god system

Chapter 267 Showdown

Chapter 267 Showdown

The characteristics of this person can be seen at a glance, there is no doubt that the spear in his hand is the most difficult!
"let's start!"

Facing Li Qingyang, the strength of Xiao Ye's whole body suddenly withdrew into his body and merged into every cell in his body!At that moment, Xiao Ye's body looked like a cheetah, containing great strength.

The energy flowing in the flesh and blood of the body perfectly combined with Xiao Ye's body, making Xiao Ye look so perfect.

The use and integration of this kind of energy made all the disciples' eyes brighten, even Lu Tianyou, who had some insights in cultivation, let out a "huh".

A cultivator can use the energy in the dantian, and the energy is usually deposited in the dantian, because their bodies cannot use and store energy well, and the energy and their flesh and blood cannot be integrated and cannot coexist, which leads to such a situation. result.

They directly absorb energy from the dantian and use it in practice. All of this is done in a short period of time. Being able to use energy does not mean that flesh and blood energy can fuse with energy.

But now, Xiao Ye has done it. After the energy radiates from the dantian, it directly fuses with the flesh and blood. That is to say, when he uses the energy again, he does not need to mobilize it from the dantian. It can be done in an instant when there is energy.

All these are the benefits brought by the transformation of the body by the Sui Sui Pill, and after the baptism of the Sui Sui Pill, the energy reserves in Xiao Ye's body are also rapidly increasing.

Comparing the dantian to a bowl of water, then after being transformed by Xisuidan, this bowl becomes a basin, which can hold more water!

Integrating energy into flesh and blood is a supernatural power that Xiao Ye has not revealed before. Li Qingyang's heart sank when he saw this scene, but since war has been declared, it is impossible to retreat without a fight!

As soon as the spear came out, it roared and danced in the void like a poisonous snake. The swift shadow of the spear pierced the air every time, and the huge energy exploded continuously in the void. The space buzzed, as if it was about to be distorted by the fierce attack of the long spear!
The spear came quickly, with strong and sharp attack energy, but when it landed in Xiao Ye's spiritual eyes, the shadow of the spear was clearly visible.

All the attacks converged into one point at the last moment and stabbed at Xiao Ye's head.At that moment, Xiao Ye turned sideways fiercely, and the spear brushed against Xiao Ye's neck on the left side, and stabbed through.

This time, the energy on the tip of the spear exploded, instantly gathering the whole body of the spear, and the energy storm exploded on the entire spear. Such a short distance, even if it rubbed against Xiao Ye's neck, was enough to blow Xiao Ye flying!

At the moment of crisis, a layer of flame suddenly condensed on Xiao Ye's neck, circling around his neck, forming a flame protection, blocking the energy of the spear blasting!
At the same moment, the true energy under Xiao Ye's feet exploded, and Luo Feng stepped up, bypassing Li Qingyang in two steps, his right hand condensed into a fist, and the flames billowed, blasting towards Li Qingyang from behind Li Qingyang.

At this time, Li Qingyang's spear had just been released, and the power was poured into the spear, and it could not be retracted immediately. The moment Xiao Ye grasped was exactly when Li Qingyang's defense was blank.

If this punch hits, I dare not say that Li Qingyang will lose his fighting power, at least it will cause him a lot of damage!
Everything seemed to be coming to fruition, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the spear in Li Qingyang's hand suddenly became longer, passing through Li Qingyang's side, and attacking Li Qingyang. Xiao Ye behind Yang.


Xiao Ye raised his eyebrows.

One must know that Li Qingyang's series of attacks were incomparably swift and coherent in the eyes of outsiders, with almost no flaws. If others were in Xiao Ye's position, they might already be powerless to parry.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Xiao Ye, who has spiritual eyes, Xiao Ye, all attacks are slowed down in his eyes, even though Li Qingyang's sudden move is strange, after all, Xiao Ye can see it all.

Xiao Ye withdrew his attacking momentum, clasped his palms together, and in that palm, a sword net was condensed, blocking the added spear tail!
At the same moment, Xiao Ye immediately used Luo Fengbu and retreated backwards. On the way, he held the water purification staff tightly, and small fireballs condensed out one by one, instantly forming a siege against Li Qingyang!
Li Qingyang didn't expect that his attack would have no effect at all, and Xiao Ye could easily unload it. Before he could react, he would face Xiao Ye's continuous fireball attack!

The spear swept across, constantly resisting Xiao Ye's small fireball. To be honest, facing this kind of spiritual attack, Li Qingyang's spear seemed to be struggling!

His long spear is mainly attack-oriented, and his defense ability is only average.

As for Xiao Ye, he had already appeared a few feet away, controlling the little fireball like this, slowly consuming Qingyang's strength!

The moment Li Qingyang was surrounded by small fireballs, Li Qingyang was doomed to fail!What he is good at is attacking, and it is a continuous attack. Once Li Qingyang is pulled away by the spiritual master, Li Qingyang's ability will be completely restrained, and he will have no power to fight back.

To be honest, Xiao Ye still admired Li Qingyang's close-range attacks. If he hadn't possessed spiritual eyes to see through all the attacks in that series of attacks, then Li Qingyang might have caused him a lot of trouble.

While resisting the small fireball, Li Qingyang tried to break out and approached Xiao Ye.

However, the small fireballs were too dense, and Li Qingyang didn't have a good way to deal with them. Coupled with his skillful control, Li Qingyang didn't have the slightest chance!

Seeing this scene, the disciples around couldn't help shaking their heads. The battle happened so fast, like a bolt of lightning. At the moment when Li Qingyang and Xiao Ye fought, few people even saw clearly what happened.

They only saw that Xiao Ye and Li Qingyang pulled apart in an instant, and then the small fireball surrounded Li Qingyang, and Li Qingyang lost the ability to counterattack.

In their opinion, it wasn't that Xiao Ye was too strong, but that Li Qingyang was too weak.

How could this fifth-level great martial artist have no resistance at all?

How did they know that when Xiao Ye and Li Qingyang fought, Li Qingyang's weird attack almost caused Xiao Ye to suffer, which is not something that ordinary fifth-level martial artists can do.

Li Qingyang didn't give up, he was struggling in the small fireball, Xiao Ye didn't waste time with him.

Between Xiao Ye's palms, the blue and yellow sword qi suddenly broke through the air. When the two sword qi were attacking Li Qingyang, they collided together in the void, converging into a golden sword qi.

The piercing sword qi coercion emanated from the golden sword qi, and the energy that exploded instantly changed the color of the surrounding disciples.

"What a strong sword energy!"

"Xiao Ye, stop!"

At that moment, Su Yan scolded, but Xiao Ye did not stop his attack, the golden sword energy rushed into the small fireball like a poisonous snake, and when it flew out again, it was already in front of Li Qingyang.

Li Qingyang had already noticed the golden sword aura, all his true energy gathered in front of the tip of the spear, and with a flick of the spear, like a giant dragon sailing out to sea, he faced Xiao Ye's golden sword aura.

"Don't block hard, hide!"

Su Yan's scolding didn't mean to have the slightest effect. Li Qingyang's long spear went forward indomitably, and there was no reason to retract it.

He didn't believe it either. He was good at attacking, and he was armed with a long spear. He was full of energy, so he was well prepared. Could he still not be able to stop a mere ray of sword energy?

"This idiot!"

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Su Yan cursed fiercely, and the golden sword energy and the spear collided violently in the void.

Amid the ear-piercing impact, the golden spear's brilliance soared, and then a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the spear, and then with a "bang", the spear exploded suddenly.

The huge impact wave hit Li Qingyang fiercely, blowing his body away.If Xiao Ye controlled the small fireball, he would be able to ignite Li Qingyang's body and take his life.

Even so, Li Qingyang still vomited blood and flew upside down, hitting the ground hard.Just hearing the sound of his body colliding with the ground made people tremble, wondering if this person was still alive.

This blow was a heavy blow, Li Qingyang fell to the ground sideways, his body twitched, his eyes had already turned white, he looked very painful!

Seeing this, Li Qingyang's partners rushed up immediately, some assisted Li Qingyang, some took his pulse, and some glared at Xiao Ye, clenching their teeth.

"Xiao Ye, you are too aggressive? It's just a competition, is it necessary?"

The angry question pointed at Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye just smiled indifferently: "I don't remember that there is a saying about the severity of the attack, but I just said that you can't take people's lives, right?"

Since ancient times, the practice of exchanging contempt and contempt has always focused on the point, but the scope of this point is too large. After all, it is a battle. Who dares to say that no one is careless?

So as long as it doesn't hurt people's lives, generally speaking, there is no fault in the sparring.

People also say that a sword has no eyes, not to mention that Li Qingyang used a long spear in the battle, as long as he was hit once, Xiao Ye's current situation would not be much better than Li Qingyang's!
"Hmph! You're doing it on purpose, you have a problem with your character!" This time it wasn't Li Qingyang's partner who yelled, but Su Mo's daughter.

She was defeated by Xiao Ye with one move before, and this woman held a grudge in her heart. She originally wanted to see Xiao Ye suffer, but she didn't want the guy in front of her to win again, and it was so easy, which really made people uncomfortable.

A battle involved Xiao Ye's character, Xiao Ye was noncommittal and refused to answer!
"Is there anyone else who wants to fight? If you don't fight or don't dare to fight, I don't want to waste time here." Xiao Ye knew the severity of his attack, and Li Qingyang would never die because of it.

He came here to vent, fight or get out!
"Let me tell you everyone, sparring is sparring. Other than fighting, other words are useless." The one who spoke was Lu Tianyou who had been watching the battle before. He wasn't much surprised.

"Hmph! Xiao Ye, don't be arrogant, let me, Su Bin, meet you!"

A slightly smaller disciple ran out, and with a big wave of his hand, five flying swords floated out of his body, with different brilliance, shining with a compelling light!
(End of this chapter)

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