god system

Chapter 266 Vent

Chapter 266 Vent
"Haha! Brother Su Yan, you are not a group." Just as Xiao Ye and Su Yan were about to set off, a large group of disciples from the Xiao family branch gathered.

Among the disciples of the Xiao family branch, there are even a few Xiao family disciples who also came all the way after hearing about Xiao Ye.

"Let's go to the Martial Arts Field together. Since Xiao Ye has shown the sign accepting the challenge, it means that disciples from my Xiao family branch can also participate in the battle. He is alone. Let's see how good he is at fighting."

The disciples of the Xiao family branch didn't have any leaders, because Lu Tianping was still in seclusion, and as for Lu Tianyou...

Xiao Ye stood there like a mountain in the Xiao family's martial arts arena. Not far in front of him, Lu Tianyou stared at Xiao Ye with a smile on his face, with a little shock in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that in just a few days, your cultivation has improved so much. Tsk tsk, you still have this body at the level of martial arts, Xiao Ye, I am more and more interested in you." Lu Tianyou said with a smile.

Xiao Ye rolled his eyes: "Sorry, I don't like men!"

"Ahem! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I mean we might be friends." Xiao Ye's nonsensical answer made Lu Tianyou almost swallow his tongue. How could such a serious-looking person make such a joke?

"I never regarded you as enemies, and I don't want to bother with the Xiao family. I just want to find my father and rescue my brother. It's as simple as that."

Xiao Ye shrugged, now he has no idea of ​​fighting for power.

"Oh? Then why is Brother Ye like this now?" Lu Tianyou was stunned. In his opinion, Xiao Ye put up such a formation to attack the Xiao family branch and increase his status in the Xiao family. He didn't want to hear Xiao Ye Those words.

"It's just to vent! I'm depressed and have nowhere to vent, so I just take some people out."

If such a nonsensical answer falls into the ears of other people, they will definitely not believe it. If it falls into the ears of Lu Tianyou, it not only makes Lu Tianyou believe it, but also makes Lu Tianyou laugh.

"Hahaha! Good! Cultivators should have this kind of casualness. People in the world have too many restraints in their hearts, so they often encounter bottlenecks in cultivation. Brother Ye, it seems that you and I have some similarities."

Lu Tianyou is free and easy by nature, he doesn't care about the rules, he has always practiced as he likes, and he doesn't listen to anyone's words!It's a bit like the current Xiao Ye, what family struggles, what family interests, these are all bullshit, and it is his own business to vent the resentment in his heart.

The reason why Xiao Ye wants to vent on Su Yan and the disciples of the Xiao family branch is also because Elder Xiao Ming's retreat has an inseparable relationship with them, and they cannot escape from this.

But now, Lu Tianyou was the first to arrive here, originally with the intention of fighting, but after hearing Xiao Ye's words, he suddenly lost the will to fight.

Because Xiao Ye didn't want to fight at all, he just wanted to vent.Fighting with a person who vents, isn't this treating yourself as the object of his venting?
Besides, Xiao Ye, who is venting now, is definitely not at his peak. Is it a bit of a predicament to fight him?

"Brother Ye, Lu Tianyou is your friend. After you vent, I have something to tell you. I believe you will be interested." Lu Tianyou chuckled, from Xiao Ye's front, okay When he reached Xiao Ye's side, his fighting spirit disappeared without a trace.

"Are you trying to distract me?" Xiao Ye frowned. If all he said before was just joking with Lu Tianyou, then Lu Tianyou's last sentence really made Xiao Ye a little bit interested.

"Whatever you think, in short, you will know after the battle. Hehe, it seems that the object of your venting can't wait to come. Don't worry, my elder brother has already entered meditation, and you will not run into him. As for the others... Trust you can handle it."

As Lu Tianyou said, a large number of martial artists had emerged in front of them, all of them were running, including people from the three major forces including Su Mo and Su Yan.

Xiao Ye's method worked very well, and they all came.

The menacing Su Yan and the disciples of the Xiao family branch, and another disciple of the Xiao family are walking slowly!

Among them, the disciples of the Xiao family had the most complicated expressions. They didn't know who to support when they came this time.

Support Xiao Ye?

Now that the Xiao family is in decline, the blood of the Patriarch makes the Xiao family worse every year. If you continue to support the blood of the Patriarch, will the Xiao family continue to decline?
A few days ago, Xiao Ye didn't even dare to go out for the reason of seclusion. Even Elder Xiao Ming had to admit that the Xiao family was not as good as the other party. The world is falling down.

It was the branch disciples who gave them hope in the end, and after a few days of getting along and the spread of information, the hearts of the Xiao family disciples gradually turned towards the branch disciples.

In their hearts, they all hope that the Xiao family will be unified, but as long as the blood of the Patriarch exists or continues to have great power, it will be difficult for the Xiao family to be unified!

But after all, the current Xiao family is still dominated by the blood of the patriarch. Among the cultural influences that the disciples of the Xiao family have received since childhood, the most important thing is to be loyal to the family. They have a high degree of loyalty to the blood of the patriarch!

Letting them support the branch now would be tantamount to betraying the bloodline of the Patriarch. From a conscience point of view, they feel bad about it!
Who do you support?
The Xiao family disciples didn't dare to answer right away, but deep down in their hearts, they had already supported the branch disciples, but they didn't dare to overthrow the education system they had been taught since childhood.

The dodging gazes of the disciples of the Xiao family were clearly reflected in Xiao Ye's eyes, but they did not stir any of Xiao Ye's nerves.Now he doesn't care anymore, he only needs to save Xiao Zhan and Xiao Jun in Xiao's house.

At this moment, he is free and easy, his purpose is very clear, now is the time to vent!

Lu Tianyou on the side has been observing Xiao Ye, and from Xiao Ye's various performances, he has also analyzed some of Xiao Ye's mood at the moment.

Once upon a time, Lu Tianyou also experienced this kind of change in Xiao Ye, and Lu Tianyou understood that now is the moment for Xiao Ye's heart to change!

In the billowing wind and dust, Su Yan and other martial artists came on foot, the number of them exceeded 50, not to say it was mighty, but it was also very imposing.

All their breaths and eyes were locked on Xiao Ye, and there was no lack of murderous intent among them!
The aura of rushing towards him did not make Xiao Ye feel the slightest fear. The corner of his mouth curled up into a shallow smile, and the real energy and spiritual energy in his body were mobilized, and the two kinds of energy mixed together, lingering around him.

Clothes and long hair move without wind, and Xiao Ye has neither a water purification staff nor a strong rock knife in his hand. He stands on the spot, as if he is a weapon, revealing a sharp light!
With a sharp gaze, he scanned a large number of disciples in front of him. Xiao Ye detected the general fluctuations of each disciple, and finally his gaze stayed on Su Yan.

There is no doubt that Su Yan is the strongest among this group of people. According to Xiao Ye's estimation, this Su Yan is not a disciple of the Xiao family branch.

In the courtyard back then, Xiao Ye had basically seen all the strong men in the Xiao family branch. Except for Lu Tianping and Lu Tianyou, he didn't notice many strong men, including Su Yan.

Su Yan, who suddenly appeared now, might have reached the level of a seventh-level great martial artist. If such a person appeared that day, it is impossible for Xiao Ye not to know.


Led by Su Yan, all the martial artists stood still when they were still three feet away from Xiao Ye, and their uniform pace caused the earth to vibrate and make a piercing sound.

"Xiao Ye, you are accepting the challenge in the Martial Arts Field, can our branch disciples also participate?" When the train stopped, a branch disciple immediately stepped forward and asked coldly.

"Of course you can. If you want to fight, you can come forward!" Xiao Ye did not hesitate, and directly answered the person's question. The provocative words seemed to say: "With a hundred courage, you don't dare to come forward!" !"


Xiao Ye's arrogant tone made the disciple's face tremble, but he was only a third-level great martial artist, Xiao Ye could defeat him back then, let alone now, he naturally dare not step forward to fight Xiao Ye.

"A mountain is still as high as a mountain. Xiao Ye, it's better not to be too arrogant." In the end, this person didn't take up the challenge, but spoke out, trying to satirize Xiao Ye.

"Of course there is a mountain higher than me, but it's a pity it's not you!" Xiao Ye was in the martial arts arena purely to vent, and now he is not afraid of the sky, the king of Hades is here, and I can't beat him. Verbally deflated.


This disciple was not as strong as Xiao Ye, no matter what he said, he couldn't talk about Xiao Ye, so he could only snort coldly and retreated.

"There are a lot of people here, who wants to come first? Or, you can go together!"

Xiao Ye scanned the 50 people in front of him with his eyes, and he didn't pay attention to these 50 people at all with his wild eyes!What he said was even more capable of killing people's anger. He dared to challenge these 50 people alone.

If more than 50 people go together, even if Xiao Ye has three heads and six arms, he will definitely say "lose", so how can he have the slightest chance?He was provoking these people in front of him, and it was impossible for them to go up together with 50 people.

"Hmph! Xiao Ye, don't be arrogant, let me force Qingyang to test your strength!"

With a cold snort, a man in white jumped forward, facing Xiao Ye.

The man was holding a long gun, his black hair was tied back, and a purple cloth belt was erected around his waist. He was slender, and his hands seemed thick, and they were as tall as ordinary people!

Presumably, the long-term practice of guns has caused some evolution and deformation of the hands, making them more suitable for holding guns. From the shiny gun head, it can be seen that this person's spear must be cleaned frequently to ensure the sharpness of the spear!

This is a fifth-level great martial artist, whose strength is comparable to that of Huo Wu, but what he uses is not fire-attributed energy. On the way here, everyone decided to let him fight first. The purpose is not to defeat Xiao Ye, but to try Try Xiao Ye's methods and true cultivation realm.

Therefore, Li Qingyang will not fight head-on with Xiao Ye, he wants to fight a guerrilla war with Xiao Ye, trying out all of Xiao Ye's abilities!

(End of this chapter)

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