Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 727: In the Beginning - Emperor Forbidden Immortal

Chapter 727: In the Beginning - Emperor Forbidden Immortal


Dao after wave of aurora stirred the void, continuously bringing up a string of light blue holy blood.

Seeing this scene, the livid faces of the three golden light realm saints finally showed a gleam of joy.

Xu Zu's will avatar can be said to be their most powerful hole card, it has always been invincible, and this time is no exception, it severely injured the Xuanming Great Sage in a short time.

"Uncle Xuanming, move two feet to the left."

The little girl's voice came to the ears, and the Great Sage Xuanming immediately reacted, followed her words without hesitation, and instantly avoided the thrilling blow.

"Uncle Xuanming, go up six feet."

"Uncle Xuanming, ten feet behind you."


The Great Sage Xuanming, who was almost exhausted just now, suddenly seemed to be revived with full blood at this moment, rushing from left to right, dodging all the attacks perfectly, it was like a miracle.


"How could this be?"

The three saints of the Golden Light Realm were all shocked. They knew better than anyone else the dominance and weirdness of the power of the virtual world. If it were a saint king, they might be able to perceive it a little bit, but a great saint would never be able to sense it. .

"It's those yin and yang pupils!"

"She actually saw through the attack mode of the power of the imaginary world so quickly. Could it be that her Dao pupil has awakened?"

The joy that had just appeared on the faces of the three saints froze for an instant, and they stared at the little girl in the crowd below, revealing fierce murderous intent.

"At all costs, quickly kill that Xuanhuang man!"

With an order, those kings and venerables of the Golden Light Realm, without the slightest hesitation, got rid of their opponents in an instant, and rushed towards the little girl like a tide.

"not good."

Sensing the sudden change in the situation, Long Hao immediately turned around, and at the same time reminded everyone: "Long Si, quickly end the formation."

"Who dares to hurt my junior sister?"

A true disciple from the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao charged forward with all his might, protecting the little girl like a door god.

Long Si's relay formation, Long Xiaomiao and Furious Zhanxiong are also ready for battle.

Long Hao was in charge of attacking Xuzu's will clone from the outside, while they resisted the violent counterattack of the strong in the Golden Light Realm.

Boom boom boom...

A new round of war broke out again, more tragic than before.

Those strong men in the Golden Light Realm are like wolves who are not afraid of death, rushing towards the camp of the Xuanhuang Realm, and even some crazy people among them will directly explode themselves, causing a lot of casualties to the Xuanhuang Realm.

When life and death were at stake, the powerhouses in the Xuanhuang Realm also began to desperately.

In this way, the situation was stalemate for a while, and seeing that the camp on the side of the Xuanhuang Realm was about to be breached by the strong men from the Golden Light Realm who were constantly self-exploding and attacking, an extremely powerful breath wave suddenly came from afar.

In an instant, there seemed to be stars all over the sky, and each big star was brighter than the sun, illuminating this chaotic void as bright as glass, and the majestic holy power flowed, filled with terrifying fluctuations like a vast ocean .

At that moment, the stars are the inscription patterns appearing, almost staring into form.

Hundreds of millions of stars sink and float in the void, evolving into thousands of imprints of the Dao, and they are connected together to form a real coercion of heaven!


Endless and terrifying coercion crushed the sky and the earth from a distance, and the turbulence of the void along the way was all smoothed out and stood still, making everyone terrified!

"My God, this is the divine power of the emperor!"

Some veteran kings exclaimed, even if they are as powerful as a holy king, it is impossible to exude such a tyrannical momentum, separated by a million miles of void, but still able to overwhelm the world.

"It was discovered so quickly?"

The sudden appearance of the great power of the Great Emperor caused the three saints of the Golden Light Realm to become overwhelmed all of a sudden, which was much shorter than they originally expected.

The three of them looked at each other, all extremely unwilling.

After planning for so long, even at the risk of investing in Xu Zu's command, in the end he lost his troops and lost his generals, and he didn't even get a cent. This kind of loss-making business, whoever changed it, would probably feel unwilling.

"We can't wait any longer, retreat immediately."

So what if you are not reconciled, the Great Emperor is coming soon, and life and death are only a moment away.

The majestic holy power is surging, and the power is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the sun, moon and stars appear in the distant sky at the same time, moving the heavens and dazzing.


Sensing the divine power of the emperor who was approaching rapidly, the three of them no longer hesitated, and with one order, they quickly got rid of their opponents and fled into the sky.


The strong men from the Golden Light Realm who were fighting frantically just now all jumped into the turbulent void and disappeared in a flash, leaving the surrounding strong men from the Black and Yellow Realm dumbfounded.

"It must be the arrival of our great emperor from the Xuanhuang Realm, who scared them away."

"Yes, Xuanhuang Myriad Boundary Mountain is a million miles away, and it takes only a moment for the emperor to reach it. How dare they stay?"

Everyone suddenly realized, with a look of surprise on their faces, and a sense of survival after a catastrophe.

At that moment just now, all the powerful Golden Light Realm experts blew themselves up. They really thought they were all going to die here.

"Hmph, let's count them escaping quickly, otherwise the Great Emperor will come and kill them all!"

While rejoicing, everyone also had some regrets.

Those strong men in the Golden Light Realm can hide in the virtual world and completely shield their own aura, even if the saint is close at hand, it is difficult to detect them.

As long as they run farther away, it is estimated that even the Supreme God will have nothing to do with them.

It is precisely because of this that those strong men in the Golden Light Realm can quietly lie in ambush on the road to heaven.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor really couldn't do anything to them.

Unfortunately, they were out of luck this time.

The next moment, a black gold battle suit emerged, shining with light that soared into the sky.

The peerless divine garment seems to be psychic, and it is a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation. It is made of divine objects and can last forever.

The person wearing the divine clothes was shrouded in a misty chaotic atmosphere, and the divine light was so brilliant that everyone could only see the immortal divine clothes.

"Even the cassock is the emperor's holy weapon, this emperor is absolutely extraordinary." Long Hao's eyes were bright, shining with a strange light.

The majestic power of the Great Emperor was boundless and terrifying, and the person reflected seemed to be a living ancient god, which made people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts, and couldn't help but want to bow down.

"Supernatural powers - back in time!"

The divine sound sounded like a dragon singing for nine days.

The power of the mysterious law flows quickly, dazzling all things, and seems to have evolved traces of the movement of heaven.

At the same time, the long-disappeared strong men from the Golden Light Realm reappeared like dots of stars.

The three saints are above, and the other strong men of the Golden Light Realm are still maintaining the momentum of desperately attacking and killing.

At this moment, everyone was silent, as if they were in a dream.

"This this this..."

"The law of time! My God..."

Everyone was stunned, they had never seen such a strange thing happen.

"Are you Taichu—the Forbidden Immortal Emperor?"

The three saints in the Golden Light Realm were even more frightened to the extreme at this moment. People could even see the rapidly enlarged bloodshot eyes in their pupils, which seemed to be about to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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