Chapter 785


The cold wind howled, and the blood flowed.

Soon, the fighting in various parts of the City Lord's Mansion gradually subsided.

All the maids and servants selected from the Golden Light Realm, whether they participated in the rebellion or not, were all beheaded by the powerful Xuanhuang Realm.

However, three strong men from the Xuanhuang Realm were assassinated to death, more than a dozen people were seriously injured, and the rest were somewhat injured.

However, the matter is not over, and bigger troubles are yet to come.

"Reporting to the city lord, there are riots in Liujin City, and a large number of strong men from the Golden Light Realm are already attacking the city lord's mansion."

Hearing the summons from the person guarding the gate of the mansion, everyone's expressions were a little dignified.

Liujin City is a large city with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, with a population of over one million, and most of them are practitioners. The destructive power caused by the sudden riot at the moment is unimaginable.

Now everyone understands how wise it is for Long Hao to give up the periphery and transfer everyone back to guard the tower.

But even so, it is still a bit stretched for them to stop the army of millions.

"City Lord, hurry up and ask for help from other nearby districts?" Someone suggested.

However, Long Hao directly shook his head and refused: "Do you think there is still someone who can rescue us now?"

There was a trace of solemnity in Huang Chonggu's eyes, and he sighed: "The assassination just now, as well as the riots in the city, and the internal and external attacks were definitely planned in advance. Maybe the Xuzu Realm's army has already arrived."

Jian Yu also frowned and said, "That's right, there's no point in asking for help now. The other districts are in the same situation as us, and it may even be worse."

The two of them were thoughtful, and they understood after a little thought.


Nine domains and seventeen districts, Iron Eagle Fort.

The evil spirit surged, the shouts of killing shook the sky, and there was chaos inside and outside the city.

Inside the castle, flames soared into the sky, and countless rioting Golden Light Realm powerhouses rushed towards the formation tower, not hesitating to explode themselves.

Waves of violent and massive destructive light waves came raging, constantly causing damage to the strong players in the Xuanhuang Realm who lined up in front of the formation tower, and the formation was soon broken through.

Accompanied by bursts of violent roaring sounds, a column of energy light beams in the castle collapsed.

The formation tower was destroyed, and the formation was subsequently broken.

Facing the strong men from the Golden Light Realm rushing up like a tide, the strong men guarding the Xuanhuang Realm could only break through with all their might and scatter in all directions.

Things like this happened in all domains and districts at the same time, like a storm of destruction, sweeping across the entire Golden Light Realm.

With the help of some mysterious powerhouses, the Golden Light Realm's momentum was like a rainbow, breaking through one formation tower after another. Many Xuanhuang Realm powerhouses were beheaded, and the rest fled.

This storm was too fast and violent, and too terrifying.

Even if some places have held on, they are still struggling.

For a moment, the entire Golden Light Realm was caught in a bloody storm.


Nine domains and eighteen districts, Flowing Gold City.

A series of violent attack torrents continuously landed on the barriers of the formation, making deafening roars.

In the City Lord's Mansion, many people's faces were pale, and they were frightened by such a huge formation.

Many of them came to experience outside the region for the first time. They thought that there were treasures everywhere and countless opportunities. As long as they practiced casually, they could become famous.

However, the assassination just now woke them up.

Here, it has always been a Shura field of intrigues, life and death.

"Don't panic, I have already ordered Long Si to strengthen the formation, it will not be easy for them to break through."

Long Hao's sonorous and powerful voice resounded, calming everyone down a bit.

Suddenly, Long Hao's voice became full of murderous intent again, and he said sternly: "Now, each guards his position, and any strong man from the Golden Light Realm who approaches or attacks the City Lord's Mansion will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

Everyone solemnly agreed, and immediately rushed to each position.

Accompanied by the violent roaring sound, bursts of aura lit up in the city lord's mansion, and the large formation started to operate, and under the control of everyone, it began to display terrifying attack power.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Countless strong men from the Golden Light Realm flew into the sky and escaped from the ground.

The sky and the ground were filled with darkness, and powerful auras shook the sky. A rough count showed no fewer than two to three million people.

They either attacked alone, or formed a battle formation, and launched wave after wave of fierce attacks on the City Lord's Mansion.

With such a huge scale, those strong men from the Xuanhuang Realm who were accustomed to bloody killings were also shocked in their hearts.

"Whoever gathers a crowd to cause trouble, die!"

Zhou Rulong let out a loud roar, triggering the attacking power of the formation, condensing into a golden giant dragon and rushing out. A fierce dragon swung its tail like a pillar of heaven, and directly blasted dozens of strong men from the Golden Light Realm.


A moment later, Lin Wuxu, Jian Yu and the others skillfully manipulated the power of the large formation to attack.


The dense sword energy, like a torrential rain, continuously strangled the strong in the Golden Light Realm.

Soon, in front of the City Lord's Mansion, there was already a mountain of corpses and a river of blood.

Gradually, those strong men from the Xuanhuang Realm who had just been recruited recovered from their fear, their spirits were slightly lifted, and they also began to use the power of the large formation to launch attacks.

Those strong men from the Golden Light Realm who rioted in Liujin City had average cultivation and strength, but they were numerous and powerful.

"For Xu Zu!"

"For the Golden Light Realm!"

"Kill these invading demons!"

What's more, their eyes were full of hatred and crazy blood, and they all shouted frantically, continuing to attack fiercely without fear of death.

The previous wave had just been beheaded, and the latter wave came up again, like a tidal wave.

Crazy Golden Light Realm powerhouses rushed forward and exploded themselves, wanting to blast away the formation of the City Lord's Mansion regardless of life or death.

The large formation of barriers roared and shook violently.

However, there are endless inscription patterns appearing, linked together, as tight as a chain of laws, always indestructible.

"Hmph, Fourth Master put all his heart and soul into the big formation, if you can break through, Fourth Master, I might as well ram him to death."

In the array tower, Long Si continued to sign spells to strengthen the defense and power of the array.

"Long Si, come on, meow." Long Xiaomiao stood in the void and looked from a distance, looking extremely excited.

However, Long Hao watched the battlefield, but his face was not as relaxed as others.

Because he knew that the riot in Liujin City was just the beginning, and the real highlight was yet to come.

All of a sudden, a beam of crimson light about ten feet thick struck the barrier of the formation like the sun.

The majestic explosion of energy caused the entire City Lord's Mansion to shake for a while, and the aura on the barriers flickered even more rapidly, as if it was about to go out at any time.

However, before everyone could react, two beams of crimson light came bombarding them one after another.

The big barrier shook more violently, making people feel a sense of terror that the sky would collapse at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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