Chapter 778

"From the past few times, the imperial envoys from the Golden Light Realm attacked Dengtian Road, and they have been testing our defenses."

Not long ago, the curse of the three saints of the Golden Light Realm before their death made the Emperor Forbidden Immortal feel a little suspicious.

"You mean to say that attacking the Golden Light Realm is just a cover, and their real target is our Xuanhuang Realm?" Wen Tianjun frowned.

"I see."

Originally, I asked Tianjun to be surprised that the strongholds arranged by the Xuzu Realm in the Golden Light Realm were discovered and removed one after another, but they did not launch an attack for a long time.

Now it seems that attacking the Golden Light Realm is only a small part of the Xuzu Realm's plan, and accumulating strength to capture the Xuanhuang Myriad Realm Mountain in one fell swoop is their ultimate goal.

"Xuance Ancestor Realm is very careful. Every time the strong men sent to test are fugitives from other worlds, they never dispatched themselves."

"Senior brother, the Ancestral Xu Realm is the most mysterious among all worlds. Even the Demon Realm, which is a super-large world, dare not easily confront it. Are we underestimating the Ancestral Xu Realm too much?"

There is a deep meaning in the words of Emperor Forbidden Immortal.

Wen Tianjun pondered for a moment, but found that it was as Emperor Jinxian said.

There are many legends about Xu Zujie, but they have never been confirmed.

How big is that mysterious world?

How many strong are there?

What kind of mystical powers are you good at?

These are all a mystery.

"Who is that expert? What did he tell you?" asked Tianjun.

However, Emperor Forbidden Immortal shook his head, did not reveal the identity of the expert, but looked out of the sky with worried eyes, and said deeply: "He only told me that there is a terrifying god behind the Xuzu Realm, so terrifying Enough to make the heavens tremble!"


As the great emperor, Wen Tianjun is no stranger to this title. Although he is in awe, he is not afraid.

The Xuanhuang Realm has been passed down through the ages, and there are countless strong people, who also have the support of the gods behind them.

Moreover, the gods are too strong, so strong that a ray of divine power dissipated from their bodies is enough to collapse the world, so it is absolutely impossible to come from the lower realms.

What they really need to guard against is the unknown means of that god.

However, Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain, as the bridgehead for the Xuanhuang Realm to conquer the Myriad Realms and resist foreign invasion, has stood for nearly a million years.

During this period, the Xuanhuang Realm was on the verge of extinction several times, but the Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain still stood firm.

Not only that the essence of this mountain is a peerless fairy artifact, but also because of the blood will of countless ancient sages and human emperors, it was cast on the fairy mountain, making it impenetrable and indestructible.

Therefore, they are confident about the invasion of foreign enemies.

But what really disturbed Emperor Forbidden Immortal was not Xu Zujie.

"Those people are about to recover, and they are the real enemies of the Xuanhuang Realm!"

These are the words of the old man.

However, the Forbidden Immortal Emperor suddenly recalled the horrible catastrophe thousands of years ago.

Speaking of it, among the countless catastrophes that the Xuanhuang Realm has experienced, the catastrophe that happened a thousand years ago did not involve a wide range or a large scale, so many people are not aware of it.

But Emperor Forbidden Immortal understood that that catastrophe was more deadly than every previous one.

The Xuanhuang Realm almost perished.

"Xuance Ancestor Realm, Demon Realm, and those people...all got involved!"

The Forbidden Immortal Emperor already had a premonition that the Xuanhuang Realm was covered by terrifying black hands.

And in this precarious situation, whether the Xuanhuang Realm lives or dies is completely beyond their control.

This is the saddest thing!
"Don't think so much, get through the difficulties in front of you first."

Wen Tianjun also seems to know some secrets, and said earnestly: "I believe that the luck of Xuanhuang Realm will not end here!"


The third floor of the Time Tower.

The divine chain of [-] Dao laws connects the heavens, reflecting the universe, presenting a phantom shadow of an ancestor dragon that traverses through the ages.

Long Hao suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out with a strong divine light, causing the void to tremble.

"The cultivation of the King Realm is really a bottomless pit!"

During this period of time, Long Hao exhausted all the resources in his body except the three holy medicines, including the medicine king and the strong golden pill brought out from the forbidden area of ​​Ten Thousand Mountains. There are only ten thousand flying dragon veins.

You know, those dozens of medicinal plants, together with countless precious pills and spirit stones, are enough for a person in the Nirvana realm to cultivate to the Holy realm.

It can be used on Long Hao, but he can barely reach the third peak of King Realm.

"However, even if I face the peak king now, I still have the strength to fight!"

The battle is approaching, Long Hao has this strength, and there is an extra guarantee.

The practice of the Time Tower has almost exhausted the accumulated merits, and now is the time to use the war to build meritorious deeds.

"I don't know how the Golden Light Realm is doing now?"

Facing the upcoming battle, Long Hao was already a little eager to try, so he left the Time Tower on the same day, took a group of starry sky battleships, and returned to the Golden Light Realm.


To Long Hao's surprise, more than a month has passed, and the war still hasn't broken out.

Even, the entire Golden Light Realm became extremely peaceful.

Those strong men in the Golden Light Realm who held hatred in their hearts and kept gathering crowds to make troubles seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

Long Hao realized that this would be the calm before the storm.

The big war is just around the corner.

Flowing Gold City, City Lord's Mansion.

"Huh? These strange breaths..."

Long Hao curled his lips and smiled, and immediately realized: "It seems that the reinforcements from the Xuanhuang Realm are already in place."

dang dang...

The bell in front of the main hall rang, and powerful figures gathered from all over the City Lord's Mansion.

Long Hao's return also attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is Long Hao!"

A sound of thunder suddenly resounded in the main hall.

Then, a middle-aged man in a leather jacket with a rough face walked in with a group of people.

Most of these people are face-to-face, and they are obviously strong men who have just been dispatched from the Xuanhuang Realm. The middle-aged man headed by him is domineering, with devilish energy transpiring, and his cultivation base of the sixth level of the King Realm bursts out, making everyone in the main hall tremble. It was a surprise.

"Liu Ji, don't be presumptuous when meeting the city lord!" Lin Wuxu stood up and scolded coldly.

"City Lord?"

A middle-aged man named Liu Ji stepped directly on a table, looked at Long Hao who was sitting at the top with contemptuous eyes, and said with a sneer: "This seat is only suitable for the strong, you can't do it, I should take it." Come and sit!"

After finishing speaking, he proudly glanced at the people present, his eyes were contemptuous and arrogant.

"Where can I get a second-hand guy?" Long Hao frowned.

Although Liu Ji has a fierce face and a domineering aura, his aura is vain. It seems that he only cares about improving his cultivation level and has not laid a solid foundation.

How dare such a self-righteous waste dare to shout in front of him?

However, before he could make a move, a cold snort suddenly sounded from outside the door, interrupting Baili Jie's voice.

"Even if he can't, it's not your turn!"

While speaking, Huang Chonggu stepped in, with the majestic aura of a king clearly revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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