god system

Chapter 269 Su Yan VS Xiao Ye

Chapter 269 Su Yan VS Xiao Ye
When the golden sword energy exploded, a huge wave of energy was rolled up, and both the soles of the feet and the surrounding cages collapsed in an instant!

The power that Xiao Ye erupted at this moment was like a sea tide, with one wave higher than the other. In the face of absolute power, all restraints and obstacles were just floating clouds, and it was impossible to trap Xiao Ye at all!
This was something Su Bin never thought of. The energy around his five natal flying swords all collapsed, and the huge energy of the golden sword energy quickly enveloped the five natal flying swords.

At that moment, Su Bin's complexion became extremely pale. Thinking of the misery of the person who fought with Xiao Ye before, he knew that his natal flying sword might suffer an unprecedented serious injury!
Just when the golden sword energy was about to destroy the five flying swords, the huge energy suddenly dissipated. Su Bin only felt a dullness in his chest, and his body flew upside down like a kite.

When he flew upside down, he kept his eyes wide open, staring at his five natal flying swords falling to the ground, but did not suffer any other damage.

Even though he was seriously injured, the corner of Su Bin's mouth curled up into a gratified smile at this moment, and there was a hidden apology in this smile. He knew very well that it was Xiao Ye who showed mercy at the last moment, and his talisman was not harmed. damage.

The damage to the body, after recuperation, can recover soon.But if the natal magic weapon is damaged, it is not as good as whether it can be restored, even if it is restored, it will take three to five years for a few.

Xiao Ye showed mercy. He was in the martial arts arena to vent. He has no deep hatred with the people of the three major forces in front of him. Injuring them may cause them pain, but Xiao Ye is very measured and will never give up. They will have an impact in the future.

As for things like destroying the talisman, Xiao Ye would only fight against the enemy. He would not do this, and he would not even bother to do it in a fight like this, where there is no grievance or enmity, and it is just for venting.

Another duel victory, this time, Xiao Ye exploded with more abilities and stronger golden sword energy!

His aura fluctuations directly told all disciples that he is now a sixth-level great martial artist, and a third-rank great spiritual master!

Both spiritual and martial arts, and both realms are very high, and the means are amazing, which is enough to make people's hearts tremble!Coupled with that invincible flame resistance, Xiao Ye's current strength is still a mystery.

But one thing is for sure, Xiao Ye's strength is not weak, he dares to stand here to accept the challenge, not only arrogant, but also that strength!
Li Qingyang, a fifth-level great martial artist, lost, and Su Bin, who had five natal magic weapons, lost. The successive failures of these two generals made the disciples uncontrollably cautious.

A great martial artist whose strength has not reached the fourth level will never come to the stage to compete with Xiao Ye. Even if he reaches it, he has to weigh his own strength to see if he can fight Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye has now made it clear that anyone of the same generation can come to challenge. From one aspect, it means that the opponent is allowed to use the method of wheel battle.

The Xiao family branch disciples don't care about the so-called wheel battle, because they used it against Xiao Xiaojia before!But at this moment, they dare not use it, because the disciples of the Xiao family are watching around. If they use wheel fighting at this moment, the image they have finally erected will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

They won't do this, but among the Xiao family branch disciples present, it may be difficult to choose the one who defeats Xiao Ye.

Lu Tianyou has a chance, but Lu Tianyou obviously won't fight now. If the disciples of the Xiao family branch are helpless, then at this moment they can only rely on the three major forces.

In other words, they can only rely on one person, and that is Su Yan!
He is the strongest among the three major forces, and his power has reached the level of a seventh-level martial artist. Although there are still sixth-level martial artists under him who have not appeared, those sixth-level great martial artists are also calculating. Under the circumstances, it seemed that they had no chance of winning against Xiao Ye at all.

Unknowingly, his eyes fell on Su Yan. In the martial arts arena, Xiao Ye seemed to be a symbol of invincibility. Can Su Yan destroy Xiao Ye's image?
Su Yan knew that the matter was all on his shoulders. Although he didn't have much confidence, he still took a step forward and made his position clear.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he must compete with Xiao Ye. This is his mission to Xiao's house. Although there are many doubts about the ultimate purpose of this mission, it is not what he wants to know.

"Under Su Yan, from the Yushui Li family!" Unlike the previous competitors, Su Yan revealed his identity and the family he came from before the battle.

"The Li family in Yushui? Why is your surname Su?" Xiao Ye shrugged in confusion.

"Hehe! Yushui Li's family is just a title, not that our family name is Li." Su Yan said with a smile: "This time I came to Xiao's house for the purpose of discussing, and I was about to leave. It just so happened that you Put down the ring here, and let me fight with you to end this trip to the Xiao family."

What Su Yan said was nonsense at all, wasn't it just to compete with Xiao Ye, and he said it so high-sounding, as if Xiao Ye was begging him.

"Let's get started!" Xiao Ye's tone was still calm, without the slightest disturbance.

"Hehe! You have fought two consecutive games, and you have consumed a lot of energy. Why don't you take a break? I can wait." Su Yan was not in a hurry, but asked Xiao Ye to take a break.

What seems to be a gentleman's so-called is actually just a superficial effort. From his observation, Xiao Ye will not rest just because of his one or two words.

"No need, let's start." Sure enough, Xiao Ye still didn't choose to rest.

He did consume some, but not much. With his current reserves of true energy and spiritual energy, it still wouldn't affect the battle with Su Yan.

This Su Yan's body is quite strong, and his true energy is extremely strong. He is a seventh-level martial artist, and his realm is one level higher than Xiao Ye. This level is a huge gap, but in front of Xiao Ye's almost abnormal ability, this A point difference is not a difference at all.

Su Yan and Xiao Ye looked at each other, invisible energy rolled up around their bodies, and the powerful fluctuations made the disciples around them take a few steps back unanimously, giving way to a bigger battle field.

In the eyes of the disciples, this battle is the last one, the confrontation between the strongest of the three major forces and Xiao Ye!
Su Yan has never made a move before, and everyone still doesn't know his strength, but since he can become the leader of the three major strengths in this task, Su Yan's strength is beyond doubt.

You must know that coming to find fault this time is still very important in the plan of the Xiao family branch.For an important plan, the key figures sent are naturally no small matter.

Looking at Li Qingyang and Su Bin, you can tell that they are not ordinary martial artists, they are all excellent, and have their own advantages. From this, we can see that most of the disciples who participated in this task were carefully selected.

Especially the stronger the strength, the more careful the choice!

Su Yan is the strongest, a seventh-level great martial artist, and his strength is one point higher than Xiao Ye's.Even though Xiao Ye's fight before made Su Yan feel dignified, but after all there was a gap in strength, Su Yan was relatively calm at the moment.

In the invisible energy collision, Xiao Ye also became a little serious!

After the transformation of the Sui Sui Pill, the body has absorbed the flames again. At this moment, Xiao Ye is still unclear about the true state of his strength, and Su Yan may become a whetstone.

Su Yan didn't light up his weapon, and it looked like he was preparing to fight Xiao Ye. Xiao Ye noticed that Su Yan's eyes gradually became sharper, and there seemed to be some strange changes in his pupils.


Xiao Ye only felt his mind flicker, and when he realized it again, the air around him trembled violently. Su Yan had already disappeared in place, and his heavy punch had reached Xiao Ye's head at some point.

This cannot be explained by speed, Xiao Ye is absolutely sure that at a certain moment just now, he must have lost his mind!

"This person's eyes are weird!" Xiao Ye's heart shuddered. Su Yan's close-range punch had gained momentum, and it came suddenly, and the attack power was even more powerful.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to neglect the full-strength attack of the seventh-level great martial artist. The true energy in his flesh and blood immediately gathered on the front of the fist, and quickly pinched the seal formula with both hands, and the Lihuo gossip was printed out.


When Lihuo Baguayin collided with Su Yan's fist, huge energy exploded at the impact point, and the huge energy spread to the surroundings, vibrating the air, and there was a "woo-woo" sound.

After the collision, Su Yan's fist came down one after another, extremely fast, and each punch was distorted and deformed in the void, with a blurred trajectory.

It wasn't that Su Yan's fists were in a strange way, but that his eyes gave Xiao Ye such a weird hallucination that he couldn't see the opponent's movements clearly.

With his spiritual eyes fully opened, Xiao Ye could clearly see the number of Su Yan's fists. The flames in his body exploded, and a raging flame suddenly rolled up on the fist, colliding with Su Yan.

Every punch collided made Xiao Ye feel hearty, because the strength of the fists of both hands was almost on the same level.

"This kid's body is so strong!"

Su Yan was secretly surprised, but Xiao Ye became more courageous as he fought more and more. His strength had just begun to be displayed, and he hadn't used all of his marrow washing pill, flame body, sword heart art, murderous aura, etc. yet.

He is now experimenting with how much strength he needs to defeat Su Yan.

The more Su Yan fought, the more fearful he became. Xiao Ye's growing energy frightened him. What puzzled him was why his eyes didn't work for Xiao Ye.

Why is Xiao Ye able to catch every punch accurately?

Gradually, Su Yan noticed that Xiao Ye's eyes were different. In Xiao Ye's eyes, the same aura was also shining.

"Could it be that……"

Su Yan was incomparably shocked. He possessed the pupil technique, so he understood how difficult it is to cultivate the pupil technique. The pupil technique is also his special feature. With the pupil technique, he has leapfrogged and challenged many times, and achieved brilliant results!
If Xiao Ye, who has a lot of tricks in front of him, also masters the pupil technique, then how terrifying is Xiao Ye?
How old is he, where does he get so much energy?With both spirit and martial arts, and possessing many supernatural powers, will the pupil technique be the most difficult to practice in the end?

Is this guy a monster?
(End of this chapter)

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