Chapter 753

The icy metallic luster combined with the ferocious evil spirit raged across the sky, the hundred-foot-tall giant ape stepped forward, the void was distorted, and the monstrous evil spirit raged like a torrent.

"Beastmaster, there really is a Beastmaster!"

"It's over, we're all going to die!"

The strong men in the Golden Light Realm fell to the ground, trembling all over and letting out low growls of terror, their eyes full of despair.

"Years ago, the two adults just investigated, but they didn't find the beast king. Where did it come from?"

Seeing the appearance of the king of beasts and the power of the king raging out of thin air, the last hope in Sauron's heart was also shattered.

"Wow, that strange beast is so big, it's several times bigger than a little bear."

Dao Yu opened his mouth wide and was a little surprised: "Big brother, what should we do?"

Long Hao didn't speak, and two lightning lights burst out from his eyes, falling on the giant ape in the distance, as if he could penetrate the emptiness and see the essence clearly.

I saw a piece of golden glaze on the giant ape, with inscription patterns all over its body, forged like divine gold, and its solid muscles were like the top of a mountain, full of explosive power.

There is no doubt that this Beastmaster is extremely tyrannical, whether it is skin defense or physical strength, and it is probably no worse than the white-robed old man.

But the aura on it fluctuates, fluctuates, sometimes berserk like thunder, sometimes chaotic like a turbulent current...

Gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of Long Hao's mouth.

"When Huang Chonggu and the others investigated the year before last, there was no beast king yet, which is enough to show that this giant ape should have just broken through recently!"

As a puppet master, Huang Chonggu is far superior to ordinary people in terms of strength and insight. Long Hao believes that his investigation should not go wrong.

At this time, Sauron, who had been struggling for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and came over, saluting respectfully: "Master Long, hurry up and send a message back to Jincheng, the Beast King appears, I'm afraid we can't resist it for a long time with our strength."

Under normal circumstances, when a beast king appears in the beast forest, the Xuanhuang Realm will dispatch strong men to kill them as quickly as possible.

The Xuanhuang Realm occupies this place and plunders resources. The situation must be stable, and turmoil is absolutely not allowed. Once there is a sign, it will be extinguished immediately.

Sauron was obviously very experienced in this matter, so he risked provoking Long Hao to persuade him.

"No need."

Long Hao understood Sauron's thoughts, but he didn't get angry.

After all, no normal person would think that the Nirvana Realm has the strength to compete with the King Realm.

Long Hao directly refused, one reason was that there was too little time.

The second is because he doesn't want to give up the merits that are close to him to others.

In the eyes of Sauron and others, such a large-scale beast horde is absolutely a devastating disaster, but in the eyes of Long Hao, this is an opportunity bestowed on him by heaven.

The merit of repelling a beast horde is at least a few hundred to a few thousand points.

What's more, he is also about to use this beast tide to gather the resources for cultivating the golden spirit treasure body at once.

Of course, he did this not only because of greed, but also because of self-confidence.

Hearing Long Hao's straight refusal, Sauron was stunned.

This is their last chance.

However, Long Hao just said plainly: "The spiritual intelligence of the metal beasts is not high, and their actions are mainly driven by the beast master. As long as the beast master is eliminated, and then a strong attack is made, the beast tide will naturally fall apart!"

"What does big brother want to do?"

Dao Yu asked curiously: "The beast horde is so big, it must not be easy to rush over to encircle and suppress the beast king."

If it was a veteran king, Long Hao would definitely call for reinforcements immediately, but he didn't take it seriously because it was just a metal beast that had just broken through.

"With thousands of troops and horses and a general, how difficult is it to find something?" The loud voice was full of self-confidence and arrogance.

"Big Brother wants to go alone?" Dao Yu opened his mouth in surprise.

The last time they dealt with the white-robed old man, it was only with the joint efforts of all of them that they barely defeated him.

Long Hao didn't answer, and turned to look at Long Si who was in charge of the big formation, "How long can your big formation hold?"

"Hey, there is absolutely no problem with this level of beast swarms for half an hour." Long Siyi grinned and said with a confident smile.


As soon as the words fell, there was a loud dragon chant.


Before everyone could react, they saw in horror that the aura on Long Hao's body exploded, and he vaguely transformed into a five-clawed dragon, and suddenly flew across the sky, covering a distance of more than a hundred miles in an instant.

Long Hao seldom used the divine dragon's form.

But once used, all his supernatural powers will skyrocket.

At this moment, relying on the power of Dharma to cast Longyou Wanli, the speed has increased several times.

"That lord, he wants to deal with the beast king alone?"

The powerhouses in the Golden Light Realm were very surprised.

"Hmph, people in the Xuanhuang Realm are always so overwhelmed."

"I hope that lord can succeed, otherwise we really have no way out!"

Everyone's mentality is different, all staring at the battlefield, frowning.

"Meow, the boss must avenge me!" Only Long Xiaomiao shouted, full of confidence in Long Hao.

chi chi chi...

Under the rapidity, a violent sonic boom erupted.

Countless metal beasts saw the five-clawed dragon flying overhead, and after a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, under the coercion of the beast king, they broke out powerful attacks one after another.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, beams of light, beams of lightning... jetted out, turned into colorful torrents in the void, and blasted towards Long Hao who was passing across the sky.

"Supernatural power - real dragon flying fire cover!"

The giant water and fire dragon rolled out, rubbing a blazing flame in the void, resisting all attacks.

In order to kill the Beast King as soon as possible, Long Hao had no intention of getting entangled with these little minions, so he rushed straight to the rear of the Beast King with all his energy and blood rising.

In just a few breaths, Long Hao traveled thousands of miles and rushed to the Beastmaster.

The power of the water and fire dragon raged out, immediately obliterating a large number of metal beasts around it.

What greeted him was a huge black stick, which was swung by the hundred-foot-tall giant ape, sweeping away thousands of troops, and the air wave collapsed a large area of ​​void.

The blazing golden glow surged, blood energy vibrated the void, Long Hao walked like a dragon, stepped into the air, and there was a kind of domineering arrogance in his gaze.

In an instant, he circulated all the power of the dragon veins, and punched out at the same time as Shenlong's method.

The golden fist print pushed forward like the scorching sun, and collided with the oncoming black stick.

The violent explosion raged with violent vigor, leveling the ground within a radius of tens of miles, and destroying countless metal monsters in ashes.

"Evenly matched?" The people behind couldn't help but exclaimed.

"My God, Lord Long can fight against the Beast King undefeated, isn't it true?"

"What a terrifying divine power, as if a real dragon is alive!"

Many people rubbed their eyes and thought they were wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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