Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 784 Sleepless Tonight

Chapter 784 Sleepless Tonight
The ruins exploded, and a figure shrouded in divine light, like a giant dragon soaring into the air, stepped out.

Kai'Sa dodged to avoid the splashing rocks, stared at Long Hao with cold eyes, and growled: "Although your strength is strong, you can't change anything?"

Long Hao frowned, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

"If my predictions are correct, you have already planned tonight's action. Now, the army from the Xuzu Realm has crossed the world passage and invaded?"

Hearing this, Kai'Sa with a gloomy face suddenly laughed, her eyes were vicious and ferocious like a ghost.

"The great Xu Zu is about to come, you invading demons will die without a place to die, your hometown will be shattered, your people will be mercilessly slaughtered... everything will be assimilated by the great Xu Zu!"

Like a fanatical believer, she raised her hands and her brains were completely overwhelmed.

And at the same time.

Liu Ji, who was defeated by Huang Chonggu, was ashamed and angry, and when he returned to his residence, he grabbed two maids and frantically exported them.

Under the dim light, the two maids showed ferocious eyes like ghosts, sharp daggers, sharp nails, and sharp teeth... they kept greeting Liu Ji's whole body.


Liu Ji, who was defenseless, was severely injured in an instant, and was once again covered in bruises.

Furious, he unleashed majestic magic power, shaking the two maids so that they vomited blood and flew out.

In another palace, Lin Wuxu was practicing steadily when several maids broke in suddenly and assassinated him.


Not only them, this night, the same scene was being played out in various places in the City Lord's Mansion.


"Bitch, you are courting death!"

"Humble slaves, dare to rebel?"

Screams, roars, angry roars...continuously sounded from all directions in the City Lord's Mansion, creating chaos.

Soon, a large number of buildings in the City Lord's Mansion collapsed, flames soared into the sky, and the energy exploded. Figures fought in the air, and the tyrannical mana training continued to illuminate the dim sky.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.


A series of figures gathered around Kai'Sa from all directions, all of them were beautiful girls from the Golden Light Realm.

At this moment, their eyes are full of anger, as well as the pleasure and madness of revenge.

"Master Kai'Sa!"

Dozens of women in the Golden Light Realm are all Nirvana-level cultivation bases, hiding extremely deeply.

"Attack the array tower with all your strength and destroy it!"

With Kai'Sa's order, the women from the Golden Light Realm rushed towards the formation tower without any hesitation, each with a fierce aura.

The formation of the City Lord's Mansion can be said to be impenetrable to the outside world, even if the peak king wants to break it, it will not be easy.

But the inside is the weakest place. After all, no one would have thought that these normally obedient maids would suddenly show their fangs of hatred.

Right now, most of the powerhouses in the Xuanhuang Realm are entangled.

With those dozens of women in the Nirvana Realm of the Golden Light Realm, it is really possible to break through the defense of the formation tower.

However, Long Hao didn't panic at all.

"You underestimate Xuanhuangjie too much, or rather, you underestimate me too much."

Kai Sha froze, for some reason, the smile at the corner of Long Hao's mouth suddenly made her palpitate, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

The next moment, the ruins in front exploded again, and the dark golden divine light radiated, illuminating the world.

hold head high--

Accompanied by a huge dragon chant, a dark golden dragon more than a hundred feet long suddenly rose into the sky, and the huge sound waves swept every corner of the world like a raging sea.

"Xiao Miao, kill them all."

With an order from Long Hao, Long Xiaomiao, who manifested the body of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Dragon, swooped across the sky and appeared behind those women in the Golden Light Realm.

Only the women of the Golden Light Realm in the Nirvana state changed their expressions drastically, feeling that they were locked in by the god of death, and they were extremely terrified.

"For the great Xu Zu!"

"In order to wipe out these invading demons!"

For a moment, crazy expressions flashed in the pupils of those women in the Golden Light Realm, and their aura began to rise violently.


A woman in the Ninth Level Nirvana Realm of the Golden Light Realm rushed to the front of the formation tower and blew herself up directly, triggering a terrifying and destructive force, shaking the Optimus Light Pillar shot out of the formation tower.

Someone took the lead, and the other women in the Golden Light Realm also followed suit, rushing desperately towards the formation tower.

"For disturbing my dream, I will be very angry, and the consequences will be very serious!"

The voice of the dark golden dragon, although a little immature, is full of endless evil spirit, and the king's power is raging out, stirring up the universe.

With a roar, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Dragon opened its mouth and sucked in, and countless inscription patterns appeared to outline a huge melting pot of heaven and earth. In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth in the Golden Light Realm was swallowed into it like a hundred flowing into the sea.

The next moment, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Dragon opened its mouth again, and all the metallic energy it swallowed just now turned into a gleaming sharp sword, some as large as ten feet, some as long as hundreds of feet, varying in size, but all of them contained terrifying power.


Thousands of sword lights poured down like a torrential rain, and every woman in the Golden Light Realm couldn't stand it, and was pierced by the sword lights to death.

Puff puff……

In just a moment, dozens of crazy women from the Golden Light Realm were killed.

At the same time, streamers of light lit up in the formation tower, like tentacles formed by plant roots, grabbing all the corpses of those golden light realm women.

"Brother Meow, good job."

The corpses of these creatures are nourishment for Long Si, who has a body of immortal roots. After absorbing and refining flesh and soul bones, he can quickly improve his cultivation.

Although it is far inferior to the real dragon emperor's corpse, it is better than nothing.

A puff of smoke exploded in the void, and the majestic Sky-swallowing Demon Dragon turned into a fat white cat again, licking its paw proudly.

"What else do you have, use it quickly."

Looking down at Kai'Sa on the ground, Long Hao said in a teasing tone.

"For the Golden Light Realm, for Xu Zu, ah—"

Kai'Sa, who had resentful eyes, knew that she was not Long Hao's opponent, so she let out a low growl, and rushed towards the formation tower herself.

"I'm going, this queen is crazy, boss, stop him!" Long Si, who was hiding in the formation tower, felt a violent collision of energy, and was startled immediately.

The defense inside the formation tower was still too fragile, and Long Si had no time to re-arrange the formation. The power of a king's self-detonation was enough to completely destroy it.

"You have no chance."

A sneer just rang out, and along with the trembling of the void, Long Hao's figure had already appeared in front of Kai'Sa.

"Supernatural power - space ban!"

Under the volley, the domineering power of space revived, directly freezing the space in front of him.

After breaking through the King Realm, the power of this supernatural power increased greatly. Kai'Sa, who was also in the King Realm, had no room to struggle under the space confinement.

A ray of heavenly thunder passed by like a divine arrow, directly piercing Kai'Sa's eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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