god system

Chapter 278 Blue Fruit

Chapter 278 Blue Fruit
The person who took the medicine left. For Xiao Ye, this was just a small episode.

The matter of the medicinal material storehouse, Dongzi thought it was not so simple, but Xiao Ye's way of solving the matter was so direct and simple, he solved the matter of the medicinal material storehouse with one palm.

I have to say that Xiao Ye's solution was a bit domineering, but the effect was unexpectedly good. As for the consequences of doing so, Dongzi was worried at first, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

For the Xiao family at present, Xiao Zhan is still the head of the family, and the blood of the head of the family rules the Xiao family, and the medicinal material library is also the property of the Xiao family.Whether Xiao Ye is Xiao Zhan's son, or the owner of the Patriarch's bloodline, the management right of the medicinal material library should belong to Xiao Ye when Xiao Zhan is not around.

From Xiao Ye's point of view, those fifth-level great martial artists were just looking at the door. No matter how this matter was said, Xiao Ye was on the right side!
The most important thing is that the Xiao family's disciples have already had a lot of opinions about the fact that the medicinal material library is guarded by the Xiao family branch. What Xiao Ye did this time actually made the disciples very relieved.

The Xiao family branch just turned a blind eye. If it is to be investigated, the Xiao family disciples will definitely stand on Xiao Ye's side, so for the current Xiao family branch, such a blow is obviously not good.

They will definitely not pursue it, and the unlucky thing about this matter is the fifth-level martial artist!

Xiao Ye has always thought so, his overbearing is not unreasonable, if he is indecisive in front of the medicinal material warehouse, or his methods are not strong enough, then it will not only take time and effort to resolve this matter, but it is not certain who will win in the end!
"Dongzi, does this doctor Ma have any special requirements for medicinal materials?"

Xiao Ye couldn't help asking, looking at the huge library of medicinal materials and the dazzling array of medicinal materials in front of him.

Xiao Ye didn't have a deep understanding of medicinal materials, and the fragrance of medicinal materials filled his nose made him feel uncomfortable.As for the piled up herbs, they all looked alike in his eyes, and he couldn't tell what was what.

"There are no special requirements. Dr. Ma will accept all medicinal materials. But after all, he is a doctor, and of course he likes good medicinal materials. If he can choose high-quality or rare medicinal materials, Dr. Ma will naturally be happy." Dongzi replied.

Xiao Ye rolled his eyes: "This is the Xiao family's public medicinal material library. There are definitely no rare medicinal materials. As for the high-quality medicinal materials, you can look for them, but I have no research on medicinal materials. Can you choose?"

"No." Dongzi, a servant, usually does some cleaning work. Even if he comes into contact with medicinal materials, it is used to make soup for Xiao Ye. They are all simple medicinal herbs, which are very different from those in the current medicinal material library. difference.

Even the lowest-grade medicinal materials in the medicinal material library are not commonly seen. Of course, the ordinary here is to compete with ordinary people. As your strength continues to improve, your vision will naturally become higher and higher.

Two people who don't understand medicinal materials, even if they can choose from the medicinal materials library, what good things can they choose?
"Dongzi, go and watch outside the herbal medicine warehouse." After thinking for a while, Xiao Ye made a decision.

"Yes!" Dongzi didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he immediately went outside the herb warehouse and locked the door for Xiao Ye!
The herb warehouse is open, and people can come in and out at any time. What Xiao Ye needs is not a complete closure, but a little time for him to complete what he wants to do.

After Dongzi guarded the door of the medicinal material storehouse, strange space energy appeared on Xiao Ye's body. It was nothing but him who was using the space spirit world.

good!What Xiao Ye has to do is to scan all the varieties of medicinal materials in the medicinal material library, and take the same type of medicinal materials. Will Dr. Ma not be able to come up with the ones that Dr. Ma likes?

The space spirit world is extremely huge, and the space inside it is more advanced than the space magic weapon, which can preserve the medicinal materials well.

Xiao Ye began to search for all kinds of medicinal materials, no matter how big or small, no matter how weird their appearance, as long as they were in the medicinal material library, Xiao Ye searched them all.

The quantity of some medicinal materials is huge, and the quantity of some medicinal materials is limited, but as long as there are, Xiao Ye will not let them go.

The medicinal materials have different shapes, and the most amazing thing is their smell. In Xiao Ye's cognition, the original medicinal materials should all have the same smell, but during this search, he suddenly discovered that each medicinal material must have a certain smell. big difference.

"It may be that the marrow washing pill and the whole body strengthening pill have enhanced my sense of smell, but I can distinguish the types of medicinal materials by smell. It seems that the quality of these medicinal materials can also be distinguished from the smell."

Xiao Ye's keen sense of smell gave him a sudden feeling that he could immediately understand the medicinal properties of these medicinal materials, but this is just a feeling. To truly understand, it will naturally take time to train.

"Huh?" When Xiao Ye was searching for medicinal materials, he suddenly stopped. In the corner of the shelf in front of him, there was a blue fruit. When Xiao Ye used the space spirit world to absorb him, he found that The space spirit world has no effect on this fruit and cannot suck him into it.

The turquoise fruit is only the size of a thumbnail, and it doesn't look special, and it's covered with dust. It's obvious that no one has come to pick it up for a long time.

Such a small fruit does not seem to be any special medicinal material, but it is not absorbed by the space spirit world, which shows that this fruit is extraordinary.

Looking at the appearance of the fruit, I have been in the medicinal material warehouse for a long time. Even if there is nothing special about the appearance, but because the space magic weapon cannot absorb this feature, I should know that this fruit is not unusual. stay here?
Xiao Ye couldn't figure it out, such a fruit was obviously unusual, why no one paid attention to it?

"No." Xiao Ye's pupils shrank sharply: "Space spirit world is not equal to space magic weapon, these are two completely different things, maybe space magic weapon can absorb this fruit."

The space spirit world is much more advanced than the space magic weapon, so what the space spirit world can't absorb, the space magic weapon can't absorb either!

But these are obviously two completely different existences, they have their own characteristics, and the space spirit world cannot absorb it, which does not mean that the space magic weapon cannot absorb it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye took out a seemingly simple ring, but it was a space ring.

The ring was found in the virtual tomb. Although the space inside it is not large, it can be used as an ordinary space magic weapon, and it can also be used for a test.

Xiao Ye communicated with the interspatial ring with his true energy, and then the blue fruit was easily sucked into the interspatial ring.

"Sure enough."

Xiao Ye suddenly realized that the blue fruit did not reject the space ring, which meant that he would not resist the space magic weapon. Although he didn't know the reason, it was the fact that other people didn't find the blue fruit special. reason.

But Xiao Ye understood that Qinglan Fruit actually rejected the space spirit world, which is definitely enough to show that Qinglan Fruit is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Although I don't know what's special about him, since the space spirit world can't absorb it, he should be preserved."

Xiao Ye thought about it, and directly left the blue fruit in the space ring. The blue fruit has been in the medicinal material warehouse for a long time, and there has been no protective measures. What more to do.

After accepting the blue fruit, Xiao Ye continued to search in the medicinal material library, and he had to accept a copy of each medicinal material, and Xiao Ye was not polite about this.

Except for the ones that were left out, the medicinal materials here are very common, not worth a few spirit scrolls, and they are taken as they are. To the Xiao family, this is simply not worth mentioning.

Soon, Xiao Ye swept through the medicinal material library, and all the medicinal materials fell into the space spirit world.

"Dongzi, it's done." Xiao Ye called Dongzi back.

"Third son, are you done?" Dongzi asked one more question.

"Yeah." Xiao Ye nodded: "Let's go and find Dr. Ma."

Coming and going in a hurry, Xiao Ye and Dong Zi walked out of the medicinal material warehouse. Outside the medicinal material warehouse, the fifth-level martial artist was still standing there gnashing his teeth.When Xiao Ye appeared, this person glared at him fiercely, like a madman, as if he was going to pounce on him at any moment.

But this time he didn't dare to say anything more, and he didn't dare to make any changes. Xiao Ye's strength lies there, and he deliberately made things difficult for the person who took the medicine before. Whether it is reason or martial arts, in front of Xiao Ye How could he be bold enough to be arrogant after all defeats?

Xiao Yelai's domineering and unrestrained walking, leaving only an invincible back, makes people sigh.

As for the fifth-level great martial artist, after Xiao Ye left, he had no choice but to "Bah", and let everything go, and never dared to take any other actions.

Dongzi led the way, and Xiao Ye went with him, and the place he went was a courtyard of Xiao's family.

Although this Dr. Ma is not from the Xiao family, but because he has not served the Xiao family all the year round, and even rarely leaves the Xiao family, he was honored as a guest by the Xiao family and presented with a rather large courtyard. The courtyard is small.

This surprised Xiao Ye very much, isn't he just a foreign doctor?How could he get such treatment in the Xiao family?
After careful questioning, I found out that because of the decline of the Xiao family, the doctors who originally served the Xiao family felt that they had no future, so they left the Xiao family one after another to find another way.

Only Doctor Ma has always been loyal to the Xiao family and never mentioned the matter of leaving.The most important thing is that Dr. Ma has been treating Xiao Zhan's injuries. Dr. Ma spent a lot of effort on Xiao Zhan, which is one of the important reasons why the Xiao family treats Dr. Ma preferentially.

In other words, Dr. Ma is the one who knows Xiao Zhan's injuries best. Before Xiao Zhan disappeared, he had been treated by Dr. Ma. If Dr. Ma didn't know anything, even Xiao Ye didn't believe it.

But don't forget, the Xiao family branch has lived here for a long time. They must have contacted Dr. Ma many times and even used many methods, but they still haven't dug up any useful clues.

Is this Dr. Ma hiding something?Waiting for Xiao Ye to go to tell Xiao Ye?

If this is the case, Xiao Ye is still worried. He wants to get the attention of the Xiao family branch. If he really asks Dr. Ma, it will affect his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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