Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 83 Seven Killing Sword Formation

Chapter 83 Seven Killing Sword Formation
clang clang clang...

The seven flying swords slashed over one after another. Because the speed was so fast, it looked like a storm of sword energy blowing from a distance. They slashed fiercely on Long Er's body, and there was an ear-piercing roar.

Within the sword array, the void was torn into pieces, forming a black hole.

Rao was Long Er, who was attacked continuously, restricted and unable to move.


Long Hao couldn't help but let out an exclamation, he didn't expect Li Chen to have such a powerful trick.

If the sword formation fell on him, it could tear him to pieces in an instant.

"Little bastard, now it's your turn."

After restraining Long Er, Li Chen turned his eyes, and the murderous intent immediately fell on Long Hao.

In his opinion, Long Hao was relying on that puppet to run amok, no matter how strong he was, he was only in the Transcendent Realm.

With the supernatural powers in his hands, he could easily suppress and kill him.

However, just as the cold smile on his face rose, a sharp golden light suddenly struck from behind.


A gold brick flew out from nowhere, and Li Chen let out a painful howl when it was smashed.

"A little bit..."

Long Xiaomiao reappeared out of nowhere, made a proud face, and disappeared among the rocks in a few flashes.

"court death!"

Li Chen was furious, he had long been fed up with this pussy hiding behind his back and patting stuffy bricks.

Supernatural powers - immeasurable sword robbery!
However, just as he mobilized his majestic mana, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura rising.

"It's you who are looking for death!"

At some point, Long Hao suddenly rushed within a hundred feet of Li Chen, and as seals were formed, a gigantic one-eyed monster phantom suddenly appeared behind him.

Cold, violent, chaotic...

All kinds of negative emotions pierced his soul like a sharp sword.

"Magic eyes and chaos!"

The last seal was issued, and the huge monster phantom suddenly opened its one-eyed eyes, and circles of golden ripples burst out one after another.

Like a dazzling golden spiral beam of light, it shot directly into Li Chen's mind.

The next moment, circles of golden ripples also appeared in Li Chen's protruding eyes, and his consciousness suddenly emptied, as if he had fallen into the chaotic abyss.

And in the depths of his soul, there seemed to be a huge one-eyed monster staring at him, making him die.

Aw... ah...

Li Chen hugged his head and let out a piercing scream, dark red blood continuously overflowed from the seven orifices, like a madman.

He never imagined that Long Hao would have such terrifying tricks, which directly hit the soul, making it impossible to guard against.


when clang clang...

Losing Li Chen's control, the seven flying swords stopped attacking one after another and fell down.

After Long Er regained his ability to move, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, protruding a black gun barrel from it.


The majestic energy gathered in it, forming a finger-thin dark laser, which burst out suddenly.


The dark laser shot directly through Li Chen's head, extending to the ground in the distance, and everything it passed was turned into ashes.

"Sure, Long Er, there is such an ultimate move." Long Hao walked over and patted Long Er's shoulder, but found that the other party didn't move, and turned into a sculpture again.

He opened the back and saw that the five top-grade spirit stones had all turned into lime.

"Just one blow consumes most of the energy, this move is really overbearing." Long Hao sighed sincerely.

It is worthy of being a king-level puppet refined by Thousand Puppet Kings. Almost its whole body can be turned into a deadly weapon.

The more energy infused, not only the power is stronger, but also there are all kinds of strange killing moves.

It's really hard for Long Hao to imagine how terrifying it would be if a large number of top-quality spirit stones were inlaid and the power of the Dragon World War II was fully activated.

It is not impossible for one person to destroy a sect.

Putting Long Er back into the Prisoner Dragon Ring, Long Hao looked at the seven flying swords that fell to the ground.

The seven flying swords are exactly the same, but they are quite weird. There is no hilt, and both ends are sharp sword points. The blade is extremely thin and exudes a peerless edge.


Just as Long Hao was about to reach out to pick it up, his fingers were cut off by the sharp sword energy.

"Good thing, it's definitely a top-grade spiritual weapon!"

Long Hao sucked his fingers, with an ecstatic smile on his face.

One top-grade spiritual weapon may be nothing, but a total of seven top-quality spiritual weapons, and it is a set of standard spiritual weapons, is extraordinary.

The value is even higher than low-grade treasures.

After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, the sharpness of the seven flying swords suddenly subsided, and Long Hao stretched out his hand to make a move, and all of them automatically flew into the Prisoner Dragon Ring.

"I don't know if this guy has the secret book of the Seven Killing Sword Formation."

Long Hao secretly prayed, and began to search Li Chen's body.

Long Hao saw the power of the Seven Killing Sword Formation with his own eyes just now, even the suppressed Long Er couldn't move, and the power was still above Li Chen's supernatural power.

Anyone who sees it will get hot-eyed.

"Hey, I found it."

As soon as Long Hao's eyes lit up, he found an antique jade slip in Li Chen's storage bag, which recorded the method of the Seven Killing Sword Formation.

Seven kills sword array, cut the sky, cut the ground, cut the devil, cut the demon... cut the gods!

Going up to the poor and falling to the sky, and falling to the nine secluded places to break the yellow spring.

The sword cuts off the red dust and blood, especially the apes, and kills all the myriads of black and yellow spirits!

"Seven Kill Sword Emperor?"

"What a big tone, you want to kill the gods?"

Long Hao shook his head and sighed, in Emperor Fentian's memory, Sword Emperor Seven Kills was once an extremely crazy guy.

In order to prove the Tao, kill all your wives and children, all your relatives, all your friends... Even acquaintances are not spared, that is the real seven kills.

And after proving the Dao Emperor, this guy became even crazier, threatening to kill the entire Xuanhuang World and bury his wife, children, relatives and friends.

At that time, he held the Seven Killing Sword in his hand, and from east to west, one by one the ancient countries, clans and even sects were destroyed one after another, all souls were devastated, bloody and violent.

That was a dark history of the Xuanhuang Great World.

In order to stop him, Taoism and Demons joined forces in a rare way, and the ten holy places and the six major demon sects dispatched strong men one after another.

The sixteen great emperors fought fiercely with them for a whole month, and at the cost of two great emperors falling and ten great emperors being seriously injured, they finally killed the seven killing emperors.

"Madman, what a lunatic..."

Long Hao couldn't help cursing, although he wasn't a benevolent gentleman, it was impossible for him to kill all his relatives and friends.

The legendary killing of one's wife to preach the truth is already evil enough.

This is good, and he threatened to kill a big world.

However, what Li Chen got was only the fragments of the Seven Kills Sword Scripture, which only recorded the method of the Seven Kills Sword Formation.

This does not delay Long Hao's cultivation.

If the evil skill of the Seven Killing Sword Sutra is in front of him, Long Hao really doesn't know what to do.

"Hey, you two are sending warmth from thousands of miles away, so we will not be polite."

After looting all the treasures from the two of them, Long Hao threw their bodies into the crater.

(End of this chapter)

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