god system

Chapter 270 Sparring

Chapter 270 Sparring
Xiao Ye gradually added different forces in the battle, making his attack stronger and stronger. In addition to the already proficient control of Luo Fengbu, he has completely suppressed Su Yan.

This is a hand-to-hand combat of muscles and muscles. It stands to reason that Su Yan is a level [-] martial artist and Xiao Ye is a level [-] martial artist. Due to the difference in energy compression, Xiao Ye should be at an absolute disadvantage in close hand-to-hand combat.

However, Xiao Ye's body is too special, with a lot of energy in his body and many methods. As a result, in close combat, he is even stronger than Su Yan. If you add the energy of his great spiritual master, Su Yan is not an opponent at all!

Su Yan already understood in his heart that when it comes to sparring, the outcome has already been decided.But this does not mean that he will lose in a real battle, because he still needs a very powerful attack. The reason why this kind of attack is not used in the sparring is because such an attack has some damage to himself, and the second is because The attack is too strong, if you are not careful, it may take Xiao Ye's life.

It's just a sparring, Su Yan doesn't want to cause any serious consequences, if you lose the sparring, you lose, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

He and Xiao Ye don't have any deep hatred, so there is no need to work hard. Besides, sparring is just a task, and skills are not as good as others, so he will not be stupid to work hard.

During the battle, Xiao Ye also found that Su Yan didn't have much fighting spirit, but he didn't want to let go of the whetstone in front of him easily. Even if Su Yan didn't want to fight, Xiao Ye would hold him back!

Su Yan was planning to show his flaws and then lose the duel, but he didn't want Xiao Ye's fighting style to suddenly become fierce. Every move was quite fierce. If he didn't defend himself, the injury would definitely be serious.

This forced Su Yan to take it seriously, and soon he saw that Xiao Ye actually regarded him as a test object, and he became a training partner by nature!
"This guy……"

Su Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's good to admit defeat in this battle, but he even became a training partner, isn't this Xiao Ye too aggressive?

However, Su Yan really couldn't admit defeat, because now all the disciples depend on his performance, he either wins or loses, if he admits defeat, he won't be able to face everyone!
Coupled with Xiao Ye's fierce attack, if he doesn't want to be seriously injured, this partner should really be a partner.I don't know how long Xiao Ye will play.

As a result, the hand-to-hand combat between the two became more intense. Although both of them knew that the victory was already divided, under the coercion of the Xiao family, Su Yan still had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman, and his true energy surged crazily.

Seeing such a fierce battle, the disciples present couldn't help but feel troubled. If anyone was the calmest, it would belong to Lu Tianyou.

His state is not the highest, but his eyesight is extremely high, he can see the current state of Su Yan and Xiao Ye.

"This Xiao Ye has so many abilities. It looks like every supernatural power needs a long-term practice to acquire, but all these supernatural powers are gathered together. Could it be that he started practicing in the womb?"

Lu Tianyou has an amazing talent in cultivation and has his own insights. He always thinks that his cultivation is the most perfect, because focusing on one kind of cultivation will make him strive for perfection.

He has always believed that cultivators who pursue multi-line development and diversification of skills are taking a detour. Seeing Xiao Ye today, he vaguely felt that Xiao Ye's cultivation method seemed to be good.

Of course, he also doubted, where did Xiao Ye get so much energy?Or is this kid also a genius in cultivation?

In any case, these are Xiao Ye's affairs, Lu Tianyou won't care too much, Lu Tianyou is just very interested in weird cultivation methods, and at the same time wants to make friends with Xiao Ye.

During the battle with Su Yan, Xiao Ye gradually became aware of his own strength, and at the same time his attacks became faster and more ruthless.

Beads of sweat had already seeped from the tip of Su Yan's forehead, and the disciples around him also saw Su Yan's disadvantage, and they were all extremely worried.

Especially the disciples of the Xiao family branch, although their goal had been achieved a few days ago, they still felt very uncomfortable seeing Xiao Ye win against Su Yan. Deep down in their hearts, they hoped that Su Yan would win.

As for the disciples of the Xiao family, their emotions at the moment are also slightly complicated.

Before that, they had already favored the unification of the Xiao family, and gradually excluded Xiao Ye.

But now, Xiao Ye has once again demonstrated extraordinary strength, is there still hope for the Patriarch's bloodline?
The education they have received since childhood has been baptizing the disciples of the Xiao family, causing them great headaches. What decision should they make?


Su Mo clenched her red lips, watching Lian Suyan fall into the downwind battlefield, she was naturally dissatisfied.

Her current strength is not as good as He, but she believes that with her hard work and talent, she will definitely avenge her previous punch, and she must defeat Xiao Ye!

A battlefield has affected the thoughts of dozens of people, but the outcome of the battle will not change after all.

"Brother Ye, beat the dog?"

During the battle, Su Yan was already sweating profusely. He found that there was not much energy left in his body. If he continued to fight like this, he would be unable to withstand Xiao Ye's attack.

Xiao Ye laughed lightly when he heard the words, and after nodding, Luo Fengbu under his feet accelerated sharply, and then twisted his body, he went around behind Su Yan in the first time, and the Cloud Swallowing Palm quickly attacked, although Su Yan blocked it with his fist. It came down, but this time, even Su Yan was blown away!
The body floated for a distance of Zhang Xu, and although both feet landed, there was still a long mark on the ground. Su Yan's complexion turned pale for a while, and he finally managed to stand still.

"Brother Ye is so powerful, Su Yan is willing to bow down!"

It seemed that he was afraid that Xiao Ye would attack again. With this step, Su Yan immediately surrendered.

After all, his true energy has been exhausted, and the disciples around him can also see that Su Yan has no combat power, and he will lose if he fights again. It is wise to admit defeat at this time.

"Concession!" This time Xiao Ye replied politely. After all, Su Yan cooperated with him so much, and when he was his training partner, he still had to give the other side some face.

"The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there are still important matters in the clan, so I will leave."

After the defeat, Su Yan didn't stay any longer, and after a simple farewell, he took Su Mo to leave Xiao's house.

"We're leaving too!"

The disciples of the three major forces left one after another. It was useless for them to stay in the Xiao family, and with Su Yan gone, they naturally would not stay.

In a blink of an eye, the disciples of the three major forces were escorted out of the Xiao family. In the martial arts field, only the Xiao family branch and Xiao family disciples were left. Among them, only Lu Tianyou could fight Xiao Ye, but obviously Lu Tianyou would not fight with Xiao Ye. Xiao Ye fought.

"Is there anything else you want to discuss?"

Xiao Ye glanced at the disciples present, his calm voice imperceptibly carried a domineering aura.

Xiao Ye's venting in the Martial Arts Field was a successful conclusion. At this moment, the grievance in his heart has been vented. As for the future direction of the Xiao family, he no longer cares about it.

From now on, all his energy will be focused on finding Xiao Zhan and rescuing Xiao Jun. He doesn't care or want to care about anything else about the Xiao family.

The scene fell silent for a while, disciples, look at me and I look at you, after all, no one stepped forward to challenge!
Su Yan, a seventh-level great martial artist, lost and didn't even hurt Xiao Ye. What is Xiao Ye's real strength now?No one knows, and no one is willing to go to discuss.

You must know that the first two people in the sparring were both seriously injured by Xiao Ye, and Su Yan ended up with minor injuries because of his strength.

But what about another person?Can they escape unscathed?
Who is willing to be beaten up for no reason when he knows he is losing? He is not an idiot.

It would be great if Lu Tianping was here now!

The disciples couldn't help but think of Lu Tianping, but it's a pity that Lu Tianping was forbidden by the strong Xiao family to fight Xiao Ye, and he has already retreated, so it is impossible for him to appear here.

"Since no one is there, I won't stay here any longer, so leave!"

Xiao Ye clasped his fists, stepped directly into the arena, and walked towards his courtyard.

Behind Xiao Ye, Lu Tianyou silently followed. Xiao Ye naturally noticed this, and he has not forgotten that this Lu Tianyou still has something to tell him.

"This Lu Tianyou, why does he help outsiders?"

"Let him go. I heard that he has always been an outlier. Even Lu Tianping has nothing to do with him. Why should we care so much?"

"About Xiao Ye's strength shown today, it seems necessary to go back and report to him, and everyone should go their separate ways."

The disciples of the Xiao family branch communicated secretly, dispersed and returned to the space tree.

As for the disciples of the Xiao family, they stayed in the martial arts arena for a long time, seeming to be talking and discussing, and seemed to be meditating on something. When they left, it was already a quarter of an hour later.

The martial arts field returned to calm, but the battle staged in the martial arts field was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the disciples. The image of Xiao Ye who was invincible in the martial arts field was not so easy to forget.

"Brother Tianyou, you are a branch disciple of the Xiao family. Are you not afraid of being reprimanded by the elders in the clan if you are so close to me?" On the way back to the courtyard, Xiao Ye asked Lu Tianyou in a friendly manner.

In fact, Xiao Ye is also somewhat interested in Lu Tianyou, this guy has a huge ocean-like true energy, and the true energy directly turns into a purple flame.

The purple flame's attack power is extremely strong, comparable to spiritual spells, and it can attack from a distance, and the attack from close range is even better. All this shows how powerful Lu Tianyou is.

Not only the present, but the future of Haiyang Lu Tianyou, the future Lu Tianyou will continue to practice on this road, his strength will become more and more terrifying, even thinking about it sometimes, Xiao Ye can't help but take a breath.

Although Xiao Ye's body is fused with flames, energy can also be directly transformed into flames, which can be used for both long-range and short-range attacks, but compared with the attack power of purple flames, Xiao Ye's flames are too childish, not at the same level at all.

But don't forget that Xiao Ye's fire resistance is very terrifying now, the current Lu Tianyou is definitely not Xiao Ye's opponent, only when Lu Tianyou's strength continues to increase, can he threaten Xiao Ye again.

"Hehe! I don't want to take care of the Xiao family's affairs. No matter what happens to the Xiao family, it won't affect me. As for the elders, they stopped taking care of me a long time ago, so naturally they don't care about it now." Lu Tianyou responded freely road.

(End of this chapter)

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