Chapter 740

As the occupier, the Xuanhuang Realm will naturally make full use of all the resources here.

Among other things, compared to the remote alleys where people from the Golden Light Realm live, Long Hao and the others each have a large independent palace here.

On weekdays, he practiced here and assisted the king to protect the formation tower. He would only leave when performing tasks.

"Brother Wuxu, what tasks do we have?" On the way to the residence, Dao Yu kept asking curiously.

Lin Wuxu, who treats people warmly, seems to like this innocent and lively little girl very much, and took the trouble to explain to her.

"In fact, our task is very simple."

"In addition to protecting the security of the array tower and patrolling tasks, it is to guard the mine and the beast forest."

"Mine and beast forest?"

Dao Yu already understood the protection tower and inspection tasks, but he didn't know much about the mines and beast forests.

"Due to the unique environment, the Golden Light Realm is rich in all kinds of ores. These are mineral resources that are of great benefit to practitioners. Alchemy refining tools and building magic circles... are of great use."

"The Beast Forest is the territory of a kind of alien beast unique to the Golden Light Realm. These alien beasts are extremely ferocious, and they attack other creatures on a large scale for a long time. We guard the Beast Forest to prevent these alien beasts from causing trouble everywhere. In order to seize the beast pills in the bodies of these strange beasts."

"Generally speaking, in our No.18 area, there are two mines and three animal forests... These are the tasks we have to perform on weekdays, and everyone comes here in rotation."

During the conversation, everyone came to the residence.

Before leaving, Lin Wuxu found Long Hao on purpose, and reminded him with eyes that only a man could understand: "Junior Brother Long, this Golden Light Realm is relatively barren, and there is nothing else, only the women here have a special charm, you should not miss it."

Long Hao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately teased: "So Brother Lin has already enjoyed it?"

"Tsk tsk..." Lin Wuxu smacked his lips with endless aftertaste, patted Long Hao's shoulder, and said in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "You must have fun when you are happy in life, don't let the beauty stay empty!"

Watching Lin Wuxu leave, Long Hao couldn't help sighing: The people in the Happy Holy Land are really chic.

For Lin Wuxu and others, when they come to this foreign land that is in danger every step of the way, life is precarious, so of course they enjoy it as much as they can.

At first, Long Hao didn't understand what he meant.

But when he pushed open the gate of the palace, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Meet the master!"

On both sides of the gatehouse, there are tall, plump and chic beauties standing in two rows, and they are welcoming Long Hao with the ceremony of Xuanhuang Realm.

These beauties are different from those gentle and dignified women in Xuanhuang Realm. They all have expressive eyebrows, exaggerated figures, and much more hearty and open temperament.

Moreover, they have obviously received special training, wear the costumes of Xuanhuangjie, speak the same language, and have a variety of styles.

"Hey hey hey, they are really hot and beautiful girls." Long Si couldn't close his mouth at the side.

Obviously, this guy was not a gentleman in his previous life, but it's a pity that his current body with immortal roots can only look drooling.

Not to mention him, even Long Xiaomiao stared straight at those beauties, wishing she could lie down in the gentle village immediately.

"Kasha, I have met the master."

At this time, a blonde beauty with fair skin and stunning appearance stepped forward, and looked at Long Hao affectionately with big royal blue eyes: "I am your housekeeper, and I will be responsible for serving your food and daily life from today... What do you need?" , just follow the master's orders."

Kaisha is not only beautiful, but her voice is as clear as a piano, especially the last sentence with deep meaning, which makes people suspect that she is implying to drive.

"Cough cough..."

Even Long Hao, who prided himself on being an old driver, was a little dizzy at the moment.

"Senior brother Lin and the others really know how to enjoy it."

"No wonder they all risk their lives and want to run to another world. They can do whatever they want."

Long Hao couldn't help but groan in his heart.

After occupying the Golden Light Realm, everything here belongs to the strong in the Xuanhuang Realm, including the people here besides the treasures of heaven and earth.

Looking at Kai'Sa in front of him, Long Hao wanted to refuse, after all, he came here to cultivate his mind, so he should be pure and ascetic in order to see his nature clearly.

But recalling Lin Wuxu's words before he left, he was relieved again.

"To be happy in life is to have fun, not bad not bad."

"Furthermore, Master also said that cultivating one's mind is also releasing one's self, one cannot restrain human desires everywhere."

Finding a perfect excuse, Long Hao readily accepted the service of the blonde beauty.


After dismissing Long Si and Long Xiaomiao, Long Hao came to his residence under the guidance of Kai Sha.

The area is not small, and the bedroom, living room and even the practice room are all available.

The place has already been cleaned, and the soft bed still has a scent of fragrance, which makes people want to sleep with the beauty in their arms for three days.

"Master, Kai'Sa waits for you to take a bath first."

After a while, seeing Kai'Sa walking in only her underwear, this bold behavior made Long Hao feel a little overwhelmed.

"No, I'll do it myself."

For a lone ranger like Long Hao who has been training outside all the year round, some things are more convenient for him alone.

While taking a bath, Long Hao took out a jade slip, which marked the inspection route of Sword Master Liuyun when he disappeared.

Long Hao took it and compared it with the map of the Golden Light Realm, but it was difficult to find any clues from it.

He was new here and didn't understand the geographical environment here at all.

Coming out of the bathroom, Long Hao saw that Kai'Sa was still waiting at the door, so he asked about her.

Kai'Sa is a native of the Jinguang Realm, and also has the cultivation base of the Faxiang Realm, so she knows the geography of District No.18 better than Long Hao.

After looking carefully for a while, she suddenly pointed to a point in the picture and said, "Here is an extremely dangerous Jedi. I heard that a demon was sealed inside and would eat all passers-by."

"Sens Mountains, demon?"

According to Kai'Sa's description, the so-called demon should be a powerful abyss monster that got lost in the Golden Light Realm from the turbulence of the void, and was later suppressed and sealed by the strong in the Golden Light Realm. Nobody cares anymore, so it's not marked on the map.

Long Hao frowned, thinking in his heart: "Could it be that Senior Brother Liuyun was accidentally eaten by this demon during his patrol?"

This seems like a very reasonable explanation.

But Long Hao always felt that something was wrong.

"Forget it, I'll find out when I have time to go and see for myself. If I want to come to the wheel-running king of Zixiao Holy Land, I shouldn't let me idle for too long."

After making up his mind, Long Hao prepared to practice in meditation for a while.

"During this time, no one is allowed to come in and disturb you if you have nothing to do."

Saying that, Long Hao casually rewarded Kaisha with a bottle of treasure pill.

Kaisha naturally respectfully said yes, and thanked her a thousand times.

In the Jinguang Realm, which is relatively poor in resources, except for its rich minerals, there are very few spiritual plant medicines, let alone this kind of medicine that can increase cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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