Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 751 The Beast Tide Is Coming

Chapter 751 The Beast Tide Is Coming
If Long Hao went to Wanjie Tiangong to exchange these metallic treasures with merit, the price he would have to pay would definitely be ten times higher.

Anyway, idleness is idleness, and there are ready-made resources, so there is no need to use them in vain.

After solving this matter, Long Hao returned to the tower, and with the help of the magic circle there, he sent a message back to the Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms, and spent a thousand merits in exchange for a large number of precious medicines for refining the Golden Gang Body Shaping Pill.

In this way, he can practice with peace of mind. After three months, everything will be ready, and he will be able to cultivate the Golden Spirit Body in one fell swoop.


In the following days, it calmed down.

Most of the time, Long Hao practiced steadily in the formation tower, raising his cultivation level.

Anyway, he got a lot of practice resources from Ten Thousand Mountains, enough for his Nirvana practice.

In addition to practicing, he also occasionally enters the beast forest to hunt and kill strange beasts himself, confirming some new insights.

Such insights and actual combat confirm each other, making Long Hao's foundation not only extremely solid, but also the speed of improvement is not slow at all.

Three months later.

Accompanied by the sound of great dragon chants, in the dim phantom of the ancestor dragon, there are nearly [-] flying dragon veins, shining with dazzling light, and the divine power is like a torrent of waves, rolling endlessly.

"Sixfold Nirvana Realm!"

"At this rate, I can reach Nirvana Dzogchen within two years!"

This speed is simply against the sky for ordinary practitioners.

But for Long Hao, it was still a bit slow.

"If you have time, go back to the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace, and use the time tower there to strive to be promoted to Nirvana Dzogchen within this year!"

Under the effect of ten times the acceleration of time, he only needs to practice in the Tower of Time for two months, which is enough.

After suspending his practice, Long Hao left the customs and was ready to accept the results.

Last month, a starship warship passed by and brought him the precious medicine that he had exchanged for. Now the only thing missing is those metallic treasures.

But when Long Hao came to the camp, he found that the atmosphere here was very strange.

Many Golden Light Realm powerhouses gathered in groups of three or four, looking in the direction of the beast forest with terrified eyes.

Around the camp, there were also a large number of armored soldiers guarding each other, but their trembling pupils could not conceal the fear in their hearts.

In the tense and chilling atmosphere, even Dao Yu, who had been playing outside, rushed back.

"I will kill anyone who dares to run away!" Dao Yu, who was innocent and kind in the past, also showed a strong evil spirit at this moment.


The berserk war bear transformed into the size of a hill and stood guard in front of the camp, raging with rage.

"Hey, big brother, are you out of customs?"

Seeing Long Hao go out, Dao Yu and Sauron both ran over quickly.

"What happened?" Long Hao asked.

Sauron's face was heavy, and his body was trembling non-stop: "My lord, we have been doing our best to hunt and kill strange beasts according to your orders during this time. We have completed the task in the past two months, but recently..."

Taking a deep breath, Sauron gritted his teeth and said, "A large number of strange beasts have suddenly appeared recently. We failed to complete this month's mission, and suffered heavy casualties!"

"Suddenly a large number of strange beasts appeared?"

Long Hao frowned and said, "Could it be that the beast tide is about to erupt?"

"Very likely." Sauron trembled.

Unlike Sauron who was afraid of Long Hao's blame, Dao Yu smiled excitedly: "Hey, these are small scenes, Yu'er and Fourth Master can deal with them, big brother didn't bother you when he was retreating."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the restless Sauron again, and said coquettishly, "Haven't you experienced beast hordes a few times, why are you afraid of this? You even alarmed the big brother and delayed his practice. Can you afford it?"

"Lord Dao Yu, calm down, even if you have a hundred courage, you will not dare to delay Lord Long's practice." Sauron wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Moreover, this beast horde is different from the past, it's on a huge scale..."

Judging by Sauron's appearance, this beast tide is extraordinary.

Long Hao didn't mean to blame him, and immediately jumped up into the sky, looking in the direction of the depths of the beast forest.

There, the evil spirit was billowing, almost turning into a dark golden cloud, raging crazily, pressing towards the direction of the camp.

This time, I don't know how many strange beasts came out, and the evil spirit they brought made Long Hao feel terrified, let alone these hired Golden Light Realm experts.

"This animal swarm only happens once every few years, but I caught up with it if I didn't want to."

With a chuckle in his heart, Long Hao's eyes lit up instead: "But it's just right, I should be able to gather the required beast pills in one fell swoop by taking this opportunity."

"Where are Long Xiaomiao and Long Si?" Long Hao asked Dao Yu without seeing them.

"Xiao Miao went to the depths of the beast forest to inquire about the news. The fourth master is building a magic circle in front of the camp..." Dao Yu showed a proud expression as he said: "These guys want to run away, I've suppressed them all."

"Well, well done." Long Hao heaved a sigh of relief.

I thought that during the period of his retreat, those guys might cause some trouble.

Now it seems that at critical moments, they are really reliable.

"Then big brother will reward us." Dao Yu said obediently.

"What reward do you want?" Long Hao said.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's the golden scale dragon fish brought by the little meow..." Dao Yu showed an angry expression when he said it: "But the little meow is too picky, so please let us eat it once, and I will give him the treasure Otherwise, he won't do it."

People in the Golden Light Realm never eat or drink, and there are no edible ingredients here.

Dao Yu, who came from the Xuanhuang Realm, naturally couldn't adapt, and he was definitely hungry.

But Long Hao didn't expect that before departure, Long Xiaomiao actually brought many golden scale dragon fish.

"Sure enough, he's a foodie." Speaking of which, Long Hao also drooled a little.

"Don't worry, the beast horde has been dealt with, I'll treat you to eat your fill." Long Hao said frankly.

"Yeah, long live big brother!" Dao Yu cheered excitedly.

"Hoho—" the greedy Rage War Bear also patted his chest and echoed.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared, but it was Long Xiaomiao who came back to inquire about the news.

But at this moment, Long Xiaomiao was scorched black with blown hair all over her body, and there were still a few bloodstains on her body.

Long Hao glanced at him, and said with a dark face: "If you really don't give me up, how can someone beat me up to such a virtue?"

"Hoo, hoo..." Panting heavily, Long Xiaomiao stared at the direction of the depths of the beast forest with angry eyes, and shouted: "There is... a beast king inside, meow~"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Beastmaster is the king of alien beasts, a master comparable to the king of practitioners.

Especially this kind of beast king, whose physique is as strong as divine gold, has infinite strength to break mountains and ground, is invincible in defense, unparalleled in attack, and possesses powerful innate magical powers.

It is a bit stronger than the general King of the Golden Light Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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