god system

Chapter 170 Zixia Immortal Venerable and Sanqing Fairy

Chapter 170 Zixia Immortal and Sanqing Fairy

The formation was suspended in the air and turned into a light formation, covering a radius of ten feet.

The formation slowly rotated, and the surrounding light was shrouded in mist, looming, like a dream, and at the same time emitting bursts of evil breath that eroded people's hearts.

After these breaths were emitted, they were transmitted into the space through the rotation of the light array, and disappeared.

There are many gemstones inlaid in the slowly rotating formation, shining brightly. It is these colorful gems that provide energy to the formation, making the formation rotate,
The whole formation looks a bit like yin and yang gossip. At the center of the formation, the space is constantly distorted, faintly exuding bursts of space breath.

There is a formation eye on the left and right sides of the formation, and there is a person sitting cross-legged on the formation eye to stabilize the formation. There is no doubt that these two are Ji Yunfei and Yang Shuo.

They closed their eyes and crossed their knees in the air, holding their bodies with the power of the formation, and turning slowly in the void.Pinch the fingers with both hands, and place them flat in front of the knees in an orchid state.

They seem to have entered a state of emptiness, with expressionless faces, like two stone statues, blending into the formation and becoming a part of the formation.

Gray gas lingered around the bodies of the two of them, and black spots appeared one after another on the surface of their skin.

These spots seemed to be living things, and they were beating on the surface of their skin, as if poisonous insects were about to break through their skin and jump out from it.

The wave formation in the refuge point is not weak, but because it is blocked by the phantom formation, the outside world can't notice it at all. It's just that there are some changes in the sky directly above the refuge point. Unrecognizable.

The formation in the refuge, the changes of the eight empty tombs, and the five corpse emperors in the center of the tomb hill, all of these covered the tomb hill with a thick layer of mist, and no one could see clearly what happened to the tomb hill. what.

Except for the nine virtual tombs, a shelter, and the center of the tomb mountain, there are no major changes in other parts of the tomb mountain.

The speed of the Eight Corpse Kings' escape was extremely fast, and they quickly converged in the void, shooting towards the destroyed virtual tomb all the way.

The corpse king was full of murderous aura, destroying the dead all the way, and wherever he passed, the world seemed to be collapsing.

Their speed was extremely fast, and they directly turned into eight streams of light in the void, like eight shooting stars, which were fleeting. Due to their high speed, they left behind a long silver tail.

The ground in front was already in ruins. When it was destroyed by the magic weapon, there were flames of war, but because the two corpse kings finally rushed to the circulation space, forming a space storm, the messy battlefield here was completely emptied.

In the original place, only the pitted ground and some rocks remained. There was no battle fluctuation, and there was only depression, a dead silence.

In this dead void, there are two beautiful figures floating, one on the left and one on the right, with long hair flying.

On the left, floating is a woman wearing a pink dress and a silver hairpin, with white skin like snow, cold brows, and a noble face.

The woman is five feet tall, and there are two emerald green swords tied behind her back. The green swords seem to have life, sticking to the woman's back, as if they want to merge into the woman's body and become one with her.

This woman floated quietly in the void, and the surroundings seemed to lose color. In sight, there was only this woman and nothing else.This noble woman is a strong figure of Ziyun Sect, Fang Han's master, Fairy Sanqing.

"Sister, the empty tomb here has been razed to the ground, what is the point of you and I staying here?" Fairy Sanqing kissed her red lips, her voice was like a fairy, like the words conveyed from the sky above, ethereal and noble.

The one she calls her elder sister is a woman dressed in cyan, with delicate features, elegant and calm, and a stern expression that seems to repel others thousands of miles away.

She doesn't have the lofty aura of Fairy Sanqing, but that sternness is even more frightening, and the invisible aura seems to change the world.

The breeze blew past, as if afraid of the coldness of the woman in front of him, he would involuntarily avoid her.

In terms of appearance, this woman is hundreds of times stronger than Fairy Sanqing. Even if she doesn't make up any clothes, she is much more beautiful than Fairy Sanqing who has been carefully arranged by her side.

Floating beside this woman, Fairy Sanqing couldn't help but lose her color.

The woman's hands were naturally placed in front of her body. She didn't carry any weapons on her body, but on her shoulders stood a squirrel with two feet upright and a stern face.

If Xiao Ye saw this squirrel, he would definitely recognize it. Isn't this the little brother Song who is in charge of welcoming the squirrel in Zixia Cave?

Brother Song stood on the woman's fragrant shoulders, looking forward, like a god of war, majestic, with the eyes of the sky, as if even if the sky fell, he would not blink.

Brother Song is here, so the identity of this woman is self-evident, she is Xiao Xiaojia's master, Immortal Zixia.

Faced with Fairy Sanqing's question, Zixia Immortal Venerable fell silent for a few breaths, and then said leisurely: "My disciple's breath disappeared here."

"Oh?" Fairy Sanqing's pretty face changed slightly, and a schadenfreude smile flashed at the corner of her mouth, which was quickly replaced by worry: "After a great battle, this place is at least at the level of a corpse king. And if everything is emptied, it should be that the space has been destroyed. Forcibly opening it, Xiaojia's niece will not be involved in the turbulent flow of space, right?"

The space is washed away, and most of the time it is a turbulent flow in the space, where it is extremely dangerous, even if it is an existence like Zixia Immortal Venerable, it is estimated that there will be ten deaths if it is involved.

However, there happened to be a circulation space here, and the luck of the two corpse kings was also bad. They wanted to sacrifice themselves and drag everyone else into the turbulent flow of space, but they opened the circulation space, allowing Xiao Xiaojia and others to survive.

Zixia Immortal Venerable remained silent and did not respond to this. Her stern aura seemed to be able to freeze thousands of miles of rivers, even if Fairy Sanqing stood beside her, she could not feel natural.

Fairy Sanqing seemed to be used to Zixia Xianzun's appearance, she didn't ask any more questions, just floating here quietly with Zixia Xianzun.But she didn't know that it wasn't Xiao Xiaojia who died, but her apprentice, Fang Han!
Over the razed ruins, the wind was blowing extremely violently, but it couldn't shake these two strong men.


At a certain moment, Brother Song on Zixia Immortal Venerable's shoulder suddenly frowned, his eyes focused on Liuguang Cave.

"What's the matter?" Immortal Zixia seemed to have insight and asked.

"There are eight powerful auras approaching quickly. From the analysis of the smell, it should be a zombie. Approaching from the void, judging from the aura, it should be the corpse king. One of them is not weak, and it is only a little worse than Fairy Sanqing." Song Xiao Brother truthfully reported.

"I am stronger than a fairy?" Fairy Sanqing's pretty face sank: "Xiao Song, could you have misunderstood it? It is unimaginable that the corpse king appeared in the Xu Tomb, how could there be someone stronger than this fairy? "

Fairy Sanqing was full of doubts. It was definitely not the first time she entered the tomb mountain, and she had never heard of such an incident.

"If the fairy doesn't believe it, wait for a while, and the eight corpse kings will arrive, and then the fairy will have a look." Brother Song tilted his head, as if he didn't believe it.

A mere squirrel who can spit out human words, rushed to talk to Fairy Sanqing in this way. I have to say that this is borrowing the power of Zixia Xianzun. To put it bluntly, it is a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Fairy Sanqing laughed at this.

From the beginning to the end, Zixia Immortal Venerable did not comment on this, nor did she give any instructions for the next step. She just quietly looked at the ruins below, neither sad nor happy, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Time is like an hourglass, passing quickly between the fingers.


Eight speed streamers, as if they had agreed, approached from the sky quickly. Although the sight was still out of reach, Fairy Sanqing had already turned around and raised her willow eyebrows.

"One, two, three, four... There are really eight auras." Fairy Sanqing moved her beautiful eyes, and a pair of emerald green swords behind her hummed, as if they were about to break out of their sheaths.

"Sister, this is the goal of the ten corpse kings. Could it be that they are here for us?" Fairy Sanqing asked.

Zixia Xianzun still didn't turn around, she looked at the direction where Xu Tomb used to be, her face was expressionless, and after a while, she said: "They are for Xu Tomb."

"Oh? The virtual tomb was destroyed, they came to investigate the situation? No, the destruction of the virtual tomb happened every time there was a flood of corpses in the ancient tomb, and there was never a corpse king who would come to investigate, and there were eight corpses when they came. That's weird."

Fairy Sanqing turned her beautiful eyes and said again: "Sister, what should we do?"


Immortal Zixia had no expression on his face, his delicate body did not move, and he calmly uttered a word, just such a word, but it contained an extremely domineering aura.

After uttering this word, Zixia Xianzun's body suddenly flashed and disappeared in place.The next moment, she appeared in front of Fairy Sanqing, holding a half-moon-shaped staff, and her whole body was automatic without wind.

"You don't want to interfere."

When these four words were lightly thrown out, the emerald green sword behind Fairy Sanqing stopped shaking, she put away all her fighting spirit, and a faint smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

She knew Immortal Zixia, although Immortal Zixia didn't say anything, in fact, she also knew that Xiao Xiaojia's disappearance was more or less ominous.Regardless of whether Xiao Xiaojia is alive or dead, these are all related to zombies, and it is just right that eight corpse kings are here.If Xiao Xiaojia was dead, the eight corpse kings would be buried with him as revenge.

If Xiao Xiaojia is still alive, it will be bad luck for the eight corpse kings.

Zixia Xianzun floated peacefully in the void, but his whole body was murderous.At this moment, even Fairy Sanqing couldn't help taking a few steps back, she knew very well that once Immortal Zixia made a move, it would be a lore.

Brother Song was still standing on the fragrant shoulder of Zixia Immortal, looking forward, like a general, majestic.


At this moment, eight silver lights appeared in the distant sky, extremely fast, rolling with murderous aura, all the way through the air, and shot towards the direction of Zixia Xianzun.

There is no doubt that these are the eight corpse kings.

The eight corpse kings found Zixia Xianzun from a distance, but because Zixia Xianzun concealed his breath, he didn't know how strong Zixia Xianzun was.Looking behind Immortal Zixia, the original Xu tomb was in ruins, and immediately, the eight corpse kings thought that it was Immortal Zixia who destroyed the tomb.

hoo hoo hoo!
The leading corpse king let out a roar, and the murderous aura of the eight corpse kings became even fiercer. They wanted to kill the humans who destroyed the tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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