Chapter 752 Shocking the Quartet
Although Long Xiaomiao's voice was not loud, the surrounding powerhouses in the Golden Light Realm could still hear it clearly, and their expressions changed dramatically.

"A beast king actually appeared in the beast forest?"

"The alien beast king is here, stronger than practitioners of the same realm, can we stop it?"

"No, I don't want to die!"

The strong men in the Golden Light Realm in the camp instantly became ants on the hot pot, and panic spread wildly.

"My lord, run away, we can't stop it!"

"Yes, my lord, we want to live, please let us go!"


Frightened by the power of the violent war bear, the strong men in the Golden Light Realm did not dare to leave privately, and they all worshiped and begged Long Hao and Dao Yu who were high in the sky.

These people burst into tears for a while, and the sound of wailing was overwhelming.

"Big brother, they are crying so pitifully." Dao Yu's hands were entangled, his face was full of pity.

Long Hao glanced at her, and said in an indifferent tone: "You should know that we are not here for charity, they are all just tools of the Xuanhuang Realm, it is best not to feel pity for the tools."

Dao Yu nodded ignorantly.

She also understands the reason. In the current situation, the large-scale beast tide led by the beast king is about to erupt, and it is absolutely difficult to resist it with the strength of a few of them.

Whether they are used as cannon fodder or to fill up the number of people, these strong men in the Golden Light Realm must stay, so as to have a chance of winning.

Seeing that Long Hao and Dao Yu didn't reply for a long time, the strong men in the Golden Light Realm below began to riot, with strange intentions.

"Hmph, we should have understood a long time ago that these invaders from the Xuanhuang Realm will not show mercy to us, they will only drive us to work hard!"

"You're right, you shouldn't have pinned your hopes on them in the first place."

"If he wants to die, let him go by himself. Let's go together and see if he can keep us all!"

A Nirvana Realm expert took the lead, and six or seven Golden Light Realm experts in the Faxiang Realm also followed him and rushed out of the camp at extreme speed.

This scene happened so suddenly that no one else could react.

But if you don't care about it, other people will follow suit, and then the defense line will collapse and the beasts will wreak havoc.

Approaching Beast Forest No. [-], even the vast surrounding area will be reduced to scorched earth.


Suddenly, there was a cold snort like thunder on the ground, containing supreme divine power.

Supernatural powers - space ban!
Long Hao turned around abruptly, thunder flashed all over his body, and his blood was like a dragon.

Like a heavenly emperor in charge of the universe, he bent forward a little, and suddenly there was an explosion of domineering space power, extending over like an aurora, freezing the few strong men in the Golden Light Realm who took the lead in escaping in the void.

Without waiting for everyone to exclaim in surprise, a golden mana hand slammed down out of thin air, and the bodies of the seven strong men in the golden light realm, including the Nirvana realm, exploded directly, destroying both their bodies and spirits.

In just a split second, Long Hao's ruthless thunder method shocked everyone.

"At the time of the battle, everyone must fight to the death to repel the beast horde. Anyone who dares to escape without authorization...will be killed without mercy!"

The last sentence was accentuated, like the law of the thunder of the emperor of heaven, full of domineering force, sweeping every corner of the camp.

All the strong men in the Golden Light Realm were overwhelmed by this terrifying divine power and momentum, their legs and feet trembled uncontrollably, and they no longer had any strange intentions.

Died at the hands of the ferocious Long Hao, or died under the terrifying beast tide, the already terrified Golden Light Realm powerhouse chose the latter without hesitation.

Better to die late than to die early.

We can only hope that the news is not true, there is no beast king, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

Sauron on the side was even more frightened.

Normally, Long Hao always looked calm and peaceful, but when it came to the critical moment, Long Hao's ruthless methods and the ferocity emitted by him were even more terrifying than foreign demon gods!
"Beast tide, beast tide!"

Suddenly, the armored soldiers guarding the camp in front shouted.

Everyone couldn't care about anything else, and jumped into the air one after another, looking into the depths of the beast forest.

There, as if a major earthquake had occurred, the mountains and rocks were cracked, the earth was ups and downs, and countless metal monsters, like locusts, surged out from every corner, like ten thousand horses galloping, huge waves and torrents!

It doesn't matter if you look at it, everyone's heart beats violently following the galloping metal beast.


"This scale is too terrifying!"

Even people who have experienced beast tides a few times can't help but be shocked by the endless metal beasts in front of them.

The densely packed colorful metal beasts, like a tsunami, rushed towards the camp with their scarlet eyes open.

The overwhelming evil spirit swept every corner of the world, sending chills down everyone's backs.

"Quick, everyone form formation!"

Sauron shouted loudly, waking up those ignorant Golden Light Realm powerhouses.

In order to save their lives, they acted quickly, took out their armor, and formed neat and huge army formations.

"Golden Sun Arrow Array is ready—release!"

Following Sauron's order, in the frontmost army formation, countless huge ballistas and bows and arrows in everyone's hands burst out with dazzling light, as if they wanted to bring this world into a scorching sun.


The dense crossbow arrows and feather arrows drew a shining arc in the air, rubbing out huge sparks, like stars falling, pouring down on the mountains thousands of miles away.


The sound of violent explosions was endless, like ten thousand thunderbolts exploding one after another.

The Golden Light Realm is rich in metal ore, and they are best at forging weapons.

The crossbow bolts fired from those ballistas are more than one foot long and look like missiles. Each of them contains extremely violent power, which can obliterate the strong in the state of magic, even the strong in the nirvana state. Drink hate.

Even those ordinary feathered arrows can easily kill a strong person in the golden alchemy state, and their penetrating power is so strong that even the leather armor of a metal beast can penetrate.

Waves of arrows flew out, killing a large number of metal beasts.

On the ground thousands of miles away, corpses are scattered all over the field, and animal blood is flowing.

But this is far from enough.

The scale of the beast swarm this time was too large, the metal beasts that swept in like a wave seemed endless, and the arrows were all exhausted, but they couldn't stop their pace at all.

"This scale... I am afraid that all the strange beasts in the beast forest will be driven out, and only the beast king can do this!" Long Hao secretly said in his heart.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

The radiant golden glow burst out in an instant, and a golden giant ape with a height of hundreds of feet rushed out from the mountains, full of energy and blood, as if it was about to shatter the void, and its eyes were full of angry flames.

I saw a huge black stick in its hand, like a mountain pillar, striding forward with a monstrous evil spirit.

With every step, there was a loud noise that made people's heart stop.

"The beast king has appeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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