Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 726 The holy war that decides the outcome

Chapter 726 The holy war that decides the outcome

On the road to the sky, although there is an inscription pattern branded by a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm to guide the direction, it is still a turbulent void. Looking around, it looks like a colorless air current surging, and the waves are surging, boundless.

In this turbulent void, nearly a hundred kings and venerables attacked each other, fighting each other with their lives. The scene was grand and extremely fierce.

Due to the active performance of Long Hao and the little girl with divine pupils, the strong people in the Xuanhuang Realm gradually stabilized the situation and began to counterattack.

Although everyone has experienced the life-and-death trials just now, they have become enthusiastic and vigorous, but the key to the victory of this battle does not lie entirely on them, but on the holy war at high altitude!
The revival of the mysterious and vast holy power is like a surging ocean, piercing through the void, and every ray of air flow or light wave that escapes is enough to beat the master of the king to pieces, no matter how strong the treasure body is, it is difficult to withstand the power of the law.

If the Great Sage Xuanming hadn't desperately entangled the three saints of the Golden Light Realm to hit the sky, I'm afraid that everything here would no longer exist, and it would definitely become ashes.

Even so, the people in the fierce battle were still terrified, and the terrifying holy power continued to fall, creating huge black holes one after another. If they were not careful, they would be wiped out physically and mentally.

"The battle among the saints is too terrifying. Just now I saw with my own eyes a king of the Golden Light Realm. He was just swept by a holy light, and immediately turned into an ice sculpture, smashed to pieces by the turbulent current."

"The Great Sage Xuanming masters two kinds of laws. In terms of strength, he is definitely the existence of the peak of the great sage. He is not far from the holy king. Who can withstand his blow?"

"But those three saints of the Golden Light Realm are not easy to deal with. They have amazing means and powerful weapons. The Great Sage Xuanming alone will not be able to last long."

Everyone saw with their own eyes that the Great Sage Xuanming had been severely injured several times, and they were quite worried.

High in the sky, streaks of golden holy light are extremely thick, like giant dragons, running through the sky and the ground, majestic, and the holy power is surging like a vast ocean.

Each of the three saints of the Golden Light Realm is like a scorching sun, full of energy and blood, burning blazingly, reaching the sky, so powerful that it makes people tremble!

These people are definitely the best among the great sages, even stronger. When they gather together, their blood is like a sea, almost boiling, shaking the whole heavenly road!

"Xuanhuang people, there is no need to resist fearlessly, you will definitely die today!"

The three saints of the Golden Light Realm had strong murderous intentions, they took turns launching thunderous attacks without giving the Great Sage Xuanming the slightest chance to breathe!
A turbulent divine flame gushes out from a gleaming furnace, and the radiant light shoots straight into Xiaohan. The chain of laws seems to interweave the great truth, overwhelming the sky and the earth!
This is the revival of the holy magic weapon. The majestic holy power is surging, roaring like a river entering the sea, like a red sun falling into the sky, hitting the world!
This divine furnace is made of the same pure gold as the Jinyang Soul Slayer Needle. It has the same effect, but its quality is higher, and its power is thousands of times stronger.

Soon, another magic weapon of the holy way was also revived, and the blade swept for thirty thousand miles, as if it was about to chop off billions of stars.

"You wait for the remnants of evil, delusion!"

The Great Sage Xuanming roared angrily, and at the same time urged out a sacred artifact in the shape of a treasure umbrella, and tried his best to support it.

"It is the Xuanming treasure umbrella. It is made of the most yin and cold things in the world. The power of Xuanyin and Mingbing is released between the opening and closing of the treasure umbrella. It is said that it can freeze the space and kill nine days!"

A true disciple of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao recognized the origin of the precious umbrella, and couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

bang bang bang...

Waves of surging holy power kept colliding together, and large swathes of turbulent void in the sky were suddenly frozen, and then shattered, again and again, forming a deadly land in an instant.

pat, pat...

The light blue holy blood spilled down and turned into gem-like crystal grains.

The Great Sage Xuanming held up his precious umbrella and blocked the killing blow of the three saints of the Golden Light Realm, but he was still severely injured, his whole body was cracked, and the holy blood continued to drip.

"Damn, damn it!"

"This Xuanhuang man's strength is so tyrannical, he deserves to have mastered the existence of two laws, so he blocked them all!"

"That treasure umbrella is really powerful, it can freeze the world, once our attack gets close, it will be severely weakened."

The three saints of the Golden Light Realm were furious. In the blow just now, they had already mobilized the utmost power of the magic weapon of the holy way, but they still failed to kill the great sage Xuanming.

Suddenly, the three of them glanced at Yuankong in horror, as if they felt some great terror, their expressions changed suddenly.

"I can't wait any longer, activate the power of Xu Zu, and kill him!"

Although Xuzu's power is unrivaled, the stronger the power, the greater the energy consumed, and even damage the source of life.

Moreover, the most important point is that the more Xu Zu's power is used, the more his own ideology will be assimilated by Xu Zu.

Therefore, no one is willing to use this taboo power until the critical moment.

But now, they seem to have been stepped on the tail, and they don't care about those side effects at all.


The three of them formed the same seal at the same time, mysteriously, three strands of white divine light burst out from their heads, and gathered together to form an illusory man in white robes.


The clone of Xu Zu's will, activated by the three saints, became more solid, and its power was even more terrifying, which made Long Hao gasp.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but at the moment when the clone of Xu Zu's will appeared, there seemed to be a pair of terrifying eyes staring at him, as if they were going to pull him into the bottomless abyss, peeling off the cocoon and reaching the depths of his soul.

That feeling is extremely terrifying.

"It's such a domineering power of the virtual world, it's almost going to swallow this piece of real world."

With such a domineering power, even if Long Hao wields the God's Punishment Sword, it will be very difficult for him to resist, unless he masters the law and becomes a saint.

Puff puff……

The fierce jihad broke out again, and Xu Zu's will avatar uninterruptedly made a series of white palm prints, like aurora beams running towards the Xuanming Great Sage, just like before, all tangible or intangible substances that were rubbed disappeared. I can't see it, I was pulled into the imaginary world.


The power of the treasure umbrella can no longer be maintained at this moment, and the power of Xuanyin Mingbing released is easily pierced by the white palm print.

Daoist aurora burst forth, the Great Sage Xuanming couldn't dodge in time, a white palm print brushed past his shoulder, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood.

The fracture was smooth and neat, as if it had been bitten off by something terrifying.

Rao the great sage Xuanming showed a terrified expression at such a weird scene.

It is really that the power of the virtual world is too weird and unpredictable, as if it was suddenly released from another world, and the attack route has no trace to be found. Even he, the Great Sage, can hardly detect the warning in advance, so how to resist it?

If it goes on like this, maybe a single blow can hit the vital point and completely end his life.

(End of this chapter)

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