Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 762 The Plot of the Golden Light Realm

Chapter 762 The Plot of the Golden Light Realm
Under such a terrifying explosion of power, the space inside the Void Behemoth's belly completely collapsed.

The fortress carefully built by the strong men of the Golden Light Realm over the years was wiped out, and together with those strong men of the Golden Light Realm of the Venerable Level, they all turned into nothingness.

After all, not everyone has a powerful magic weapon.


The white-robed old man rolled out of the turbulent current in embarrassment. The king's domain had already been dilapidated, and only half of his body was left.

The situation of the other six Kings of the Golden Light Realm was similar to his.

It is already a miracle to be able to survive under such a terrifying turbulence of destruction.

"Impossible! How could that puppet possess such terrifying power?"

Seeing the space inside the Void Beast's belly turn into nothingness, all living beings died, and even the world channel built by the power of the void collapsed, the white-robed old man and the others all looked ashen, and their hearts were extremely panicked.

It's nothing to lose a stronghold, but if they can't even keep the world passage, they will die forever.

Even if Long Hao didn't kill them, that terrifying ancestor Xu would kill them mercilessly.

It's a pity, without waiting for Xu Zu to do something, Long Hao plans to end their suffering now.

"Except for the white-robed old man, kill everyone else!"

Long Hao's cold voice full of murderous aura was especially piercing in the dead void.

The next moment, Zhan Puppet Dragon II burst out with a roar of vigor, and flew across the sky like a tyrannosaurus.

A King of the Golden Light Realm, before he could react, the iron claws that pierced through the air scratched his head and exploded, killing him.

The king has fallen!
Everything happens only between lightning and flint.


"If you fight them, you will drag them back to your death!"

Under the shadow of death, the remaining kings of the Golden Light Realm became insane. They all burst out with secret arts, and some even rushed forward and wanted to explode themselves.

It's a pity that the power of Zhan Puppet Dragon II exploded to the limit, and he possessed a combat power comparable to that of a peak king.

And those kings of the Golden Light Realm are all seriously injured at this moment, and their combat strength has dropped sharply.

Under these conditions, the results are self-evident.

The tyrannical Battle Puppet Dragon II directly displayed his three heads and six arms, holding a bony saber, rushed into the crowd and slashed wildly, like a moving meat grinder.

His speed is like lightning, and his strength is like a real dragon.

Those slow-moving Kings of the Golden Light Realm were not opponents at all, and they were beheaded one by one after a while.

"It's over!" The white-robed old man witnessed the demise of his companions with his own eyes, and a feeling of despair welled up in his heart.

"Answer my question, or die!"

Long Hao floated over and stood erect in the void, like a young man who suppressed all kinds of wastelands. Just the fluctuation of power emitted by him would make the suppressed old man in white robe unable to lift his head.

Right now, this stronghold is completely finished.

But Long Hao still didn't know the cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death.

Moreover, if the strong men in the Golden Light Realm who have taken refuge in Xu Zu want to rebel, it is far from enough to rely on this passage out of the world.

Behind the old man in white robe and others, there must be more secrets.

"Ha ha……"

The old man in white robe suddenly let out a sneer, and the laughter was full of madness: "You also underestimate us people from the Golden Light Realm."

"We have planned for thousands of years, at the expense of our lives, even at the expense of becoming Xu Zu's vassals and slaves, just to get revenge and kill all the invading demons like you!"

At the end, the old man in white robe looked mad, his pupils let out a hysterical roar: "The great ancestor Xu is about to come, you all have to die!"

At the same time, a terrifying wave of energy surged out of his body, like a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting at the same time, trying to overturn this world.

"Want to blow yourself up?"

Long Hao focused his eyes, and shouted: "Long Er."

However, just now, Long Er, who had been going all the way and obeyed his orders, unexpectedly didn't move at this moment.

The brilliance of power on his body has dissipated, and even his pupils have dimmed, obviously exhausted of energy.

After being repaired by Qin Wuji, the battle puppet dragon two has built a spirit-gathering circle in his body, which can independently absorb the power of heaven and earth to accumulate energy.

Judging from the results of Long Hao's observation just now, if he fully charges his energy once, under normal circumstances, Zhan Puppet Dragon II can persist for half an hour, but if he explodes with all his strength, he can only persist for about 5 minutes.

Whether this period of time is long or short, among the king-level war puppets, they already belong to the top class.


"Big brother, back quickly!"

Long Xiaomiao, Dao Yu and the others shouted anxiously, all startled by the terrifying energy fluctuations.

The energy in a king's body is so huge, once it explodes, the world will be destroyed for a hundred thousand miles. Even a king of the same level cannot resist it, and will be smashed to pieces by the terrifying energy tide.

But Long Hao didn't panic, he slapped forward with his big hand, and the domineering power of space raged out, completely freezing the space where the white-robed old man was.

"Supernatural power - space ban!"

After refining the golden elixir of Archmage Saden, Long Hao's spatial powers were further enhanced. Although he had not yet reached the level of supreme supernatural powers, he could still be banned for a while against a king who was exhausted.

And in this moment, with Long Hao's means, it was enough to kill the opponent ten times.

"Unfortunately, I haven't mastered the soul-searching supernatural power yet."

With a sigh, Long Hao felt helpless, he had no choice but to kill the mad white-robed old man.

"Is it the soul-searching supernatural power? It depends on the fourth master."

Long Si suddenly laughed and teleported over. With a wave of his long sleeves, a flag flew out.

The next moment, Huangquan Rising Dragon formed, and four giant dragons surged out of it, completely immobilizing the body of the white-robed old man.

"Supernatural powers - soul search!"

He pressed one hand on the head of the old man in white robe, and the Immortal Dragon Leaf on top of his head immediately lit up, emitting a mysterious radiance.

In an instant, the memory image of the old man in white robe appeared in front of Long Hao's eyes.

Dao Yu also leaned over curiously, and after looking at it for a while, his little face suddenly darkened, and the last trace of pity for the people of the Golden Light Realm disappeared, leaving only anger.

"These people from the Golden Light Realm really don't know what to do. After merging with our Xuanhuang Realm, they can at least reproduce and pass on. But if they take refuge in Xu Zu, they can only be reduced to slaves and puppets." Dao Yu said angrily.

Not long after, the light and shadow disappeared, and Long Hao shot out a ray of burning sky flames, which burned the body of the white-robed old man.

"It seems that a certain ancestor has planned it long ago."

Long Si smacked his lips: "This is a big trouble, if the thing that is targeted by a certain ancestor is not available, it will be destroyed."

From Long Si's point of view, the Golden Light Realm could not be preserved no matter what.

"They have already got in touch with the people in the Golden Light Realm, and have set up one hundred and eight world passages. They can enter in one fell swoop only after the army of the Void Ancestor Realm gathers." Long Hao expected it well. The base is just one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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