xuanhuang, and felt a sense of pride from the bottom of their hearts.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, it's just because I live in this mountain." Long Hao was also quite emotional. Compared with it, the planet he was born on was just a drop in the ocean.

People in the deep Xuanhuang Realm have no concept of hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers.

But standing at the Temple of Heaven and overlooking the great world, people will realize that the original endless mountains are like trickling streams, thousands of miles of plains, but dots of stars... Finally, a hundred flows into the sea, converging into the vast expanse of the Xuanhuang Realm Wang Yang.

"My hundreds of millions of sages in the Xuanhuang Realm have been fighting the world with their lives, blood and fearless will since they founded the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace. Only then have they opened up such a magnificent mountain and river..."

The Great Sage Xuanming, who had been indifferent and silent all the way, suddenly spoke up. He used a high-pitched voice to recount the immeasurable merits and virtues of the ancient sages.

As he spoke, he swept over everyone with solemn eyes, and said solemnly: "You need to inherit and show your will, and continue to expand the territory for me!"

For millions of years, the reason why Xuanhuang Realm has been able to stand firm and gradually develop and grow is not relying on strict defense, but continuous progress, in order to occupy a place in the world where the strong are everywhere.

Seeing the high-spirited Xuanming Great Sage, everyone's expressions also became solemn, their eyes sparkled brightly, and they said in unison: "I will not disgrace my mission!"

After surveying the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Xuanhuang Realm, the Great Sage Xuanming led the crowd to the heavenly road.

Behind the Temple of Heaven, there is this huge bronze door.

The gate is simple and heavy, with countless mysterious inscription patterns engraved on it, and each wind mark represents the history of the Xuanhuang Realm.

The bronze door opened, and the intense brilliance was even more dazzling than the sun. A vast, vast and overbearing aura kept coming, making everyone tremble.

Passing through the bronze gate, everything disappears, there is no wind and cloud, no mountains and rivers, and even no concept of time and space, only the endless, violent and domineering turbulence of the void, endless.

On the top of the head are densely packed stars and celestial bodies, exuding dazzling brilliance, which seems to be within reach.

And in the endless turbulent flow, there are inscription patterns marked by the strong in the Great Emperor Realm, like lights, forming a road guide, pointing out the direction for everyone.

This is the road to heaven.

"Hey, where is the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace?" Many Mengxin looked around curiously, but they couldn't see anything except the turbulent flow of the void.

"The end of the heavenly road is a million miles away." A veteran disciple said.

This is different from what many Mengxin imagined. They thought that after the Temple of Heaven would be the Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms, but unexpectedly, they had to cross a million miles of heavenly road.

"The Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace is a bridge connecting the Xuanhuang Realm and other worlds, and also a fulcrum for merging the worlds. Of course, it can only be built outside the territory."

"Remember, brothers and sisters, this is outside the territory, and nothing can be considered with our inherent common sense."

When those newcomers were still a little confused, the Great Sage Xuanming shouted in a majestic voice: "Everyone immediately urges Shengxiangfu, let's go!"

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, and immediately followed suit.

Suddenly, streams of holy light lit up one after another, and the majestic holy power transformed into real dragons and tigers, or pagoda bells, protecting everyone's whole body.

The turbulence in the void outside the domain is extremely terrifying. It destroys gold, breaks stones, and strangles everything. Even the strength of the magic weapon is hard to resist. It will be torn to pieces in an instant, and only the holy power can resist it.

"Keep in shape, don't fall behind."

After exhorting again, the Great Sage Xuanming led the crowd to set off.

The moment he stepped into the turbulent flow of the void, the terrifying pressure squeezed from all directions, as if to tear up all tangible matter, making people tremble.

Fortunately, the holy power in the holy coincidence was strong enough to make everyone feel at ease.

A distance of a million miles is not too far for a strong person in the Nirvana Realm. If you go all out, you can reach it in a few days.

On the road to the sky, there was nothing but the turbulent turbulence of the void. There was really no scenery to speak of, and everyone quickly became numb.

"Look, there's blood!"

The sudden exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

On the road to heaven, the only blood that can be preserved is the holy blood that contains the laws of heaven.

Seeing the pool of blood glowing with pale gold, which seemed to be still flowing, everyone's hearts couldn't help trembling.

This shows that there have been saints who have fallen to heaven.

Not long after, another red skull appeared in the void in front of it, looming in the turbulent flow, with wisps of law brilliance.


"How many powerful people have fallen on this road to heaven?"

The holy power in those holy blood and holy bones has long been eroded by the turbulent flow of the void, and it has obviously existed for a long time.

Moreover, only the blood bones of saints can be preserved, so how many ordinary strong men should not be preserved?

For millions of years, there have been hundreds of millions of strong men who have set foot on the road to heaven. There have been many wars, and there will even be strong men from other worlds who used this to attack the Xuanhuang Realm. How many strong men have fallen?
The so-called blood-stained and buried bones everywhere is by no means alarmist.

"No wonder, after entering the Heavenly Path, even the Great Sage Xuanming became vigilant."

Long Hao clearly saw that the Great Sage Xuanming had been tightly protecting the little girl holding the little bear behind him.

"Cut, this kind of small scene, is it so nervous?" Long Si swaggered and followed Long Hao, unscrupulous.

He has lived for endless years and has seen too many lives and deaths, so he has long been numb.

Everyone has different attitudes and expressions, and they are moving fast all the way, and they are still calm.

But no one noticed that in the endless turbulence of the void, pairs of evil eyes had already stared at them.

The black light clusters, hidden in the turbulent flow, seemed to be integrated with the void, with a natural cover, and even the saint couldn't detect it.

"Master Xuzu's deduction is pretty good, the team from Xuanhuang Realm to send supplies has really arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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