god system

Chapter 171 The Prestige of Zixia Immortal Venerable

Chapter 171 The Prestige of Zixia Immortal Venerable
The speed of the eight corpse kings increased sharply, and all their sharp claws were exposed. Among them, some corpse kings even spit out corpse pills, and the sharp claws changed into a terrifying weapon.

The eight silver lights turned into eight death rays, and the targets were Immortal Zixia and Fairy Sanqing behind her.

The strength of the leading corpse king is already comparable to that of the fifth-level martial king of human beings. He is so powerful that even if he encounters a magic weapon, he must run away. However, he combined with the other seven corpse kings, but he did not make Zixia Xianzun feel afraid at all.

Facing the eight silver lights that were approaching rapidly, the sense of crisis that came to his face seemed to bypass Immortal Zixia naturally.

Immortal Zixia's face did not change, but Fairy Sanqing's delicate body trembled behind her, and the emerald green sword behind her trembled, almost being forced out of murderous aura.

Fairy Sanqing quickly suppressed her breath, and took another step back.

As the crisis approached, the half-moon staff in Zixia Immortal Venerable's hands emitted a little bit of starlight, with little momentum and no strong fluctuations, just the staff glowing.

The eight corpse kings approached quickly, and the huge crisis quickly enveloped them. The eight corpse kings came out with sharp claws. The speed was too fast, forming a series of entanglements in the void. When it exploded, it split into eight directions and surrounded Zixia Immortal Venerable.

After the encirclement, the eight corpse kings moved at the same time, and the eight different energies exploded in an instant, the space vibrated, and the world collapsed. Before, it was already distorted and deformed, and it was about to be crushed.

Immortal Zixia is a healer, and zombies are considered warriors in a strict sense. Now the eight corpse kings are less than a foot away from Immortal Zixia. This distance is already very dangerous for a healer.

At this moment, Zixia Immortal Venerable's eyes were fixed, and the jade hand holding the half-moon staff was tightened. A huge spiritual energy burst out from the body, quickly spread throughout the body, and was input into the half-moon staff through the jade hand. .

The brilliance of the half-moon staff, which was already flooded, exploded like a bright moon, and then with Zixia Xianzun as the center, the surrounding space exploded one after another, and a burst of dazzling light erupted in every exploded space. of brilliance.

roar roar...

The eight menacing corpse kings, including the most powerful leader, had no time to react and were caught in the surrounding brilliance.

A huge explosion erupted, and as far as the line of sight passed, with Zixia Xianzun as the center, a huge white light ball with a radius of ten feet turned into a huge white light ball. Explosions and corpse king's wailing kept coming out of the white light ball, and even Zixia Xia Xianzun's own body is also integrated into it.

The sight cannot penetrate this dazzling white light ball, only the hearing can clearly feel the tragedy inside the light ball.

The ball of light exploded continuously, and the brilliance on the surface danced like a flame. Every time it jumped, there would be terrible fluctuations, as if a giant dragon was about to soar out of the ball of light and go straight into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the eight corpse kings were annihilated in the ball of light, and the tragic wailing of the corpse kings gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared and returned to peace.

"It's over." Fairy Sanqing held back for a long time, until now, she let out a long breath, and then opened her locked willow eyebrows.

As the line of sight passed, the ball of light began to shrink inward rapidly and became smaller, faster and faster, and finally turned into a white light, which escaped and shot back into the half-moon staff in Zixia Immortal Venerable's hand.

Looking at the void again, I saw Immortal Zixia turning around slowly, with no sadness or joy on his face, and all the aura had been absorbed into his body.She didn't look like she had just gone through a fierce battle at all, she looked as if she had just finished watching the scenery, she was extremely indifferent.

Around Zixia Immortal Venerable, there was no trace of the corpse king anymore, not even the remains of the corpse king's broken arms were found.

There were clearly eight corpse kings there, but at the moment they were nothingness, and they were nowhere to be seen. Obviously, they were all beheaded by Zixia Immortal Venerable in one move, but they had never thought that the beheading was so thorough that no fragments or smoke were left behind. It was as if the eight corpse kings had been included in the half-moon staff.

Zixia Immortal Venerable's plain clothes were fluttering, not stained with dust, no one could see that she had just beheaded the eight corpse kings.

Of the eight corpse kings, one of them even reached the level of a fifth-level human martial king. Such a combination of eight people is not a one-shot enemy of Zixia Immortal Venerable. This spiritual master has cultivated to a powerful level, which is really incomparably terrifying.

"There has been a change in the tomb mountain, follow me to the center." When Zixia Xianzun turned around, he threw out these words.

"Sister, since there is a change in the tomb mountain, why don't you inform the higher-ups of the sect?" Fairy Sanqing said.

"The high-level members of the Zongmen stand still. If there is no major incident at the tomb mountain, they will never take care of it. If you inform, it will be a waste of time. I am afraid that there is a conspiracy hidden in this accident. You and I should go and find out. There is no need to fight hard."


Immortal Zixia and Fairy Sanqing turned into two rays of light, shot straight into the sky, and shot towards the center of the tomb mountain, where a tragic battle broke out, and Ziyunzong suffered heavy losses.

As one of the five major sects in the Zhengyuan Continent, Ziyun Sect has a very high status. For hundreds of thousands of years, it has been steadily improving without encountering major setbacks.

If Immortal Zixia and Fairy Sanqing went to report and only said that there was a change in the tomb mountain, the senior Ziyun sect would only send some power at will, and their real deities would not come in person.

In this case, what is the use of notifications?

Immortal Zixia reckoned that the change of the tomb mountain must have been planned for a long time, and the universe contained in it must be quite large. If Ziyunzong didn't pay attention to this matter, the people sent here would just die in vain.

Instead of this, it would be better for Zixia Xianzun and Sanqing Fairy to investigate secretly, understand the situation before and after, and then adapt to the situation.

The tomb mountain has existed in Ziyun Sect for a long time, except for the corpse emperor's attack, which affected the outer and inner sects, no other major events have occurred.If there is a change in the tomb mountain, then there must be a plan.

What happened to Cemetery Hill?What happened to the virtual tomb and the corpse king?The most important thing is...

What happened to his lover?

Immortal Zixia and Fairy Sanqing left. Their small actions killed the eight corpse kings, which had a slight impact on the change of the tomb mountain. There was a crisis.

Otherwise, let these eight corpse kings enter the circulation space, with the power of Xiao Ye, Fabao and others, it is almost certain death.

But at this moment, in the recirculation space, the magic weapon brought Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao, staying in a dead void.

The surroundings of the void are pitch black, without any fluctuations, and there are no spatial boundaries. The incomparable emptiness here seems to be nothing.However, Fabao told Xiao Ye that the space compartment is here.

"Hey, the power to destroy the space barrier is getting stronger and stronger. This rising power doesn't feel like it's coming from a person, but it's like a mix of various treasures. Well, it should be a formation." Fabao explained.


Hearing these two words, Xiao Ye immediately frowned, and a picture appeared in his mind. It was the figures of Yang Shuo and Ji Yunfei. At that time, Xiao Ye vaguely saw that there seemed to be a little formation inside the refuge where they were. shadow.

"Could it be them?" Xiao Ye thought in his heart, and the ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

"The layout of this space compartment is perfect, and I didn't even notice it at all. Little monster, how long is it before you can open the space compartment?" Before the tiger roared, he carefully searched the surroundings carefully, but found nothing. It's not at all different, which makes him sigh, the space compartment is really unusual.

"Wait, at this speed, it won't take long to open the space compartment."

"The task is released, enter the space compartment, the task rewards include a bottle of true energy water, primary fighting spirit - red ice, twenty gold coins."

The task was announced in his mind, and Xiao Ye pursed his lips for a new task reward, which was fighting spirit.

Fighting soul, this is a kind of fighting soul, they exist in the form of energy, lurking in the body, once fused, the attribute of fighting soul will enter the body for a short time, and be controlled by the body.

Fighting spirits are very magical. In the previous game, because Xiao Ye had been completing tasks and had no time to capture fighting spirits, he only had one fighting spirit in the end, and it was the most basic one. It was the one in the current mission. Red ice.

Chibing is a kind of attribute fighting spirit, mainly based on ice. After merging with him, Xiao Ye's zhenqi can be condensed into ice at will, which contains the attribute of ice. That is to say, Xiao Ye does not need to learn any ice attribute skills. He can send out existences such as ice arrows.

If there is an ice attribute technique, plus an ice attribute fighting spirit, the combination of the two will naturally not be as simple as one plus one equals two.

In addition to attribute fighting souls, there are also beast souls and soldier souls.

With the fusion of the beast soul, Xiao Ye's body will directly transform into a beast, which is an incomparably huge change, which cannot be explained by the laws of this world at all.

The same goes for the soldier soul. When the soldier soul is awakened, the body will turn into a magic weapon, galloping around the world and looking down on the sky.

This is the fighting spirit, an incomparably miraculous existence. In the prestige store, there are extremely high-level fighting spirits, but their prices are also high.

Now there is a primary fighting spirit in the mission - Chibing. For the current Xiao Ye, the primary fighting spirit Chibing is a very good existence. Climb a level.

"The tiger roars."

Just as Xiao Ye was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears, and as he passed by, a man and a woman flew towards Xiao Ye's team of three.

When seeing this man and a woman, Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

It doesn't matter if the man is Mu Tianyang, and the woman is Xiao Ye's S-level task, Mu Qing'er.

At this moment, Mu Qing'er's expression was very natural, as if she didn't notice Xiao Ye at all, they came here, what are they talking about?
"Senior brother, please keep the matter of the space separation between the two of you a secret." Xiao Ye sent a voice transmission to Hu Xiao. The voice was extremely serious, and there was no suspicion of a joke. Even Hu Xiao felt terrified when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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