Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 84 Homecoming

Chapter 84 Homecoming
In this battle, Long Hao's greatest gains were the method of the Seven Killing Sword Formation and the seven flying swords of the top-grade spiritual weapon.

Compared with it, Long Hao only consumed five high-grade spirit stones, which is simply an empty-handed white wolf business.

Of course, because of this, he also completely offended Du Tiancheng and Zixiao Holy Land.

Du Tiancheng is the king who dominates one side, and Zixiao Holy Land is even more colossal.

But from Long Hao's relaxed expression, there was no trace of worry or fear.

In his opinion, when the matter reached this stage, Du Tiancheng and Zixiao Holy Land should be the ones who were terrified.

"Meow meow……"

At the end of the war, Long Xiaomiao habitually came to ask for credit, holding on to the gold brick desperately and not letting go.

Obviously, I am addicted to patting stuffy bricks.

It didn't matter to Long Hao, the gold brick was too heavy, and if he forced it to move, it would drain his true energy all at once.

On the other hand, Long Xiaomiao, who possesses the blood of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon, has infinite power and is quite easy to use.

But the gold bricks were too eye-catching, so Long Hao hung Li Chen's storage bag around the little guy's neck, just like a bib.

Long Xiaomiao was quite excited, and carefully put all his wealth into it, and then hugged it tightly, looking like a money fan.


A huge star is deeply embedded on the ground, only half of it is exposed, and it looks like half of the moon from a distance.

However, the stars are extremely vast, stretching for thousands of miles, and there are many mountain peaks standing on top of them, and big rivers rushing past...

It's like a small world.

This is the location of the famous Shaking Light Holy Land in the Xuanhuang Great World, Tianyunxing!
"Finally back!"

When Long Hao, who was busy all the way, saw the meteorite, he felt a sense of intimacy and relaxation spontaneously.

Long Xiaomiao, on the other hand, was quite curious and kept asking questions.

"Stop talking nonsense and go home!"

Annoyed by the long-winded Long Xiaomiao, Long Hao jumped up, and soon saw the mountain gate.

"Huh? Why is the holy land formation closed? It seems that even the inspection team has decreased..."

"Could it be..."

Long Hao thought of something and hurried over.

At this moment, there are lanterns and festoons in front of the mountain gate, which is completely different from the heavily guarded appearance before.

"Senior brother, I don't know what kind of happy event happened?"

Guarding the mountain gate is a team of inner disciples from the Transcendent Realm, and the leader is a strong man from the Supernatural Realm.

And when he set off, he remembered that the guards at the mountain gates were the elders of the various halls, and no matter who entered or exited, they had to issue a token of the sect, and the inspection was extremely strict.

But now, those disciples guarding the mountain gate gathered together and chatted casually, and didn't pay any attention to the disciples who passed by.

"Junior Brother just returned to the Holy Land and didn't know something..."

The supernatural being had a constant smile on his face: "It is indeed a great happy event..."

"Hey, let me tell you..." The other guards also looked over, one by one scrambling to say: "Not long ago, the Burning Heaven Devil Emperor fell!"

"Fentian Devil Emperor?" Long Hao was taken aback.

Of course, he knew this news a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to spread so fast.

It stands to reason that the fall of a great emperor is equivalent to the loss of a pillar to support the sky, and the Burning Demon Cult should try their best to block the news.

"Haha, once the Fentian Devil Emperor dies, we don't have to worry about him calling again from now on."

"Yes, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, and we can practice step by step."

"If it hadn't been blocked by the Holy Land formation before, the Burning Heaven Demon Flame would have almost destroyed Tianyunxing. The majesty of the Great Emperor is really frightening to death!"


Everyone was talking about the hype, and they were all very excited.

But Long Hao couldn't be happier.

"It seems that in the future, Fentian Good Fortune will have to be used carefully, otherwise it will be troublesome if he is regarded as the reincarnation of Fentian Demon Emperor."

Not to mention what the Yaoguang Holy Land would do with it, Fairy Fuyao and Di Jun alone would be able to hunt him down, and he would have no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth.

He didn't want to be like Lord Yang, hiding in the Town of Demons all the time.

Fortunately, apart from Fen Tian's Good Fortune Art, Demon Emperor Fen Tian has also mastered many powerful supernatural powers, and Long Hao can only use them when he reaches the supernatural power level.

There is no need to be in a hurry.

With a secret sigh, Long Hao crossed the mountain gate and entered the holy land.

"I heard from a core senior brother that the Fentian Devil Emperor fell into a trance when he was refining alchemy."

"No, the elder said that he was struck to death by a thunderbolt during the tribulation."

The fellow disciples met along the way were almost all talking about the fall of the Burning Demon Emperor, and various gossips were flying all over the sky.

"Poor Fairy Fuyao, she became a widow at a young age, and I don't know which bastard will take advantage of it."

"Don't even think about it, you're not afraid of being sucked dry and dying."

"Tch, if I could kiss Fangze, I would be willing to die, hehe..."

Hearing these discussions, Long Hao's heart throbbed, and he secretly vowed to keep the secret until he became stronger.

Otherwise, Fairy Fuyao and Di Jun would keep their secrets and reputations, even if Shang Qiong Bi fell to Huang Quan, he would be killed.

"Ma Dan, there are two more potential enemies for no reason. Is this the rough fate of the protagonist?"

Long Hao slandered endlessly in his heart, if Lord Yang knew about it, he would have to laugh at him to death.

"You have to get stronger as soon as possible!"

The fall of a supreme emperor will definitely cause an uproar in the entire Xuanhuang world.

Moreover, without the deterrence of the most powerful emperor, all the heroes in the world will rise together, and will soon enter an era of turbulent chaos.

But troubled times create heroes!
Whoever can dominate the crowd in this troubled world will be able to take the top spot and become the strongest in the next era...

Suppress the eight wastelands and rule the world!
"Thinking about it, I'm a little excited."


mission hall.

"Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Long?"

A chubby young man with a red face exclaimed in surprise, "You really came back alive?"

"Haha, Senior Brother Zhou is safe and sound."

Long Hao also recognized that person, it was Zhou Qing, the inner disciple who handed over the task to him before.

At the beginning, Zhou Qing carefully explained the dangers of the Abyss of Demon Suppression to him, and he was very kind, so Long Hao had a good impression of him.

With that said, Long Hao casually took out ten human magic beads and handed them to Zhou Qing.

"You actually broke through the Transcendent Realm?"

"Junior Brother Long, you really are a dragon and a phoenix among men."

Without looking at those human magic beads, Zhou Qing looked at Long Hao in surprise, and found that he had missed his eyes before.

Long Hao was also quite surprised, he had been wearing the hidden spirit orb all the time, and his true energy was pure and restrained, unless someone in the supernatural power realm could not notice it at all.

Obviously, the kind-faced senior brother Zhou Qing in front of him is not easy to be with.

"Breakthrough to the Transcendent Realm? Long...Long Hao?"

"real or fake?"

The outer disciples in the task hall were both envious and shocked.

Because not long ago, Long Hao was only at the third level of the physical body, and he was the bottom of the outer sect, and he has been reduced to the joke and bullying object of everyone.

Good now, after breaking through the Transcendent Realm, he became an inner sect disciple, and he will definitely be trained by the sect in the future.

Get promoted and raise salary, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life...

Who doesn't envy?

 The third update is over, and tomorrow will be even more exciting!
  Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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