Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 725 Immortal Xu Zu

Chapter 725 Immortal Xu Zu
A burst of golden rainbow light burst out, containing the mighty power of God's Punishment to the World, going forward without hesitation, and even directly pierced all the white palms of light.

The so-called divine punishment refers to the power of divine punishment from the envoys of the gods.

The tyrannical and strange power of the virtual world cannot be resisted.


The King of the Golden Light Realm turned pale with shock, he couldn't believe that the power of the virtual world, which has always been invincible, would be broken so easily.

"That sword...why does it have the aura of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Although he has never seen the Heavenly Punishment, he has seen the Heavenly Tribulation derived from the Heavenly Punishment. It is an existence that makes even the Supreme Emperor terrified.

And the golden rainbow light that surged out of the lightsaber right now may be far inferior to Heavenly Tribulation in terms of power, but its quality is far superior to Heavenly Tribulation, everything is invincible, and everything is invincible.

"God's punishment has come, your time of death has arrived!"

Without giving the King of the Golden Light Realm the slightest chance to breathe, Long Hao turned into a wandering dragon and instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of feet, stabbing with his sword.

The King of the Golden Light Realm felt the rapid approach of the power of heaven's punishment, and suddenly lost his soul, and immediately dodged to avoid it.

Although he reacted extremely quickly, the sword light containing the power of heaven's punishment was even faster, piercing through the void for thousands of miles in an instant.

The King of the Golden Light Realm tried his best to avoid the critical point by chance, but the illusory man in white robe above his head was pierced and shredded by the sword light. There are countless small and deep sword marks.

Pale golden blood flowed horizontally.


The moment he shredded the illusory white-robed man with his sword, Long Hao suddenly felt a strong palpitation.

At that moment, the illusory man in white robe seemed to come alive, as if he was outside the heavens and worlds, his strange eyes pierced through time and space, and stared at Long Hao, like the eyes of death, terrifying to the extreme.

That feeling came and disappeared quickly, but it seemed to be branded deep in his soul, and it couldn't be erased no matter what.

"No, it's impossible!"

The King of the Golden Light Realm roared unwillingly. Although he was strong, his various methods were restrained by Long Hao and others, and he was aggrieved.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to his aggrieved and angry.

"Hey - this bear is going to beat you up!"

"Small, if I don't show off my power, treat me as Hello Kitty!"

Long Xiaomiao and Furious Zhanxiong, who had been waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, saw the opportunity and pounced on them, immediately hitting them hard.

The violent war bear waved its huge iron fist and smashed wildly, and Long Xiaomiao also smashed towards the head with a gold brick.

The pitiful King of the Golden Light Realm was severely injured by Long Hao's God's Punishment Sword, and was unable to fight back at all, and was soon beaten to death.

Finally, Long Hao stepped forward and pierced his forehead with a sword.

"The cultivation of these strong outsiders is not surprising, but the various methods are really weird."

The King of the Golden Light Realm probably broke through not long ago, but it took Long Hao and the others to use all their strengths to kill him.

"In the memory of Demon Emperor Fentian, the cultivation methods and fighting methods of the powerhouses of the myriad realms are very different, and some of them are even more unpredictable..."

This battle can be described as extremely dangerous.

It made Long Hao deeply realize how terrifying these powerful people from other worlds are.

"It seems that in the future, if you don't know the details of your opponent, it's better to be careful."


The strong wind roared, constantly rolling up the void and turbulent torrents.

The war is still going on, and has even entered a fierce stage, with people constantly being injured or even dying.

The screams, the sound of magical powers being released, the roar of magic weapons... one after another.

"Big brother, two thousand feet ahead, the white-robed man who drives the virtual world has appeared again."

The little girl's voice interrupted Long Hao's thoughts.

"How could this be?"

Long Hao had no doubts about the little girl's pupil power, but he also felt it was unbelievable.

"Could it be that the will of the so-called Xu Zu is in the body of these strong men in the Golden Light Realm?"

"If this is the case, then the strength of the Golden Light Realm is absolutely terrifying. How did the Xuanhuang Realm defeat them 3000 years ago?"

Long Si cautiously transmitted the voice: "A certain ancestor's will has just been possessed not long ago. Obviously, there are not all people in the Golden Light Realm. It's just that these escaped Golden Light Realm powerhouses have invested in a certain ancestor."

"A certain ancestor?"

Long Hao glanced at Long Si, he didn't expect him to be so afraid of that so-called Xu Zu, that he didn't dare to call him by his name directly.

"He controls the virtual world, and his will is everywhere." Long Si said, shrinking his neck.

"It's really evil. Could it be that you will be perceived if you call the other party's name?" Long Hao had never heard such a nonsense thing, and asked in disbelief: "Who is the Xu Zu?"

Long Si said solemnly: "One of the strongest in the heavens!"

"A certain ancestor who claims to be immortal, the Heavenly Emperor himself went on a crusade back then. Although he was defeated, he was never able to kill him. He could only let him roam free. Now it seems that he is about to make a comeback!"

According to what Long Si said, the means of the immortal ancestor Xu are unparalleled. Regardless of the heavens and worlds, no matter whether ordinary gods or gods, once the will takes possession of a living being, although that living being will still maintain its own thinking and personality, it will be different from Xu Zu. The will of the body is no different.

Xu Zu would not interfere with their behavior on weekdays, but once he made a move, their life, death and actions would be controlled by Xu Zu.

Even Xu Zu can easily absorb their life source, supernatural powers, and improve his cultivation strength.

"Back then, when he fought against the Emperor of Heaven, he absorbed the power of all the creatures in the [-] realms of the three days under his command. It was a complete mess!" Long Si said with lingering fear.


Even Long Hao couldn't help but gasped.

This kind of method is unheard of, it is simply terrifying to the extreme!
Suddenly, he recalled the terrifying look in his eyes just now, and a storm arose in his heart.

Killing a clone of Xu Zu's will means that his actions are completely seen by the other party, including the God's Punishment Sword.

Since this Immortal Xu Zu once fought against the Heavenly Emperor, he must be able to recognize the Heavenly Emperor's divine weapon.

Long Si sighed: "There is no way to do this. If you don't use the God's Punishment Sword, you can't win the battle just now."

Long Hao certainly understands this.

In the face of the strange and domineering power of the virtual world, ordinary magic weapons and supernatural powers are of no help at all.

But inexplicably, it is not a good thing to be targeted by a powerful man from the heavens.

"Forget it, anyway, that ancestor Xu can't go down to the lower realm. If he wants to deal with me, he can only rely on his will clone in the lower realm. I'm afraid he's an egg!"

After thinking it over clearly, Long Hao's heart froze, and he immediately became decisive.

Without further ado, he rushed forward, holding the God's Punishment Sword in his hand, attacked and suppressed, and once again beheaded a clone of Xu Zu's will.

"Big brother, one thousand six hundred feet to the right..."

"Senior Brother Lin, there is a surprise attack from behind."


Under the protection of Long Xiaomiao and Long Si, the little girl kept pointing out the direction for everyone.

As for Long Hao, he didn't fight to the death with those strong men from the Golden Light Realm, but kept beheading Xu Zu's will clones. Gradually, the battle situation was reversed, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards the Xuanhuang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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