god system

Chapter 264 Belongs to Xiao Ming's Legend

Chapter 264 Belongs to Xiao Ming's Legend

They had never seen a person who could ignore the attack. Huo Wu's attack obviously fell on Xiao Ye, so why didn't it have the slightest effect?
If it was said that Xiao Ye was so strong that he blocked all the attacks with his own strength, then Su Mo and Huo Wu could still accept it.

But now, Xiao Ye is completely resisting with his body, Huo Wu's flame can burn a mountain into ashes, let alone a mortal body!
Resisting Huo Wu's attack with flesh and blood is simply asking for death. Even a highly cultivated old monster would not dare to do this, but now the disciple of the Xiao family dares to do so!

who is he?It doesn't look like a person who dare not report his name!
The most helpless thing is Huo Wu. When Xiao Ye made a move earlier, he felt that Xiao Ye's strength was extraordinary, even stronger than himself.He was not prepared to win this battle, but he never expected such a result.

The fire resistance of Xiao Ye's body, even the nine-headed flame bird can't hurt him at all, let alone a mere fifth-level martial artist?
In Xiao Ye's palm, true energy surged, and then he slapped Huo Wu's chest, this palm didn't hold back at all, it directly broke the defense of Huo Wu's body, and made him vomit blood and fly backwards.

Another move, this move is even more shocking than the previous move against Su Mo.

Before dealing with Su Mo, Xiao Ye made a sudden attack without even giving Su Mo time to prepare. The quick, precise and ruthless attack did not convince Su Mo, at least she thought that she had not yet started to play.

Huo Wu was different. From the very beginning, he used all his strength and hit Xiao Ye all of them. This was already the limit of what he could do. If even such an attack could not achieve the slightest effect, then he was doomed to fail.

Huo Wu lost, and under the shocked and terrified eyes of Su Mo and Li Dong, Xiao Ye didn't say any more nonsense, but walked past them quickly and continued to Xiao Ming's residence.

"who are you?"

When passing by Xiao Ye, Su Mo couldn't help but asked this question anyway.It's a pity that Xiao Ye has already gone away, and in the blink of an eye, he has disappeared without a trace.

"This person……"

Looking at the direction in which Xiao Ye was leaving, Lidong couldn't help swallowing. He knew that the disciples of the Xiao family branch were all very strong, but he never thought that such an existence existed in the Xiao family.

As far as he knew, even an existence like Lu Tianping couldn't do this, right?
So who is he?
"A psychopath, pervert!" Su Mo spat, and having regained some mobility, she had to help Huo Wu up with Lidong. The three supported each other, and returned to the temporary residence of Xiao's house in a state of embarrassment.

At this moment, Xiao Ye had already left quickly. To Xiao Ye, the three of Su Mo were just stones blocking the way. They just moved away as quickly as possible, and no other preparations were needed.

As Xiao Ming is the elder of the Xiao family, the other courtyard where he lives is naturally regarded as the center of the Xiao family.

The gate of Xiao Ming's courtyard is closed at the moment, and there are no guards outside the courtyard. It looks a little depressed, and there is a note on the gate of the courtyard——

"The owner has something to do, please decline to visit."

Why did such a note appear in the courtyard of the elder Xiao's family?
One must know that Xiao Ming has been dealing with many trivial matters of the Xiao family in a complicated way. He is busy with affairs on weekdays, and there are countless disciples going to and from his other courtyard. It is abnormal to be so depressed today, let alone this note?
"Is Elder Xiao Ming here?"

Xiao Ye knocked on the door, no matter what happened to Elder Xiao Ming, he must meet him to clarify the current situation of the Xiao family.

"Xiao Ye is visiting, is Elder Xiao Ming here?"

No one answered the first call, and after a while, Xiao Ye yelled a second time, but in the courtyard, it was still eerily quiet, without the slightest sound.

"Xiao Ye came out of seclusion. I don't know what happened to Xiao Ye. I hope the elder will let me know!"

At the third sound, Xiao Ye's voice had already used up his true energy, and the rolling sound waves vibrated in the courtyard. If there were people in the courtyard, they would definitely hear it.

Waiting outside the courtyard, Xiao Ye suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. For some reason, he felt a sense of sadness and an indescribable feeling at the closed door in front of him.


After a long time, the door slowly opened, and the eyes fell on an elderly man through the door.

This old man was wearing a coarse cloth coat, his head was full of white hair, and his face was covered with wrinkles. He didn't look like a cultivator. He should be in his seventies.

"Grandpa, is the elder here?" Xiao Ye asked politely.

"The elder has already retreated and refuses to see visitors. Isn't there a note on the door?" The old man's tone was calm, with a few traces of vicissitudes. Xiao Ye's arrival did not make him feel disgusted, he just answered the questions he knew.

"Retreat? How is this possible?"

When he heard what the old man said, Xiao Ye's heart shook violently.

As the elder of Xiao's family, Xiao Ming has been responsible for assisting Xiao Ye since the moment Xiao Ye returned to Xiao's family. Even the meeting with Xiao Jun was personally arranged by Elder Xiao Ming.

Without Elder Xiao Ming, Xiao Ye would experience many inconveniences in the Xiao family, because he didn't know too many things and rules of the Xiao family.

Xiao Ming has always helped Xiao Ye, which is indispensable for Xiao Ye in Xiao's house, which is why Xiao Ye wanted to find Xiao Ming to understand things as soon as he left the customs.

Xiao Ming is also very clear that the Xiao family is currently in the most difficult moment, and he must fully assist Xiao Ye. How could he choose to retreat at this time?

"Grandpa, did you make a mistake?" Xiao Ye didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Xiao Ming would abandon him and choose to retreat.

"The old man has been guarding this courtyard for 60 years, and he has never told a single lie. My child, please go back." The old man's attitude was still very peaceful, and he had already issued an order to evict the guest.

"please wait."

Xiao Ye stopped the old man, and quickly swept the courtyard with his true energy, but he did not find any trace of Xiao Ming.There are only two possibilities in this situation, one is that Xiao Ming is not around, and the second is that Xiao Ming has indeed retreated.

"Grandpa, do you know why the elder retreated?" Xiao Ye asked.

The old man was silent this time, and his eyes fell on Xiao Ye. Although he was calm, at a certain moment, a trace of reproach flashed quickly.Although it was very subtle, it was still captured by Xiao Ye.

How could an ordinary person who had never met him blame him?Why?


A deep sigh, said from the mouth of the old man, seemed to contain endless ups and downs, Xiao Ye didn't know what it was all about.

"If you want to know, you can follow the old man." After pondering, the old man waved his hand to let Xiao Ye enter the courtyard with him.

Xiao Ye didn't think much, and entered Xiao Ming's other courtyard.

In the courtyard, there is no gorgeous decoration, but there are many tables and chairs, which look a little old.

"These tables were bought by the elders at their own expense, and they were placed in the courtyard because there are a lot of disciples who come to discuss matters in the courtyard on weekdays. Some people wait for a whole day to see the elders. The elders have been the elders of the Xiao family since they were 25 years old. It is a legend, but it is also a challenge to bear the heavy workload of the Xiao family at such an age."

While leading the way, the old man explained to Xiao Ye.

Although it is a simple description, Xiao Ye can feel a little bit what Xiao Ming experienced back then.

At only 25 years old, he became the elder of the Xiao family and took on heavy responsibilities. With a glamorous appearance, he is an honor envied by outsiders, but with this honor, who knows how much Elder Xiao Ming has endured?

"The elder has been a genius since he was a child. His mind is superior to that of ordinary people. When he was ten years old, he was calmer than a 20-year-old. He had already started to deal with some trivial matters within the family when he was 15 years old, and he basically never made mistakes."

According to the old man, Elder Xiao Ming is a mental genius, and therefore he is the youngest elder in the history of the Xiao family.

"Mature in mind has buried his brilliance in cultivation. The family has trained him to be a manager, but they don't know that the elder has an amazing cultivation talent since he was a child. In order to manage the family, he had to hide his cultivation talent in the end. I have paid too much, I have paid too much for the blood of the Patriarch..."

From the mouth of the old man, Xiao Ye learned some unknown secrets about Xiao Ming.It turns out that Xiao Ming is not only a managerial talent, he is also a genius in cultivation, but because the former is too dazzling, the latter is covered up, buried in the end, and self-enclosed.

"People in their thirties are already highly respected elders of the Xiao family. How many people have seen his age? At his age, how many members of the Xiao family are not in the peak state of cultivation?"

"My father and I have seen the elder's devotion to the Xiao family. He has worked hard for him these years." Xiao Ye sighed.

Regarding this, the old man remained silent, and he took Xiao Ye into a room in the courtyard.This room looks like it has been untouched for a long time, and it has been dusty for a long time.

When entering the house, all the sights pass are some training tools!
For example, weird stones that can withstand the output of spiritual energy, some special sponges that can withstand spiritual attacks, and some ultra-small formations, hypothetical enemies, and so on.

This is obviously a room that someone once used for cultivation, and those who practice in this room must be thought to be cultivation madmen, because all cultivation measures have been used to the end of their lifespan, and they are almost on the verge of collapse.

"Here is it?" Xiao Ye had to confirm with the old man even though he was thinking about it.

"It is the birthplace where the elder practiced when he was young. Here, he directly cultivated to the peak of a spiritual master. He was only in his teens at that time. After so many years, he can barely break through to become a great spiritual master. It's not that he has no talent, but It was for the Xiao family, he hid all his talents."

The old man sighed: "For the sake of the Xiao family, the elder has given up enough, and now the old man has heard about what happened to Xiao Ye. A few days ago when the elder came back, the old man saw an expression in his eyes that he had never seen before. Letting go is a kind of transformation. When the elder told me that he was going to retreat, the old man knew that the elder decided to let go of the burden of the Xiao family, to be himself again, to be the genius who likes to practice!"

When all these words fell into Xiao Ye's ears, Xiao Ye couldn't help feeling sad, as if he felt the slightest thoughts in Xiao Ming's heart!
(End of this chapter)

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