Chapter 763

"Big brother, let's hurry up and notify the saint and Wanjie Tiangong?" Dao Yu also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although the white-robed old man is only the controller of one of the strongholds, he doesn't know much about Xu Zu's overall plan, and he doesn't know when the Xu Zu's army will attack... But the information he revealed is enough to shock people.

In a war between two great worlds, the outcome cannot be decided by just a few people.

No matter how strong Long Hao is, even with the addition of Long Er, who is at the pinnacle of king-level combat power, he is nothing more than tough cannon fodder in the torrent of the world's army.

Right now, they can only notify the sage and Wanjie Tiangong to resolve the matter.

"But before that, there is one more thing to settle." Long Hao narrowed his eyes, and a strong evil spirit surged around him.

From the memory of the white-robed old man, he already knew the real cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death.

It turned out that Sword Master Liuyun had already sensed the plans of the old man in white robe and the others, and was about to investigate deeply when he was killed.

And the one who provided information to the white-robed old man was the Wheel-Running King.

After Long Hao came to the Golden Light Realm, he began to investigate the cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death, which aroused the vigilance and murderous intent of the white-robed old man.

Therefore, they obtained information from the Wheel-Running King, and then they ambushed and killed Long Hao at the exact time and place.

After the interception failed, the white-robed old man's heart was not dead, so he teamed up with Zhuanlun King to deal with Long Hao in the same way as he murdered Liuyun Sword Master.

I have to say, this time it was indeed extremely thrilling.

The seven masters of the King Realm even used the terrifying virtual glass formation. If Long Hao hadn't been prepared to mobilize Zhan Puppet Long Er's all-out strength to strangle the Quartet, they would be really dangerous.

"Did the Wheel-Turning King join them too?"

Dao Yu's face was full of hatred.

As naive as she is, it is impossible to imagine that there will be traitors inside her own people.

"Probably not." Long Hao shook his head.

The Xuanhuang Realm is a first-class big world, and the King of Wheels is a true disciple of the Zixiao Holy Land. There is no need to seek refuge with the weak and weak Golden Light Realm powerhouse, let alone the Xu Zu who manipulates people's souls and wills at will.

Moreover, in the memory of the white-robed old man, there is no evidence that the wheel-turning king took refuge in Xuzu.

"Then why did he do that?" Dao Yu didn't understand.

"Hmph, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit."

"What's all the fuss about."

Long Si curled his lips, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, as if recalling the unbearable past.

Long Hao nodded, and said: "For profit, some people can sell their relatives and friends, even their souls and beliefs, not to mention that they just secretly communicated with the music. I believe this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Golden Light Realm."

Long Hao clearly remembered that for the Nine Tribulations Ascending Immortal Pill, Fairy Fuyao even murdered the Fentian Devil Emperor who had been in close contact with her.

After more than ten years of experience, he has already realized it.

The human heart is the most unstoppable test.

No matter how close the relationship is, there may be betrayal, or even turn against each other, the condition is only the amount of interest.

"Damn wheel-running king!"

Dao Yu gritted his teeth lightly, and said angrily: "Since we know that he is secretly colluding with the strong in the Golden Light Realm, we will report to the saint, and he will surely die."

"Hmph, reporting to the saint may not have any effect."

Long Hao sneered and shook his head.

"Why?" Dao Yu didn't quite understand.

"Based on the words of the few of us, the sage probably won't believe it."

Long Hao's eyes turned cold, and he continued: "Besides, even if the sage believes it, this kind of thing is not a big crime. With the status of the wheel-turning king, I am afraid that he will only receive a small punishment."

And it's not Long Hao's style to sue behind his back.

It is Long Hao's life creed to kill the other party by himself, to do everything right.

"However, the King of the Wheel has been guarding Liujin City, where there is a formation set up by the saint. It is not easy to kill him, and there must be a way." Long Hao's eyes moved slightly, and he began to think.

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Dao Yu sat down angrily, put his hands on his chin and said: "If only my elder brother was here, I would rush straight up and cut the wheel king into pieces, the saint dare not say anything? "

It can be seen that Dao Yu is full of confidence and admiration for his elder brother.

At this time, Long Si came over, grabbed a communication talisman from the storage bag of the white-robed old man, waved it in front of everyone, and said with a sinister smile: "Use this to lure him out?"

Long Hao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea.


Liu Jincheng.

Dao Yu brought the berserk Zhanxiong and Long Xiaomiao back all the way.

"Little meow, are you sure?" Dao Yu asked worriedly in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Hey, I'm the best at this kind of thing." Long Xiaomiao proudly hugged her front paws.

"Okay, let's split up then."

Dao Yu nodded, entered the City Lord's Mansion with the violent war bear in his arms, and went straight to the main hall.

And Long Xiaomiao's figure disappeared into the void in a flash, and also slipped in quietly. His teleportation speed was so fast that no one in the huge city lord's mansion could sense his existence.

On the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Dao Yu rang the alarm bell.

Soon, the Wheel-Running King, Lin Wuxu and others rushed over.

"Why are the alarm bells ringing?"

"What happened?"

Everyone was quite shocked, but the wheel-running king had a strange look in his eyes, as if he had a premonition of something.

The alarm bell in front of the main hall can only ring when a major event occurs.

For example, strong people from the Golden Light Realm gathered to rebel, or some strong people from the Black and Yellow Realm fell and so on.

"It's not good, it's not good..."

Dao Yu panicked and shouted out of breath, "Big brother... is dead."

"You mean Long Hao?" Lin Wuxu stood up in shock, looking directly at Dao Yu in shock.

"That's right, it's Long Hao." Dao Yu was extremely anxious, and tears even came out of his big eyes. It has to be said that he was already a showman at a young age.

"How is it possible? Didn't Long Hao kill a beast king just before?"

"With his strength, even an ordinary King of the Golden Light Realm can't threaten him. Tell me quickly what happened?"

Zhou Rulong and Jian Yu were also shocked.

Although the Wheel-Running King pretended to be surprised, he was not panicked at all, and even wanted to laugh.

"Sens Mountains? What did Long Hao do in the Sens Mountains?"

Hearing what Dao Yu said, everyone was quite surprised.

Places like the Sens Mountains are dead and desolate, and in their view, there is no need to inspect them.

"Could it be that Junior Brother Long is going there to investigate the cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death?" Lin Wuxu thought of something.

Dao Yu shook his head pretending to be ignorant, and said anxiously: "After the big brother went in, he didn't come out for a long time. Later, I went in to look for him, but I couldn't find him after searching for a long time."

"That may not have fallen, let's go, let's go to the Soul Hall to see."

The Hall of Souls is the place where everyone's soul jade tablets are held, and it is connected with everyone's souls.

When a person dies, the cards are broken.

(End of this chapter)

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