god system

Chapter 263

Chapter 263
"Three forces? Learn from each other?"

When hearing these words, an ominous premonition welled up in Xiao Ye's heart. There was no need to doubt that the so-called three major forces must be the secret forces of the Xiao family branch.

They came to Xiao's house to make trouble for themselves, which is why Xiao Ming was anxious to find him. However, Xiao Ye had taken the marrow washing pill and was in retreat at that time, and Xiao Xiaojia was guarding him. Of course, Xiao Ming couldn't find Xiao Ye. leaf.

Xiao Ye couldn't be found, what did Xiao Ming do in the end?
Xiao Xiaojia didn't know. She knew that Su Yan and others stayed because they often came to the courtyard to try to find Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye felt that the matter was more and more serious, why did those people stay?Where is Elder Xiao Ming at this moment?

"I have to go to Elder Xiao Ming to find out about the situation. Xiao Jia, please report in the courtyard first. You have worked hard these days."

After Xiao Ye left these words, he left the other courtyard alone and went to Elder Xiao Ming's residence to clarify the matter.Now he must understand everything that happened to Xiaojia, so that he can make progress every step of the way and have a chance.

As for Xiao Xiaojia, she worked as a guardian for Xiao Ye for five days without a rest. She looked haggard and needed rest, so it was better to stay and rest.

Xiao Xiaojia had no objection to this. After watching Xiao Ye leave the other courtyard, she entered her own room and entered a recovery state.

Xiao Ye, who left the other courtyard, found Elder Xiao Ming's residence in his mind, then looked for the direction, and walked straight there.

On the way, Xiao Ye met many Xiao family disciples, and found that these disciples looked at him very strangely, and they seemed to have some resistance.

This had never happened before, even after Xiao Ye stole the Jiuyou Soul Suppressing Pill, the disciples didn't have this kind of look at him, this kind of look even meant to drive Xiao Ye out.

Now Xiao Ye is the only Patriarch bloodline owner who freely moves in front of the disciples, and he defeated the Xiao family branch not long ago. The Xiao family disciples should be proud of him and regard him as the master.

"Things seem unusual." Xiao Ye's complexion became more and more ugly. He must see Xiao Ming as soon as possible to clarify the matter thoroughly.

On Xiao Ye's way to Elder Xiao Ming's other courtyard, two men and a woman walked towards him.

The two men and one woman were neither disciples of the Xiao family nor branch disciples of the Xiao family. The woman among them was none other than the woman Su Mo who was competing with the disciples of the Xiao family at the entrance of the Xiao family mountain that day.

"It's really boring. None of the disciples of the Xiao family in the space tree are willing to compete with me, and none of the disciples of the Xiao family are qualified to compete with me. The rumored Xiao Ye is also a coward and dare not fight at all. We are still waiting What are you doing here? Just go back."

It was Su Mo who complained. She stayed at Xiao's house for the past few days and thought she could find a lot of people to discuss with her. As a result, the disciples of the Xiao family's branch didn't compete with her at all, and she didn't like the disciples of Xiao's family. After a few days, She could only wander around Xiao's house non-stop, and the peak of Xiao's house was almost trampled to death by her.

If she had freedom, she would have left this ghostly place long ago, but it's a pity that now she has to listen to Su Yan, if Su Yan stays, she has to stay.

"Xiao Mo, staying is also a kind of practice, cultivating your character. You are still too young, you don't have much life experience, and you are too impatient. Perhaps it is good for you to stay."

On the right is a man with a handsome appearance and a hooked nose. When he smiles, he will show two rows of white teeth, which is somewhat friendly.

"Haha! Lidong, are you belittling Xiaomo by saying that? But to be honest, this Xiao family is too boring. The bloodline of the head of the Xiao family has really declined to the extreme. Look here, how many heroes have wanted to Come to have a look at the holy land, what is the tranquility like now."

The man on the left looks a bit burly, and his body is the strongest among the three, and he has reached the level of a fifth-level martial artist, so his tone is quite loud. Listening to what he said, it seems that he feels very sorry for the Xiao family today. regret.

"Yes. The Xiao family is good at everything. It has resources, history, and talents. It is because of an unwarranted ancestral precept that it has fallen to where it is today. It is better to let the Xiao family unify as soon as possible. In this way, the Xiao family will Get back to peak condition." Li Dong agreed.

"I said you two, this is about Xiao's family, what are you worrying about?" Su Mo rolled her eyes, then frowned slightly: "It's strange to say that our three families have never had any contact with each other. The Xiao family has no holidays, so how could they come to the Xiao family at the same time to find someone to discuss, saying that it is a competition, but it looks more like cooperating with others?"

Hearing this, Li Dong and the other man chose to remain silent at the same time. Although their family was a dark branch of the Xiao family, young disciples like them did not know the inside story.

In fact, there are not many people who know the real situation inside the Xiao family, even Su Yan knows very little. They all do things according to the family's requirements, and they only know a little bit of the truth about the Xiao family and its branches.

They didn't know how strong the Xiao family branch was, and they didn't know that the family they belonged to was actually one of the forces secretly developed by the Xiao family branch. There were not many people who could really get in touch with these things.

Even the disciples of the Xiao family didn't know much about the Xiao family branch and the Xiao family's affairs. Knowing that the Xiao family branch was because of the Xiao family branch's wanton occupancy, the elders of their family were forced to say something about the Xiao family branch.

Of course, that's just a little bit, and there are not many people who can fully understand the complicated relationship between the Xiao family branch and the Xiao family.

Su Yan and others also felt puzzled when they came to Xiao's house, but as the leader, Su Yan and a few others still knew something, at least they knew to cooperate with Xiao's branch and weaken Xiao Ye's position in the hearts of the disciples.

Although they don't know the benefits of doing so!
The family mission was the only reason for them to come. Of course, they were also happy to compete. It's a pity that the disciples of the Xiao family branch were not very willing to compete with them, and the disciples of the Xiao family were unable to compete with them.

Those who were able to leave earlier were not assigned heavy tasks. Su Yan and others who stayed behind made it clear that they wanted to assist the Xiao family branch. They couldn't leave until they defeated Xiao Ye!

"That bastard Su Yan said that as long as any one of us can defeat Xiao Ye, we can leave the Xiao family. I really can't stay in this damned place. Then why is that damned Xiao Ye afraid to fight? Really So angry!"

While walking, the more Su Mo thought about it, the more unhappy she became. She had cursed Xiao Ye countless times these days. In her mind, Xiao Ye was a coward who didn't even dare to fight.

What kind of Patriarch's bloodline, what kind of Patriarch's son, he is just a useless waste who was deceived by a woman and stole his family's elixir.

"Huh? The guy in front looks pretty good, he should be a disciple from the Xiao family branch, right? I'm just bored now, why don't you ask him if he wants to compete?"

Just as the three of them were walking forward, they found Xiao Ye who was walking quickly in front of him. The person who spoke was the most powerful fifth-level martial artist named Huo Wu!

"Uh, another branch disciple. It looks like he's on his way. He won't compete with us at all. Don't waste your energy." Su Mo curled his lips, looking weak.

"That's not necessarily the case. Isn't he on his way? If we block his way, can he still not fight?" Lidong smiled half-smile, his eyes rolling.

"That's right, sometimes it's not necessary to be clear about it, and some means can be used to achieve the goal." Huo Wu echoed.

"But isn't this offending people?" Su Mo hesitated.

"There is nothing to offend. It's just a discussion. At most, it will make the other party a little angry. It's much better than hanging around like this."

The three of you said something to each other, and at a certain moment, they suddenly stopped in place, their breath was exposed, blocking Xiao Ye's way.

Even though there were only three of them, they didn't block many roads, but their exposed aura showed that no matter which direction Xiao Ye turned, they could stop him immediately. The purpose of doing this was clearly to prevent Xiao Ye from going any further. OK.

Xiao Ye rushed to Xiao Ming's residence in a hurry, was racing against time, and gathered in his heart, but three people suddenly appeared to block his way. Xiao Ye subconsciously believed that these three people should be disciples of the Xiao family branch.

After all, the three major forces came to compete, but no one has seen him, and they don't know when he will leave the customs, so they shouldn't block the way for no reason.

Only the disciples of the Xiao family branch have seen him, and they have reasons to block him.

"Give way." Xiao Ye walked extremely fast, and let out a long roar from a distance. The huge sound wave shook away with true energy.

"Hehe! My friend, where are we going? We are not familiar with the Xiao family, and we don't know how to get back after wandering around. Why don't you send us off?" Huo Wu saw Xiao Ye's haste, and he deliberately The purpose of making a detour is to force Xiao Ye into a hurry.

However, these words revealed their identities. They were not disciples of the Xiao family branch, but members of the three major forces. Could it be that they blocked him just to let him lead the way?
From a posture point of view, this is simply impossible.

"If you have anything to say, I don't have time to waste it here." Xiao Ye saw what the other party's purpose was, no matter why, now Xiao Ye didn't want to waste time on them.

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Su Mo blinked, and immediately jumped forward: "Actually, we are bored, and we want to find someone to compete with. It's as simple as that."

"Discussion?" Xiao Ye frowned, thinking that the person in front of him should not know his identity, otherwise he would not have such an attitude, and their attitude should be more arrogant. Is it true that they are just boring as the other party said? Do you want to find someone to learn from?
Xiao Ye was in a hurry, and really didn't want to waste time with these three people. After checking the breath fluctuations of the three people, he probably wasn't his opponent. With the purpose of a quick battle, Xiao Ye shrugged.

"Okay! Now, let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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