Chapter 777
"The catastrophe is approaching, and all living beings are like duckweed in raging waves. What's the use of fighting for first and second?"

With a sigh, the man in black disappeared.

"Hehe..." The Forbidden Immortal Emperor faintly shook his head, staring at the sky, showing a strange look: "Heroes emerge from troubled times, and appearing at this time may be my destiny in the Xuanhuang Realm!"

"Long Hao, I am very optimistic about you, just like the Emperor Jiuhua was optimistic about me back then. And what I failed to do, I hope you can complete it!"


In the third floor of the Time Tower.

The inscription-like dragon scales suddenly fell off from Long Hao's body, and flew in all directions, condensing majestic energy, evolving into the realm of heaven and earth, and spreading across the universe for millions of miles.

hold head high--

The dragon roared, piercing the sky.

The Primordial Thunder Dragon rolled in it, condensing a million-kilometer sea of ​​thunder, and a divine shadow stepped out, suppressing everything.

The heavenly emperor and the divine dragon law are perfectly integrated, and Long Hao's body presents a general trend of swallowing everything and suppressing the world.

As far as the king's general situation is concerned, Long Hao's terrifying feeling is no less than that of a strong man who has ten great achievements in the king's realm.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Long Hao's current strength can be compared to the top ten masters in the King Realm. It only shows that he has great potential, boundless magic power, and a deeper understanding of heaven and earth, and it will be easier to break through the Holy Realm in the future.

The combat power of a practitioner is reflected in many aspects such as the supernatural powers he has mastered, magic weapons and weapons.

However, the more the power of heaven and earth is mobilized, the stronger the power of the domain will be, and the combat power will naturally increase.

Even so, with Long Hao's current combat power, it is very easy to suppress the Xiaohan King and his ilk, and he will not lose the wind in the slightest to the King of the Wheel in his heyday.

After a long time, the energy vortex of heaven and earth dissipated completely, and Long Hao's body appeared in the void like a god of gold and jade, and the boundless rays of light turned into a dragon of light to wrap around him, making the treasure look majestic and sacred.

"This is the feeling of controlling one side and suppressing the eight wastes!"

Carefully reminiscing about the pleasure he felt when he broke through just now, Long Hao's mouth curled into a smile.

Gluttonous food, clouds of beauties, wealth... There are so many beautiful things in this world that make people feel excited and excited.

But there has never been anything that can make people more intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves than the joy of enlightenment.

In addition to pursuing longevity, this is also the motivation of countless practitioners.

When breaking through the King Realm, Long Hao felt the feeling of being in one body and controlling the world so deeply.

"This is just the unity of man and god, and the unity of Zhou and Tian."

"If you can really attain Taoism and ascend to immortality, what kind of experience would it be like?"

Long Hao couldn't help it, full of anticipation.

And during the period when he was stabilizing his cultivation, a large number of powerful people from the Xuanhuang Realm came in droves.

The Xuanhuang Realm powerhouse guarding the Golden Light Realm has a large number of manpower expansions, and has been trying its best to investigate the hidden world passages everywhere.

It is a pity that these strongmen from the Golden Light Realm acted so secretly that the strongmen from the Xuanhuang Realm almost turned upside down after repeated carpet investigations, only to discover and destroy more than a dozen strongholds.

According to the information obtained by Long Hao, there are a total of [-] strongholds arranged by the strong in the Golden Light Realm, and only one tenth of them have been discovered now.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Xuzu Realm army did not take advantage of this period of time to launch an attack, giving people a chance to breathe, and continued to set up fortresses in various places in the Golden Light Realm.

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation."

The elders of Xuanhuang Palace were all surprised.

Generally speaking, once a plan is exposed, normal people will only have two reactions.

One is to give up at this point, and the other is to act immediately.

On the other hand, Xu Zujie's side reacted in the third way, neither giving up nor taking action, which made the experts in Xuanhuang Realm somewhat puzzled.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

"Emperor Tianji, can you deduce something?"

At the meeting of the elders of Tiangong, Wen Tianjun asked the Emperor Tianji of Dayan Holy Land.

"The old man used the gossip to deduce the secrets of the heavens, but found that the secrets of the heavens were covered up. This time I am afraid it is very unusual." The emperor of Tianji is an old man with white beard and hair. Fossil-level existence for a long time.

Hearing this, the faces of the elders of Tiangong were slightly dignified.

Emperor Tianji is the best at inferring the secrets of heaven, just look at his title.

And the Eight Diagrams Tianji Disk is also an ancient fairy weapon used by Dayan Holy Land to suppress luck.

Even he can't figure it out, the seriousness of the matter can be imagined.

"What are you afraid of?"

"My Xuanhuang Realm's army has been dispatched collectively to guard the key points of all walks of life. Even the Xuzu Realm, which is also a first-class big world, will definitely not be able to please if it wants to attack."

"That's right, I have been standing in the world for more than a million years. I have never seen such a big storm. Even the demon world, which is a super big world, has not been able to do anything to us. Why should I be afraid of the virtual ancestor world?"

A few hard-line Tiangong elders said quite confidently.

"You must not be careless. The Xu Zujie has annexed the surrounding worlds one after another in recent years, and it has spread throughout the world. Their strength should not be underestimated."

"That's right. The Honglu Great World, which was so powerful back then, was not much different from the first-class Great World. In the end, it was broken by the Xu Zu Realm because of carelessness. This is a living example."

The conservative Tiangong patriarch is worried.

"Hmph, how can the Great World of Honglu compare with our Xuanhuang Realm? If it wasn't for the time and space that separated us, our Xuanhuang Realm would have been able to break through it in a hundred years."


The many elders of Tiangong quarreled and discussed for a long time, but there was no result.


Wen Tianjun frowned, and ended the meeting.

Soon, the elders of Tiangong dispersed, but Wen Tianjun sat on the same spot, motionless. Although his face was calm, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Not long after, a figure shrouded in sunlight floated over.

"What is more important than the meeting of elders?"

Glancing at Emperor Forbidden Immortal who came only after the meeting, Wen Tianjun said suspiciously.

"Go back to the world and ask an expert for advice." The indifferent voice of the Forbidden Immortal Emperor sounded, with a hint of heaviness in his tone.

"An expert?" Asked Tianjun with a slight difference.

After the self-burning Tianmo Emperor fell, he was recognized as the number one powerhouse in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Will there be someone stronger than him in the world?

"Hehe, an expert doesn't mean that you are strong or weak, it may also mean that you have great insight."

The Forbidden Immortal Emperor didn't talk too much, and whispered a few times to Wen Tianjun.

Wen Tianjun, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't help but stand up, his delicate face twisted, full of anger and horror.

"The target is not only the Golden Light Realm, but also our Xuanhuang Myriad Realm Mountain?"

Angrily scolded, Tianjun looked at the Emperor Forbidden Immortal with solemn eyes and said: "Xuance Ancestor Realm prides itself on being invincible, or do you think our Xuanhuang Realm is a soft persimmon?"

(End of this chapter)

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