god system

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
Xiao Ye didn't want to fight, but that didn't mean he couldn't fight!What he really couldn't fight was the Nine-headed Flamingo. If he thought that he could blackmail Xiao Ye through a transaction, then he was very wrong!
Due to the body changes, a fireball formed by the condensed flame essence will appear in Xiao Ye's body. This kind of fireball is equivalent to a one-time weapon, and its effect is unknown.

The only thing he could know was that the nine-headed flamingo needed flame essence, but he wanted to exchange the flame ball for five flame essences. To Xiao Ye, this was a big opening for the lion.

He still hasn't figured out who is at a disadvantage right now. If he wants to make a deal, he can do it. The key is to show his attitude!
The huge nine pairs of eyes of the nine-headed flamingo bird looked down and locked on to Xiao Ye. He could see that Xiao Ye was bound to win the flame ball, which was why he dared to use his life to negotiate conditions with Xiao Ye.

He has always said that the flame ball represents his ten years of cultivation, but only he himself knows what it represents, and he said everything.

He tried to guide Xiao Ye and let Xiao Ye follow his own ideas. However, from the beginning, Xiao Ye didn't care about ten years of cultivation. For him, what he wanted was the flame ball. What does the head flamingo represent.

Five flame essences were reduced to two in an instant, such a big bargain is really rare.

Xiao Ye and Nine-headed Flamingo are both businessmen at the moment, and this transaction must be concluded in their view.

A transaction that must be concluded, as long as the transaction is still fair, there will be no surprises.

Xiao Ye had no idea how to exchange the flame ball and the flame essence. The only one who knew the value of the two was the Nine-headed Flame Bird. He had the final say on everything, but that was exactly the case. Xiao Ye didn’t need to think too much. Instead, directly state the conditions that you can accept.

Whether it's a loss or a gain, anyway, I can accept it, and that's enough!

He made his bottom line clear, if the Nine-headed Flamingo doesn't agree now, then the only way to go is to fight.Now all the pressure is on the Nine-headed Flamingo, and what is even more helpless is that the Nine-headed Flamingo has to agree.

If he doesn't agree, his life will be over, and the flame ball will fall into Xiao Ye's hands in the end, and Xiao Ye is just wasting gold coins and little blue potion, which is a bit disproportionate compared to the loss of the nine-headed flame bird .

The beating flames on the second layer of the Flame Blade Abyss, in the dull atmosphere, the flames seem to be frozen, and they can no longer see their beating appearance.

The entire second floor of the Blade Flame Abyss is actually a cage that traps the Nine-headed Flamingo. Without this cage, the Nine-headed Flamingo would have gone far away.

No one knew what the Nine-Headed Flamingo was thinking in terms of psychology, but after a while, this giant finally lowered its head and accepted Xiao Ye's method.

Exchange two flame essences for flame balls, this is the result of one man and one beast after going through a psychological war.

The flapping wings of the nine flame birds slowed down quickly, his sharp claws fell to the ground, and his body finally landed on the ground.

As the line of sight passes, one can clearly see the golden light shining from the abdomen of the Nine-headed Flamingo. The light flashes in a spherical state, rising from the abdomen of the Nine-headed Flamingo, all the way up.

During the whole process, the nine-headed flamingo did not show any pain, but when the golden light came to the throat of the nine-headed flamingo, strange things happened.

I only heard the screams of the nine heads of the nine flamingo birds, like the neighing of an evil spirit, which made my scalp go numb, and even the scenery in my sight became a little distorted.

Looking at it again, the heads of the nine flame birds were all blurred, and then merged with each other. In just one breath, the nine heads turned into one head.

With a sound of "Wow", a golden flame ball spit out from the only mouth of the nine-headed flame bird!
The golden flame ball is not a perfect ball, and golden flames are dancing around him, without much attack power, but when it appears, it makes the entire second layer of the Blade Flame Abyss vibrate continuously, as if it wants to completely destroy the second layer. destroy.

"Let go of the guardian, and I will send you back to the first floor. After sealing the second floor, we will meet again one day, and don't forget our deal at that time!"

After the nine-headed flame bird spit out the flame ball, one head turned into nine heads again, but the body was wrapped in a layer of energy.

From the energy of this layer of wrapping, it can be seen that the body of the nine-headed flame bird is at least two-thirds smaller than before, and this is probably the price he paid.

At the same moment, a special space energy emanated from the nine-headed flame bird, and that energy enveloped Xiao Ye.

As soon as Xiao Ye waved his hand, the flame ball floated in front of him and was controlled by him. After looking at the Nine-headed Flamingo, he let go of all defenses, allowing the energy of the Nine-headed Flamingo to completely envelop him.

In an instant, Xiao Ye felt dizzy, and when he recovered, he had already appeared on the first floor of the Blade Flame Abyss.

The first floor had already been emptied, and Xiao Ye directly threw the flame ball to the teleportation entrance of the second floor.The flame ball exploded directly at the transmission entrance, turning into an endless energy black hole, swallowing the transmission entrance of the second floor into the black hole, and then flashed like a meteor, disappearing with the transmission entrance.

Even if the second floor of the Flame Abyss is temporarily sealed, Xiao Ye's mission has finally been completed.

He left the Abyss of Blade Flame, came to the main city, found the soul summoner, and talked to him.

"Wow! Warrior, you actually sealed the second layer of the Abyss of Blade Flame, which solved a big problem and benefited the common people! In order to repay you, please accept these five hundred gold coins, and here is a bottle of great spiritual energy water as well." Take it."

In the sweet voice of the soul summoner, Xiao Ye got two things, one was five hundred gold coins, and the other was a bottle of great spiritual energy water.

Not to mention the great spirit water, it is of course beneficial to Xiao Ye, the most important thing is the [-] gold coins, you must know that [-] gold coins can enable Xiao Ye to do many things!

"Warrior, I have one more worrying thing, I don't know..."

Before the soul summoner could finish the next thing, Xiao Ye's soul had already left the magic outfit system.

He has stayed in the game for long enough, now is not the time to complete the task and improve his strength, he has to go back to Xiao's house to see what is going on now.

In his heart, he faintly felt that something was wrong!

The moment he woke up, Xiao Ye observed the situation in his body again, and found that it was exactly the same as the body in the soul state, and he had indeed absorbed the power of the flame!
A sixth-level great martial artist at the martial arts level, and a third-rank great spiritual master at the spiritual level, this is his current state!
"Phew! Now we are short of the same powerful attack spirit. If you can refine the demon thunder, you can get the demon thunder whip. This should be a powerful attack spirit. It's a pity that the demon thunder does not seem to be so easy to refine , with my current body, it doesn't seem to work either."

Xiao Ye is still very satisfied with the realm of cultivation. The only thing he is dissatisfied with is the lack of powerful attack spirits. Fortunately, after refining and absorbing the flames, his body can already control the flame attacks at will, which makes his attack power has been greatly improved.

After checking his body again and finding nothing abnormal, Xiao Ye let out a deep breath.

Get up and walk outside the house.

"Xiao Jia!"

The moment the room was opened, the first thing Xiao Ye saw was Xiao Xiaojia who was guarding the surroundings. Looking at Xiao Xiaojia's appearance, it was clear that he was protecting the law for himself.

This situation made Xiao Ye's heart warm. He had the urge to rub Xiao Xiaojia. Of course, it was just an impulse, and he didn't take action.

"Brother Xiao Ye, have you finished training?" The moment Xiao Ye saw Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia's guard was completely released. Xiao Ming was blocked by Xiao Xiaojia during these days of Xiao Ye's retreat, but Xiao Ye's other courtyard Not quiet.

Su Yan and the others were left in Xiao Ye, they didn't just stay overnight, most of them stayed all the time, and they kept coming to Xiao Ye's other courtyard to discuss with Xiao Ye.

Obviously, they wanted to defeat Xiao Ye before leaving.

It's a pity that Xiao Xiaojia kept blocking, and no one could see Xiao Ye. Later, Su Yan and his group stopped coming, but some of them still didn't leave, and they still wanted to fight Xiao Ye. battle, including Su Yan.

As for these days, the Xiao family branch took advantage of the great opportunity to get along with the Xiao family disciples, and under the influence of the Xiao family disciples, their respective relatives were slowly eroded. Share the impulse to unify the Xiao family.

However, there is only one obstacle to the unification of the Xiao family at present, and that is the existence of the blood of the Patriarch Xiao Ye.

Unknowingly, Xiao Ye was a sign of becoming an enemy of the Xiao family. He was affirmed by the disciples of the Xiao family through his own efforts before retreating, and he also had the opportunity to meet the most powerful members of the Xiao family. The army met.

Originally, everything went smoothly, but after only one retreat, the sky changed drastically, which is really embarrassing.

Everything is like this, everything is constantly changing, how to adapt and solve it is the way to survive.

Of course, Xiao Ye didn't know about these for the time being, what he saw was Xiao Xiaojia protecting him, that's all.

"Xiao Jia, how long have I been in retreat?" Xiao Ye looked at the sky and found that it was noon.

"At least five days." Since Xiao Xiaojia came out halfway to protect Xiao Ye, she could only give an approximate time, and she didn't know the specifics.

"Oh? It's been so long?" Xiao Ye didn't expect that it would take at least five days for him to absorb the Marrow Cleansing Pill in one retreat.

"Is there anything important going on these days?"

Xiao Ye knew that he should ask Elder Xiao Ming for the matter he wanted to ask, but since Xiao Xiaojia was here, he asked casually.

"People from three factions came to the Xiao family to compete. Elder Xiao Ming had been wanting to see Brother Xiao Ye for this matter. Now most of the people from the three major forces have left, and a few remain in the family. What exactly happened? What, I don't know."

Xiao Xiaojia said truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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