Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 783 Beauty Assassination

Chapter 783 Beauty Assassination
Although the progress of Long Si's cultivation base is extremely slow, his own attainments in formation are still extremely high.

But this guy always likes to brag and exaggerate, which was the case when he dealt with the runner king last time.

Therefore, Long Hao usually only believed [-]% of his words.

"But it doesn't matter. With my current strength and this magic circle, it is enough to deal with the peak king."

Nodding in his heart, Long Hao thought of something again. After looking around for a week, he asked, "By the way, why haven't I seen Dao Yu?"

"Dao Yu?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Long Si's eyes, he hesitated and said: "She, she ran out to play, and you know that this little girl likes to play around."

"That's not right." Long Hao sneered, he saw through the guilty Long Si at a glance, and felt bad in his heart.

"Say, what happened?"

Faced with Long Hao's questioning and the threat of the Heavenly Dao Seed Demon Seal, Long Si had no choice but to explain.

"Not long ago, someone from the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao came to pick her up, but the little girl didn't like it, so I made a magic circle for her to conceal her breath..."

Long Hao's face immediately darkened.

"You also know what Yin-Yang Daotong means to the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao. Now that the battle is approaching, if something happens to her, do you think the saints and emperors of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao will just take your skin off and take you to make alchemy? "

"Cut, the Holy Land of the Extreme Way is nothing. With my ability, Fourth Master, I can let them catch it?" Long Si curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"As far as I know, there are gods behind the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao, aren't you afraid?" Long Hao stared at him and said coldly.


"You mean their patriarch Xuandi?"

Long Si, who has always been self-righteous, couldn't help shrinking his neck when he mentioned this name, and whispered to himself: "Emperor Xuan has long since become a god, and he can't go down to the realm, afraid of being an egg..."

However, Long Hao's eyes widened, and Long Si said with a sneer: "Hey, the people from the Holy Land of the Extreme Way have left long ago, and the little girl should be back soon. What's more, with the fourth master here, who can hurt him?"

"Don't forget, what we are going to face is the army of the Xuzu Realm, and the Yin-Yang Dao Tong is of great use."

"Just play dead, if something goes wrong, I won't save you."

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Long Hao turned his head and prepared to leave.

Long Si rolled his eyes, as if remembering something important, slapped his forehead, quickly caught up with Long Hao and said in a low voice: "There is something you need to be vigilant about..."

Hearing this, Long Hao couldn't help frowning.

"The little girl Dao Yu told me all this, believe it or not." With a curl of his lips, Long Si went back to the formation tower and continued to dream.


Back at the residence, the butler Kaisha warmly greeted Long Hao and helped Long Hao take a bath and change clothes.

During the period, Long Hao said lightly: "Now that the battle is approaching, I have already allowed you to leave Liujin City, why don't you leave?"

Hearing this, she suddenly hugged Long Hao from behind, and said affectionately: "Ka'Sa has no relatives, where else can she go, and Kai'Sa is willing to serve the master all the time."

"Damn it, talk as soon as you talk, and you actually started doing it."

Long Hao was taken aback for a moment, and found that Kai'Sa's hand was getting more and more restless.

At this time, Kai'Sa continued: "Besides, with the master here, Liujin City is as solid as gold, and they will definitely not be able to attack it."

However, Long Hao's tone suddenly changed, and he said with a hint: "The current Liujin City looks solid, but often the indestructible fortresses are breached from the inside, are you right?"

Kai'Sa's hands suddenly froze, and the air froze.

"When did you suspect me?" After a long time, Kai'Sa spoke again, but her voice was already a little cold.

"How can you know so many details of the Saints Mountain Range as a Dharma Aspect Realm? Moreover, you seem to be deliberately leading me to the Saints Mountain Range, but it is a pity that I came back alive."

In fact, Kai'Sa has been hiding it very well, but she is too enthusiastic towards Long Hao.

Long Hao was just a little strange at first, and didn't care.

It wasn't until Long Si reminded him just now that Dao Yu discovered that President Kaisha was whispering to the maids in the City Lord's Mansion that Long Hao became suspicious and deliberately deceived her.

"Since you have suspected me for a long time, why didn't you do it earlier?" Kai'Sa's voice became colder.

"Because I'm confident." Long Hao smiled lightly.

"No, you are conceited."

Before Sen Leng's voice fell, the cruel murderous aura burst out.

Suddenly two sharp daggers appeared in Kai'Sa's hands, stabbing Long Hao's heart with lightning speed.

See you in the picture!


Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal and iron clashing, Kai'Sa only felt that she had been stabbed on the divine metal, which made her arm numb, and the dagger almost fell out of her hand.

"Your body..."

Just when Kai'Sa was frightened, a violent dragon-like qi and blood rushed out, knocking her back directly.

When Long Hao turned around slowly, Kai'Sa saw in amazement that on Long Hao's divinely radiant body, there were endless inscription patterns flickering like indestructible dragon scales.

Her pair of daggers, which are comparable to top-grade magic weapons, actually only left two small white spots on her chest, that's all.

Especially when Long Hao's aura erupted, there would always be a pure and majestic dragon's might and an imperial aura that suppressed the world.

"Three spirit treasure body? And that dragon power..."

"You have kept me away from you, are you afraid that I will discover the secret of your body?"

Kai'Sa, with a cold face, said sharply.

Long Hao, who was dressed calmly, shook his head, with a smile on his face: "Because I keep myself clean!"

Kai'Sa's face turned red in an instant, as if she had been greatly insulted, her beautiful eyes suddenly turned ferocious, and a wave of violent heaven and earth swept over her, like a hundred thousand mountains of gods falling down on her head.

"King Realm?"

Long Hao narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer: "A beautiful queen has been living beside a Nirvana state before, I really wronged you."

"That's to kill all of you devils who occupy my country and kill my relatives!"


In her rage, on the double daggers in Kai'Sa's hand, the silver divine light was blazing and dazzling, like thunder, unparalleled in vertical and horizontal directions, bursting out extremely terrifying destructive power.

Whoosh whoosh!
Kai'Sa rushed forward, stabbing hundreds of times with the double daggers instantly, piercing through the void, and the light was as bright as the Milky Way.


Long Hao stopped drinking, with murderous intent in his eyes, raised his golden fist, and smashed it like a falling meteor.

That kind of punching power is indomitable and unparalleled!
bang bang bang...

Thousands of energies were shattered directly, Kai'Sa let out a muffled groan, her body flew backwards, blood spilled into the void.

The solid building collapsed directly, Kai'Sa's body rolled outside, and the silver blood soaked the front of her clothes.

Although they are both kings, Kai'Sa is far inferior to Long Hao in terms of the skills she practices, the supernatural powers she masters, and her own background.

He was hit hard with one punch!
(End of this chapter)

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