Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 739 The Weird Meeting

Chapter 739 The Weird Meeting
"It doesn't matter, they will see how powerful this girl is in the future, hum." Dao Yu pouted and snorted coldly, without looking at the crowd, he found a seat and sat down on his own.

Everyone was quite surprised, this little girl is not only full of style, but also has a powerful battle pet, which must be of extraordinary origin.

Not many people know the name of Yin Yang Dao Tong.

Otherwise, they will be startled.

According to the newcomer report, according to the usual practice, a meeting will be held to let everyone get acquainted with their future comrades-in-arms.

However, everyone's underestimation made Dao Yu's arrogant little temper come up, and the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

"Tch, that stupid bear is pretending again, meow."

Although Long Xiaomiao and Furious Zhanxiong dislike each other, at this moment, they feel very happy.

"That white cat..."

A woman in Tsing Yi with a long sword on her back, glanced across Long Xiaomiao's body, and finally fixed on Long Hao, suddenly startled: "Could it be that he is Long Hao from Shaking Light Holy Land?"

"Why, Junior Sister Jianyu, is that cat famous?" A heroic young man with short red hair asked.

"Among our true disciples in the Six Holy Lands of Eastern Earth, only Long Hao from the Yaoguang Holy Land has raised a white cat with horns on its head. It is said that the white cat is extremely talented, and it is probably a descendant of fairy spirits and beasts." The woman in Tsing Yi named Jian Yu frowned and said.

The heroic young man with short red hair, named Zhou Rulong, came from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, the strongest of the Ten Holy Lands. He was proud and straightforward, and said indifferently at this moment: "Long Hao? Hehe, I have never heard of it."

"Senior brother Zhou doesn't know that my junior brother Jian Lingyun of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land has been defeated by him twice, and he is almost regarded as the greatest enemy in this life!" Jian Yu said after taking a deep breath.

"Jian Lingyun?"

"Jian Lingyun, a sword idiot from the Six Realms, heard that he once fought against the King of the Golden Light Realm with his cultivation at the third level of the Nirvana Realm, and finally retreated calmly. How could such an amazing person be defeated by him twice?"

The other people on the side also cast curious glances.

Jian Yu seemed to know a lot about Long Hao, and continued: "Not only that, it is said that even Mu Tianyan of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao lost to him in the core disciple assessment."

"Mu Tianyan?"

Zhou Rulong stood up excitedly, and said in amazement: "You are talking about Mu Tianyan, who is known as one of the two beauties of Dongtu in the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao?"

Sure enough, no matter where, beautiful women are the most eye-catching.

Even in the Western Regions, Zhou Rulong has heard of Dongtu Shuangjiao, Mu Tianyan and Lu Yao's reputation.

Of course, Dongtu Shuangjiao is not only beautiful, but their talent and strength are also amazing, representing the top level of today's era.

Hearing this, Dao Yu also jumped up, looked at Long Hao with adoring eyes and said, "Big Brother, you actually beat Sister Tianyan, it's amazing."

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Long Hao was calm on the surface, but he was somewhat complacent in his heart.

"Sit down, these are the basic operations of the boss, meow." Long Xiaomiao didn't know what humility meant, so he immediately felt complacent.

Long Hao was speechless.

Despite his recent rise to fame, he relies on a cat for identification.

Rather, Long Xiaomiao is more famous than him.

At this time, everyone looked at Long Hao again.

It was found that although he was wearing a plain white robe and had a handsome face, he had an extraordinary bearing, especially those bright eyes, which seemed to have a kind of confidence and arrogance in their depth.

"This must be a person who is proud to the bone, which is interesting."

Zhou Rulong licked his lips, with fighting intent in his eyes, and gave Long Hao an accurate evaluation.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, the wheel runner who had been secretly observing Long Hao suddenly came forward with a smile.

"You don't know, although these two fellow Taoists are still young, they are extremely talented. They are rare talents in my Xuanhuang Realm, and their combat prowess is probably not much worse than yours."

"What the hell does this guy mean?"

Of course, Long Hao is also observing the potential enemy, the Runner King, and of course he won't be dazzled by the other party's casual praise.

"Two fellow daoists, please take a seat. I will introduce you to you."

Reaching out his hand as a gesture of invitation, Zhuanlun Wang began to introduce Long Hao and Dao Yu to the Nirvana Realm in the hall.

"Junior Sister Jianyu from Heavenly Sword Holy Land has superb swordsmanship and a sweet voice, haha."

"Zhou Rulong from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning is endowed with divine power."


"The other juniors and juniors are all on missions and have no time to come to meet you two, but you will meet again in the future."

After the introduction of the King of Wheels, Long Hao got up again and asked the doubts that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

"Senior Zhuanlun, how did senior brother Liuyun of Shaking Light Holy Land fall, please tell me the details."

Long Hao went straight to the point, which was somewhat beyond the expectations of the King of the Wheel, but he still showed a very sad expression and said: "I can understand the mood of Junior Brother Long, but this matter is too bizarre, and a saint has already intervened." Junior Brother Long doesn't have to worry about investigating."

"Do you want to hide it, or play hard to get?" Long Hao slandered in his heart, and then raised his voice again: "Before I came, the high-level officials of the Holy Land entrusted me to investigate this matter, and I ask Brother Zhuanlun to enlighten me."

"Of course, everyone is from the same family and should help each other."

To Long Hao's surprise, Zhuan Lun Wang didn't intend to refuse to cooperate, even Long Hao asked him about the inspection route when Liuyun Sword Master disappeared, and he agreed.

Full of doubts, Long Hao returned to his seat, but his intuition told him that things were never as simple as they seemed.

"Okay everyone, I hope that we will work together in the future to build meritorious service for the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"Junior Brother Long and Junior Sister Daoyu, let's repair the City Lord's Mansion now, and then carry out the task."

In the end, the Wheel-Turning King uttered some generous and platitudes, and the meeting was considered to be over.

After the meeting ended, Lin Wuxu enthusiastically led Long Hao and the others to their residence.

"Big brother, that sweet-talking King of Wheels doesn't look like a good person at first sight, you have to be careful."

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with Zhuanlun King's behavior just now, he was kind and loyal.

But Dao Yu's yin and yang pupils can see through the disguise and get to the essence. Her words are still very credible.

"I also find it strange. Given his relationship with Du Tiancheng, it stands to reason that he should hate Junior Brother Long, but he is so easy to talk to?" Lin Wuxu was also a little surprised.

He was worried that Long Hao and Zhuan Lun Wang would dislike each other in the main hall, and they would have a big fight.

"Hmph, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

Long Hao sneered in his heart, he had already seen through the intentions of the King of Wheels to cover up.

At the same time, he also vaguely felt that there was a big dark hand silently covering Area No.18, and behind him, there was always a pair of cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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