Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 779 Battle for City Lord

Chapter 779 Battle for City Lord
"Hey, who should I be? Isn't this the arrogance of Dayan Holy Land?"

With a sneer, Liu Ji turned his head to look at Huang Chonggu, and said strangely, "What's the matter, you also want to compete with me for the position of city lord?"

"Don't think that if someone praises you, you really regard yourself as the arrogance of the Holy Land. In front of me, if it is a dragon, you have to coil up, and if it is a tiger, you have to lie down!"

"Liu Ji, don't be too arrogant!"

Tu Sheng, who followed Huang Chonggu, stared at Liu Ji with cold eyes and shouted angrily: "Don't think that you can be arrogant just because of your high cultivation."

Among the people present, it is true that Liu Ji's cultivation at the sixth level of King Realm is the highest.

But a high cultivation level does not necessarily mean that one is the strongest.

At the very least, Huang Chonggu can defeat him, Tu Sheng is sure.

Glancing at Tu Sheng, who had a vain breath and wished he could swallow Liu Ji alive, Long Hao asked Lin Wuxu in surprise, "What's the situation?"

"Junior Brother Long just came back. I don't know. Liu Ji and the people behind him were recruited from the Xuanhuang Realm. Most of them came from various sects. They didn't deal with our Holy Land Demon Cult. Tu Sheng once fought against one of them. But being crushed by the opponent's already cultivated base..."

"I see." Long Hao nodded.

"However, Tu Sheng also came from the Primitive Demon Cult, and broke through to the King Realm, so he would be defeated by this bastard. It's really useless."

"Junior Brother Long doesn't know that Liu Ji is known as the king of the three swords. It is said that he has received part of the inheritance of the ancient sword master. The sword is extremely powerful. No one in the same level can block the power of his three swords. Tu Sheng was even cut by him. Defeated, almost cut in half."

Lin Wuxu had seen the situation of that battle before, and he still has lingering fears in his heart.

"Hmph... how dare your defeated general speak boldly?"

Liu Ji sneered, turned to look at Long Hao and said, "When I get rid of the two of them, I will teach you a lesson."

"Stupid!" Long Hao sneered, not paying attention to the other party's threat at all.

"Don't worry, he has no chance." After saying something to Long Hao, Huang Chonggu said coldly to Liu Ji: "Let's fight outside!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out and landed in the void outside the temple.

"court death!"

Huang Chonggu's contempt made Liu Ji furious. With a roar, he also rushed out, causing a hurricane.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Long Hao smiled lightly and led the crowd outside the hall.

Those who can come here are all proud people who claim to be kings and respect, and boast of extraordinary talent. Naturally, they are not convinced by Long Hao, the young city lord.

But feared by Long Hao's reputation, only Liu Ji and Huang Chonggu dared to challenge him directly.

"Double kings duel, this kind of scene is rare."

"Not only that, but the winner among them will also challenge the city lord Long Hao. We will see who is the strongest in our nine regions and eighteen districts today."

Many powerhouses in the Nirvana state seemed quite excited.

In the past, as long as you are a master of the king realm, you can become the city lord of a district and guard the formation tower.

But during the war, with the recruitment of a large number of strong people, many masters of the king realm poured into every domain and district.

Liujin City, which used to have only 18 people, has now dispatched 60 people, including five king-level masters.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

With so many powerhouses crowded together, they will never give up unless they compete up and down.

Saints are also happy to see this, which just stimulates the competition consciousness of these younger generations.

In a word, whoever is stronger is the boss.

"Huang Chonggu, it's better to admit defeat if you are sensible. I'm ruthless. I accidentally cut off your head, but it's too late to regret it!" Liu Ji grabbed a five-foot-long machete and put it on his shoulder. His face was cold and arrogant.


Huang Chonggu just snorted coldly and didn't say much, but the disdain on his face was beyond words.

"How dare you die!"

Liu Ji let out a tyrannical growl, his black hair fluttered, revealing a pair of cold and scarlet eyes, bursting out with a powerful fighting spirit.

A strong brilliance burst out from the machete, and the pitch black seemed to be able to cover the light of the sky. At the same time, Liu Ji held the machete in both hands and slashed towards Huang Chonggu across the air.

The cold and stern light of the sword was like a death scythe across the sky. It was ferocious and contained a cold and pure sword intent, as if it wanted to cut through the world with one blow.

"This is the legendary secret skill of the ancient Shura sword master!"

Everyone exclaimed, terrified by the terrifying knife force.

At the beginning, Tu Sheng was defeated by this knife and almost died.

"Interesting, I almost lost my sight." Long Hao curled his lips and smiled lightly.

Liu Ji's cultivation skills are average and his foundation is not solid, but the saber movements he comprehend are really extraordinary.

Although his saber posture has no rules and no moves to speak of, but between opening and closing, there is a kind of courage to go forward and shatter the world, which is really amazing.

"As expected of the ancient sword master's unique skills, if this Liu Ji can have a profound skill to help him, his strength will definitely be even more terrifying!"

Among other things, with this knife, Liu Ji is comparable to King Xiaohan, the arrogant and strong man in the Holy Land of Zixiao.

However, facing this ruthless knife, Huang Chonggu did not move, and a sneer was still drawn on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and in an instant, a bright golden rainbow appeared.


The rapid vibrato is deafening to both ears.

In the sky, a tall golden-armored giant appeared, holding the ruthless knife with both hands.

"That's... a puppet?"

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

"By the way, Huang Chonggu was originally a puppet genius in Dayan Holy Land, and he is best at manipulating puppets."

"Able to hold a knife with both hands, this puppet is at least a king-level mid-grade!"

A king-level middle-grade battle puppet is at least worth tens of thousands of merits in the treasure house of Wanjie Tiangong, which is more precious than ordinary top-grade magic weapons.

"Hmph, eat me again!"

Liu Ji didn't panic in the slightest when the first strike failed. The momentum of the saber on his body further strengthened, and he made a second strike in an instant.

This knife contained endless violent murderous intent, dark and cold, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell, the powerful Shura knife intent raged, tearing the void instantly.

This knife was almost at its extreme, like a black lightning, it was about to pass by the golden armored puppet in an instant, and cut directly at Huang Chonggu.

Huang Chonggu was extremely calm, he pinched the magic seal and moved forward, a light flashed in the golden armored war puppet's hand, and a primitive sword appeared in an instant, and he slashed head-on with the light of Liu Ji's sword.

clang clang...

Sparks shot out, and the void shook.

The golden-armored puppet and Liu Ji fought fiercely, but they were knocked back at the same time.

"A king-level middle-grade battle puppet, coupled with a top-grade magic weapon, is so powerful under the control of the puppet master, amazing!"

"Huang Chonggu only relies on this battle puppet, and there are few people who can match him under the top kings."

Zhou Rulong and Jian Yu, who also broke through to the King Realm, their eyes trembled slightly, ashamed of themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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