god system

Chapter 273 The Weird Dagger

Chapter 273 The Weird Dagger

What exactly is the strong Xiao family planning to do, and who is Uncle Wei?

Xiao Ye didn't know all this, he was in the middle of his own breath adjustment, and at the same time his thoughts were spinning rapidly, he was thinking about what to do next.

The next step is definitely to find the son of the elder Zhang, and dig out some news about the elder from him. The ultimate goal is to find the elder, and start with the elder to find Xiao Zhan.

There is also the matter of rescuing Xiao Jun. He also has to investigate secretly to see if he can seize the opportunity to rescue Xiao Jun during the reset time of the cage in the space tree.

Regarding the matter of rescuing Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye didn't have any hope.

After all, my whereabouts are under the control of the Xiao family branch and the strong Xiao family, it is impossible to rescue Xiao Jun unknowingly!

Even if he is rescued, where should Xiao Jun stay?Where can Xiao Ye hide him?
The matter of Xiao Jun can be postponed, but the son of the great elder must be found first, and he must be found in secret, and the strong members of the Xiao family and the branches of the Xiao family must not be known, otherwise this line will be exposed, and Xiao Zhan's situation will be even more dangerous.

"Is it the intentional disappearance and the layout, or did you really encounter trouble and disappear because of helplessness?" This is the biggest doubt in Xiao Ye's heart. He still doesn't know whether the change of the Xiao family is Xiao Zhan's layout or a real encounter. What a surprise.

Through the accumulation of these days, he gradually realized that Xiao Zhan is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

He was able to stabilize the major forces of the Xiao family in such a chaotic Xiao family, and it was absolutely impossible without special means. You must know that Xiao Ye is going through these things now!

Breath adjustment is still going on, Xiao Ye's dantian has already expanded several times due to the effect of the marrow washing pill. Correspondingly, the volume of true qi and spiritual qi has also deepened. Both energies are now in a complete liquid state. The final energy is much stronger than that of the gaseous state.

The energy in the dantian was still throbbing when he first entered the stage, but now under Xiao Ye's conditioning, it gradually stabilized, and some of the unabsorbed energy floating in the dantian was also gradually absorbed.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Xiao Ye's exhalation and inhalation gradually became more regular. At the beginning, each breath was still turbid, but later, the breathing became clearer, and at the same time, the breathing force was more peaceful, not as it was at the beginning. , heavy breathing.

Xiao Ye's thoughts also gradually became clear. He found that even with his eyes closed, he could feel the external situation very clearly.

This is different from the previous perception. Although he could perceive the outside world with his eyes closed, this perception is very limited. He can only roughly know the breath of human beings or the orientation of some objects.

But now, as if there were a pair of Xiao Ye's eyes growing in the air, the outside world was actually reflected in his mind, forming an image in his mind.

This perception is so real that Xiao Ye can carry out simple battles in the house without opening his eyes.

Of course, at present, only simple battles can be carried out, because that kind of perception has not yet reached the level where it can replace the eyes!It can be said that the gap is very far!
Xiao Ye didn't know that this feeling belonged to soul perception, and he hadn't even reached the introductory stage of soul perception.

Gradually, everything in Xiao Ye's body fell under his control, and not long after, Xiao Ye opened his eyes.

Just when Xiao Ye opened his eyes, his brows were deeply furrowed!Because on the ground, an extra dagger appeared at some point!
This dagger is small, only as long as half a middle finger, and it looks a little accomplished.

Xiao Ye clearly remembered that when he entered the room, such a dagger did not exist on the ground, and when his soul sensed the outside world just now, he did not find the existence of the dagger either.

Obviously, this dagger is very ordinary and not a treasure, but on the surface of the dagger, there is a faint layer of energy that is about to dissipate. Obviously, someone did it on purpose, but how did he escape his detection and appear in the house? ?

Cold sweat broke out on the tip of Xiao Ye's forehead. If the person who controlled the dagger wanted to kill him, he would have died just now!

With my current energy, I was killed in seconds without realizing it. Who is it?Why did you leave the dagger, and how did you leave it?

With doubts, Xiao Ye's mental power reached its peak in an instant, and he went down cautiously to the ground. He didn't pick up the dagger immediately, but turned into an afterimage, and quickly swam around the house ten times!

After ten laps, Xiao Ye carefully observed each lap, and did not find any damage in the house, that is to say, when the dagger arrived in the house, it did not damage anything, so he entered the house either through the window or the door.

However, the doors and windows have always been closed and never opened, that is to say...

"When I open the door or open the window, I can't feel the slightest feeling!"

Beads of sweat dripped from the tip of Xiao Ye's forehead, and his gaze fell completely on the dagger.At this moment, the special energy on the dagger had disappeared, and he was lying on the cold ground without making a sound.

After spending so much effort to send a dagger to Xiao Ye's house, there is no doubt that Xiao Ye will pick it up. As for what will happen after picking up the dagger, it is beyond Xiao Ye's control.

To pick up or not to pick up?
There was almost no choice. Xiao Ye knew that he had to pick it up. If the person who put the dagger wanted to kill him, he would be dead. If so, how could he not pick up the dagger?
What makes Xiao Ye even more helpless is that he is under the protection of a strong lady, and there are still people who can do this in this situation.Either this person's strength is terrifyingly high, or this person has some unpredictable supernatural powers.

For example, Xiao Ye, he can get the Invisibility Pill, the Dungeon Pill, etc. He can do this with these pills.

The only thing that is certain is that the person who put down the dagger should not belong to the Xiao family branch, otherwise, that person could kill Xiao Ye directly without such trouble.

Even so, with the principle of being cautious, Xiao Ye first separated a ray of spiritual energy, let the spiritual energy envelope the dagger, and carried out a simple investigation.

There is no weird energy on the dagger, but the dagger is still a bit useless, because the dagger is not solid.

There were cracks on the surface of the dagger, apparently someone put Dong XZ in the dagger and sent it to Xiao Ye's house through the dagger.

Who the hell, since he has the ability, why didn't he just send in the contents of the dagger?Instead, put Dong XZ in the dagger and send it in?
Not understanding what it meant, Xiao Ye finally bent down to pick up the dagger.

Sure enough, this dagger was not equipped with other mechanisms, and Xiao Ye easily grabbed it in his hand.Like an ordinary dagger, this dagger is cool to the touch, and it is not made of any special metal, and its weight is ordinary.

Holding the small dagger in his hand, Xiao Ye moved it lightly with his true energy, and the dagger turned into two sections in Xiao Ye's hand. Inside the dagger was a piece of white paper and a piece of cowhide!
The white paper is very new, whereas the cowhide has aged and is dilapidated.

Looking at the dagger again, it is ordinary, if it is broken, it is broken, there is no other mystery.

"Phew!" Xiao Ye grabbed the white paper and cowhide, took a deep breath, and then carefully checked the surroundings. After finding that there was nothing unusual, he waved his hands and placed a small restraint in the room.

After finishing all this, Xiao Yefang opened the white paper and wrote only four words on the white paper: "Practice this method."

The handwriting was obviously specially modified, and it looked a little distorted, and after Xiao Ye opened it, the white paper actually burned automatically, and then turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

"Even the energy is left on the white paper?" Xiao Ye's heart shuddered, and he looked at the cowhide again. Obviously, there must be something on the cowhide that can be cultivated, and the person who sent the dagger in was to let Xiao Ye cultivate him!
Obviously someone wanted to help Xiao Ye, but Xiao Ye was naturally at a loss as to who it was.

The kraft paper was slowly opened in Xiao Ye's hands. Xiao Ye's eyes lit up when he saw the words and patterns on the kraft paper.

"Cave Heaven Molten Formation!"

This is an extremely special formation, which is very different from the current formations in Zhengyuan Continent. This formation only needs one thing, and that is flames!
However, the amount of fire required is large, and it must be able to be controlled freely, so that a formation can be cultivated.

At the beginning of the creation of this cave-heaven molten fire array, it was originally completed by nine brothers who practiced flames at the same time. The nine of them were connected with each other and practiced flames at the same time.

Once this formation is released, the energy of the flame will be qualitatively improved. Once trapped by this formation, the enemy will die if the difference in strength is not large!
Xiao Ye was deeply sucked into the training method of the cave-melting fire formation just by looking at it.

This is no ordinary cowhide. This cowhide has a magical power. He sucked all of Xiao Ye's spiritual power into it. In an instant, a flame shrouded in flames appeared in Xiao Ye's mind.

In this picture, the flames are ever-changing, as if they are alive, they exude different auras, and linger in the void to form a light array.

"Fire and even things that are just to yang to violent, those who own flames must not have fear in their hearts, and they must not have defensive intentions. They must have a firm heart of attack and destruction. To control flames, the important thing is not the technique, but the heart Dharma is comprehension!"

The strange voice, the vicissitudes of life, sounded in Xiao Ye's mind, as if teaching, and as if imparting something.

At that moment, Xiao Ye's mind was occupied, he couldn't think about the problem, and after hearing the voice, he couldn't produce any analysis in his mind.

"The melting fire formation in the cave was originally a formation of nine people. Now the will of my nine people has already been integrated into the formation. If someone can understand the meaning of my nine people, and then practice the fire control supernatural power to the extreme, they can form a formation with one person. !"

Strange voices kept ringing, and then in Xiao Ye's mind, he saw nine kinds of fire beasts fused together, turning into a string of flaming Buddhist beads, which kept magnifying in front of his eyes, as if they were about to rush into Xiao Ye's eyes ...

(End of this chapter)

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