god system

Chapter 272 Old Xiao!kid?

Chapter 272 Old Xiao!kid?

"Brother Tianyou, why did you say that? Then Lu Tianping's strength is far superior to mine, and he has no enmity with me. How could his life fall into my hands?"

Xiao Ye was quite puzzled by this, he didn't know why Lu Tianyou thought so?So far, Lu Tianping has no grievances with him, so how could he kill him?

And what strength is Lu Tianping now?That was far more than Xiao Ye. Lu Tianyou was not afraid of Xiao Ye falling into Lu Tianping's hands, but Lu Tianping was afraid of Lu Tianping falling into Xiao Ye's hands. Isn't this too unreasonable?
"Hehe!" Lu Tianyou smiled wryly: "I understand my brother. He is arrogant and always thinks that he can accomplish anything. And if he wants to let the Xiao family branch rule the Xiao family, he will definitely have conflicts with you, and more conflicts." Can't laugh."

Lu Tianyou explained: "Don't look at my brother's talent is very good, and his cultivation base is very high now, but I can see that the talent hidden in you far surpasses him, and he will not be your opponent in the near future. My brother's way of doing things, I'm afraid he will occasionally use some despicable tricks, and you will inevitably kill him at that time. After all, it's my brother, so I'm naturally worried about him. "

Lu Tianyou knew Lu Tianping well. He knew that for the sake of the unity of the Xiao family and for the branches of the Xiao family, sooner or later Lu Tianping would come to the opposite side with Xiao Ye.

However, Lu Tianping is aggressive and competitive, and occasionally uses despicable means. It is almost impossible for him to make peace with Xiao Ye. Ye's method, getting rid of Lu Tianping is the best way.

And Lu Tianyou saw the room and speed of Lu Tianping and Xiao Ye's future growth, Xiao Ye will definitely surpass Lu Tianping, and it won't be too long.

"I agree to this condition." Xiao Ye complied with a wry smile.

Perhaps Lu Tianyou's worry was not unreasonable, but it was still a bit far away for Xiao Ye, and even if it came to the day of Lu Tianyou's talk, it would be very simple for Xiao Ye to abolish Lu Tianping's cultivation and save his life .

"Thank you, Brother Ye." Lu Tianyou cupped his fists in gratitude, and said with a smile: "No matter how the Xiao family develops in the future, Brother Ye, just remember that I, Lu Tianyou, are your friend. Farewell!"

Xiao Ye sent Lu Tianyou out of the courtyard. Through the conversation with Lu Tianping, Xiao Ye learned some news, but for the time being, it was nothing.

Xiao Ye stayed in the courtyard, sat cross-legged in the room, and adjusted his inner breath.

After coming out of the divine outfit system, although Xiao Ye has gone through battles, he hasn't recuperated!You must know that the soul is a soul after all, even if it can communicate with Xiao Ye's body, the adjustment of the soul does not mean the adjustment of the body.

At this moment, after his body absorbed the flames, his body changed too much. In addition to the change of the marrow washing pill, Xiao Ye's body was completely different from before.

It's like after a car has been modified, it has to be well tuned to be able to play itself better.

Xiao Ye is recuperating right now, and while he is recuperating, the flames in his body burst out involuntarily, covering Xiao Ye in the flame mask.

In the burning of the flames, he slowly adjusted his body so that he could better control his current body.

And in the space tree of the Xiao family, the branch disciples are reporting to their respective families about Xiao Ye's performance in the martial arts arena. That powerful strength makes the Xiao family branch dare not neglect.

But so what?The Xiao family branch has gradually gained the upper hand in public opinion. As for Xiao Ye's so-called strength, the strong people in the Xiao family branch are not bullshit at all.

If it wasn't for the strong members of the Xiao family guarding Xiao Ye, they would have already taken action to kill Xiao Ye.

In addition to the Xiao family branch, the Xiao family disciples are also telling their elders and relatives what happened in the martial arts arena. As for their final thoughts, only they know.

The other place, that is, the place where the Xiao family is extremely strong, is in deep shock at the moment!
These old monsters are strong, but because of their strength, when they saw Xiao Ye for the first time, they had already seen through Xiao Ye's strength.

Not to mention the third-rank great spiritual master, the power of true qi is very far away from the sixth-rank great martial artist, but this time, Xiao Ye crossed this distance in an instant.

The strong members of the Xiao family didn't know what happened, how could Xiao Ye cross such a distance in an instant?

In the bloody slaughterhouse at the back of the Xiao family, under the leadership of Uncle Wei, the butchers are slaughtering native chickens and ducks. The days are the same as usual, talking and laughing, nothing special.

But at a certain moment, Uncle Wei suddenly frowned, and then waved his hand impatiently. The bodies of the butchers who were still killing native chickens and ducks suddenly dimmed rapidly, and finally disappeared, as if they had never appeared over average.

Uncle Wei was the only one left in the slaughterhouse.

"Little ghost, don't hide in front of the old man." Uncle Wei snorted coldly, and in the darkness, a figure slowly emerged, it was an old man with a humble smile on his face.

It was none other than the extremely strong man who met Xiao Ye that day, a senior who called himself Old Xiao!

This extremely strong member of the Xiao family actually had a humble smile in front of a butcher. If Xiao Ye saw this disastrous scene, his eyeballs would probably fall out!

"I've seen my predecessors." Elder Xiao stood cautiously in the slaughterhouse, a full three feet away from Uncle Wei, not daring to get any closer, as if there was hell in front of him, and something bad would happen if he stepped forward.

"The old man has recuperated here for many years. You little ghosts have never come to pay your respects. Why do you think of the old man today?" The extremely strong person in the hearts of the entire Xiao family turned into a "little ghost" in Uncle Wei's mouth. Really amazing.

"Senior was joking, juniors dare not disturb senior's meditation, just now I greet you in the future, please don't blame senior." Old Xiao was like a child who did something wrong, and he didn't dare to speak loudly in front of Uncle Wei.


Uncle Wei gave a cold snort and stopped talking. Obviously, he was waiting for Xiao Lao to speak. As he was, he would not ask anything in person.

"Ahem! That...Senior, I wonder if Xiao Ye often comes to the slaughterhouse recently?" After a long silence, Elder Xiao still opened his mouth in embarrassment.

"What? The whole Xiao family came to my slaughterhouse to slaughter chickens, and the old man still has to report to you?" Hearing that it was about Xiao Ye, Uncle Wei laughed secretly, but his face was extremely serious, as if he was angry.

"Don't dare! Junior don't dare!" Xiao Lao's face was pale, and he didn't even dare to shout, as if if he offended Uncle Wei in front of him, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Don't go around in circles with the old man, talk quickly if you have something to say, and let go of your fart quickly."

Uncle Wei was quite patient when dealing with Xiao Ye, but he was completely impatient when dealing with Old Xiao, as if he felt that Old Xiao in front of him was an eyesore and didn't want to see him.

Mr. Xiao secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Ye's strength has improved by leaps and bounds recently, and he definitely can't do it by himself. We know that the senior helped him secretly. But this kid has a special status. I don't know if the senior can... ..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Do I still need you little brats to point me to what to do? You remember, that kid is covered by the old man. No matter what you do, if you dare to take his life, the old man will blow up your Xiao family and let you group The kid is going to drink the northwest wind!"

Before Mr. Xiao finished speaking, Uncle Wei's words made Mr. Xiao's complexion change drastically, and he was sweating profusely. How could he dare to continue talking, so he could only lower his head and shout "yes" repeatedly!
"You little rascals, you just pretend to be gods and ghosts on weekdays, and you have to participate in the affairs of the juniors. You really can't be idle for a moment. Now you dare to come to this old man to question, and let that kid come if you want to come. You dare to step in Here, you dare to ask the old man for conditions, it seems that you little devils don't take the old man seriously."

Uncle Wei's tone became colder and colder. In his eyes, Mr. Xiao was not even qualified to talk to him.

"This..." Old Xiao's complexion was greener than a frog, and he was frightened now. He didn't know how to explain it to Uncle Wei, because no matter how he explained it, if Uncle Wei wanted to make things difficult for him, he would run away no matter what. not drop.

"Okay! I've finished what I have to say, why don't you get out?" Uncle Wei reprimanded Mr. Xiao, and then issued an order to evict the guest. His tone was very unfriendly, as if Uncle Wei would go crazy if Mr. Xiao didn't leave.

"Junior farewell!"

As if meeting an amnesty, Mr. Xiao immediately clasped his hands together, his body quickly faded until he disappeared, and he didn't dare to hesitate in the whole process.

After Mr. Xiao left, Uncle Wei waved his hand, and those butchers appeared again in the slaughterhouse. Everyone was still talking and laughing, and continued with their work.

As if what happened just now hadn't happened, and Mr. Xiao had never been there before, it's no wonder that the Xiao family branch didn't dare to take any action in this weird slaughterhouse.

Strange to say, according to Xiao Ye's thinking, Uncle Wei should be a member of the Demon Sect. It is already a miracle that he can stay in Xiao's house, but Xiao Lao and other superpowers are still aware of his existence and treat him like this Be polite, even handle it with care.

What is the relationship between Uncle Wei and the Xiao family?What kind of existence is he?
All this is a mystery, Xiao Ye doesn't know, the Xiao family branch doesn't know, only the strong Xiao family and Uncle Wei know.

Elder Xiao, who had left the slaughterhouse, appeared in his hut. At this moment, he was no longer nervous in front of Uncle Wei, but instead had a calm expression, but there was a little solemnity in the calm.

"I didn't expect that person to be so optimistic about Xiao Ye. It seems that this kid's growth is really controlled by him. With his help, it is difficult for this kid to win. It seems that we have to change our thinking and do our best to assist this kid." Boy, maybe this time is our Xiao family's real chance to rise."

Mr. Xiao said to himself, his eyes wide open. Originally, he wanted to use Xiao Ye to balance the Xiao family, but now that Uncle Wei was an anomaly, he felt that Xiao Ye could unify the Xiao family, and there would be no major accidents. Infighting.

If this is the case, we will have to wait and see the rise of the Xiao family!

(End of this chapter)

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