Chapter 782
Together with the soul, it is the most mysterious and unfathomable.

Except for saints, even kings are elusive, unless they use some powerful souls to practice secret methods.

The Great Evolution Spirit Control Art and the Day Evolution Spiritualization Art secretly passed down in the Dayan Holy Land are naturally extremely advanced secret methods of soul cultivation, but they are not listed as forbidden arts.

Dividing the soul consciousness into three, even many saints in Dayan Holy Land could not do it, but Huang Chonggu did it.

"The talent of the soul is really extraordinary."

Long Hao smiled lightly, but his attack did not diminish at all, but became more intense: "It's a pity, it's useless."

Before he finished speaking, Long Hao's fist fell like a golden meteor, directly smashing the puppet shield that Huang Chonggu had built in front of him.

Without waiting for Huang Chonggu to make another move, a terrifying phantom of a one-eyed monster suddenly appeared above Long Hao's head. Circles of golden light waves shot out from his wide-open one-eyed eyes, ethereal and illusory. Erupted.

"Supernatural powers—magic eyes!"

This great supernatural power inherited from the demon king's magic bead, when Long Hao's eyes changed, it has already evolved to the supreme supernatural power level, which can directly break the illusion and attack the inner soul, killing people invisible.


For a moment, Huang Chonggu's eyes were completely occupied by golden light waves, his soul consciousness was instantly dragged into the bottomless abyss, and was bitten by a one-eyed monster.

"This... what happened?"

"What was that one-eyed monster just now? It's so terrifying. I feel like my soul is going to be broken."

"It's the soul attack supernatural power, and it's also the supreme supernatural power level."

"Long Hao's methods are too many. Right now, Huang Chonggu's soul consciousness is divided into three parts. No matter how high his soul talent is, he might not be able to withstand it."

Seeing Huang Chonggu screaming with his head in his arms, everyone felt a chill in their hearts and their scalps went numb.

The soul attack supernatural power is too weird, hard to guard against, and frightening.


Accompanied by a heavy sound like thunder from heaven and earth, the golden dragon claws fell from the sky, with the potential to suppress the sky.

Even though Huang Chonggu's soul was strong and he quickly regained his composure, he couldn't stop him at this moment. He could only watch helplessly as the terrifying dragon claws landed on his head.

"you win!"

"From now on, I, Huang Chonggu, respect you as the city lord!"

With a sigh, Huang Chonggu's face flashed a trace of sadness, although he showed a firm look.

The coercion dissipated, and a smile appeared on the face of Long Hao who was shrouded in divine light.

If you defeat Huang Chonggu, you will be able to completely shock everyone.

"See the city lord!"

Lin Wuxu, Zhou Rulong and others bowed their hands first.

Those newcomers who had just been recruited also bowed their heads after looking at each other.

Even Tu Sheng, despite his unwillingness, still had a hint of awe in his pupils.


"The war is imminent. In the future, I will ask you to work together and make meritorious deeds."

As he said that, Long Hao changed the subject and said in a stern tone: "But the ugly words are the first, and if anyone dares to disobey orders in battle, I will never show mercy."

"Follow the orders of the city lord!"

This time, everyone was completely convinced.

This is the case in the world of practitioners, big fists are the last word.

Nodding in satisfaction, Long Hao issued his first order after becoming the city lord: "Immediately call back all those who are performing missions outside."

"City Lord, do this... Shall we ask the saint for instructions first?"

Lin Wuxu said with some concern.

The resources and treasures confiscated from those mines and animal forests will all be handed over to the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace. If they are all discarded and the saint blames them, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

Lin Wuxu was also thinking of Long Hao.

"What are those resources and treasures? The guard tower is the most important thing."

"You just do it, if the saint blames it, I will bear it."

Everyone didn't know how powerful the Xu Ancestor Realm was, but they just regarded this war as a good opportunity to accumulate merit and make meritorious deeds.

But Long Hao is well aware of the mystery and horror of the Void Ancestor Realm.

According to what Long Si said, that mysterious ancestor Xu was the one who challenged the ancient emperor of heaven.

Since the other party has their eyes on the Golden Light Realm, they will do whatever it takes to capture it.

The formation towers distributed in various domains and districts are the foundation of the time-space traction formation, and are also an important way to maintain the time-space passage.

It is conceivable that once a great war breaks out, the strong in the Xuzu Realm will inevitably attack the formation tower crazily, completely cutting off the connection between the Golden Light Realm and the Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain.

In that case, without backup and no way out, all the powerhouses in the Xuanhuang Realm in the Golden Light Realm will have no choice but to die.

"As ordered."

Long Hao's order was unquestionable, Lin Wuxu and others had no choice but to obey.

Moreover, they have all heard that Qin Hao was strongly recommended by the Emperor of the Forbidden Immortals in the early days to serve as the city lord. With such a big backer, the saint will give some face if he wants to come.


At the core of the City Lord's Mansion, there stands a nine-foot-high tower, which is full of radiance and spews out a huge beam of energy that reaches the sky.

This is where the formation tower is located.

Long Si was sleeping soundly inside, and when he found Long Hao coming, he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"I know how to sleep every day, and even the little meow is breaking through the king."

Glancing at the lazy Long Si, Long Hao became angry.

Since this guy followed him, except for eating and sleeping, he has hardly made any progress in his cultivation, and he also brags all day long, treating himself as a dragon that coerces the heavens.

"You think fourth master I am willing."

"I finally found a body with immortal roots, but it can only absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. It's no wonder that the practice is not slow."

The spiritual plant medicine has become refined, and the practice is extremely slow.

The so-called millennium to become a spirit, ten thousand years to be a living being, 10 years to become a holy medicine is not bad.

Speaking of this, Long Si rubbed his hands and said with a sneer: "Otherwise, you can hand over the corpse of the real dragon emperor to the fourth master, and I guarantee that the fourth master will be able to break through to the peak king in a month, become a saint in a year, and in a few years... "

"Stop bragging." Long Hao waved his hand impatiently and interrupted him.

Long Hao kept the corpse of the real Dragon Emperor for other purposes, and would never give it to Long Si.

"However, now that a big battle is imminent, there are not many corpses of the strong, and it depends on your own ability."

Hearing this, Long Si's eyes lit up.

"Hey, okay, it's best to get dozens of corpses of saints for fourth master, and fourth master, I can definitely return to the holy land."

Long Hao rolled his eyes helplessly.

Dozens of hundreds of saint corpses?Do you think a saint is a Chinese cabbage?

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Long Hao directly asked about the defense situation of the formation tower.

"You still don't feel at ease with fourth master here?"

"The formation materials of the formation towers are top-notch, and after the reinforcement of my fourth master, even the peak kings will never be able to break through."

Long Si patted his chest and said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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