god system

Chapter 279 Meeting the Doctor

Chapter 279 Meeting the Doctor
The difference between Dr. Ma's courtyard and the other courtyards of the Xiao family is that there is a medicine field in front of Dr. Ma's courtyard, in which many commonly used herbs are planted, which are usually taken care of by Dr. Ma's schoolchildren.

When I saw Dr. Ma's courtyard from a distance, the wind blowing in front of me contained a strong medicinal fragrance, which was very different from that in the medicinal material warehouse.

In the herb library, since the medicinal materials are not divided into categories, and all kinds of medicinal materials are collected, the smell is very mixed. To a certain extent, it should be regarded as pungent.

And in the wind blowing on the face, what it contains is the real medicinal fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed and full of vitality after taking a sip.

As far as the line of sight passes, the courtyard is clean and white, and the door beams are carved with tree patterns, which looks very fresh.

Withdrawing his gaze, he landed on the not-so-big but extremely rich medicine field. A boy about ten years old was watering the medicine field. At the same time, he was holding a booklet in his hand. To distinguish herbs and how they are grown.

From the strong medicinal materials in the medicine field, it can be seen that the boy spent a lot of thought on taking care of the medicine field.

Because he was too absorbed in taking care of the medicine field, when Xiao Ye and Dongzi came to the medicine field, the boy didn't notice it. Xiao Ye coughed a few times on purpose, and the boy just looked up.

Seeing this, a trace of disgust flashed in the boy's eyes: "Master, he doesn't see any customers."

After finishing speaking, the boy continued to take care of his medicine field, but no longer took care of Xiao Ye and Dongzi. Obviously, he saw that Xiao Ye and Dongzi were not hurt, and they didn't come to seek medical treatment and medicine. A eviction order was issued.

Xiao Ye smiled wryly: "You haven't reported it yet, so how do you know that Dr. Ma is not seeing you? If Dr. Ma told you before, then please report again and say that Xiao Zhan's son, Xiao Ye, came to see you."

"Son of Xiao Zhan?"

Hearing these four words, the boy couldn't help raising his head again, and looked at Xiao Ye carefully.After looking at it, I really found that Xiao Ye and Xiao Zhan were somewhat similar, and what I thought was true.

"It doesn't matter whose son you are, you don't have any wounds that need to be treated. What are you doing to see my master?" The boy was still unwilling to report, but his attitude was much better than before. It seems that the name Xiao Zhan Still works great.

It is obviously impossible for a schoolboy to block Xiao Ye's way, but it seems that this schoolboy is not so easy to deal with. He is obviously ordered by Dr. Ma to refuse visitors here.

This also shows that there are many people who come to look for Dr. Ma, and they are not here for treatment, but for other purposes.If you don't want to know, it must be the ghost of the Xiao family branch, otherwise Dr. Ma would not be like this.

"My father's injuries have been taken care of by Dr. Ma. I came here this time just to express my gratitude and to know how my father's injuries are. I don't think this purpose is too much? What do you think?"

To deal with a ten-year-old boy, Xiao Ye naturally couldn't threaten or intimidate him, let alone use his strength to intimidate him. All he had to do was to reason and let the schoolboy report for him, that's all.


Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Ye's words, the schoolboy didn't know how to answer for a while.

Although Xiao Ye didn't come to see a doctor, his purpose of coming here was completely reasonable. He was here to thank him and learn about his family's injuries by the way.

From a rational point of view, it is naturally impeccable, how to refuse?
"But the teacher is not feeling well, it is really inconvenient to see guests, do you think you can come back in a few days?" The student thought for a while, and finally told the matter.

"Oh? Dr. Ma is not feeling well? Then I have to go and see. He has been kind to my father to some extent. Now that he is unwell, how can I leave quietly knowingly? Go and report it. Besides, I brought a lot of medicinal materials this time, which might be good for Dr. Ma's health."

What Xiao Ye said made the schoolboy shake his head: "No way, even he can't help his master's illness, so how can some simple medicinal materials be able to help?"

"Everything in the world is full of wonders. It's not a good idea to give up without trying it. For Dr. Ma's sake, you should report it. I promise I won't disappoint you."

Xiao Ye has full confidence, no matter what is wrong with Dr. Ma's body, he can help, not for anything else, just because he has the little red potion on his body.

"This..." The student frowned, looked at Xiao Ye carefully again, and finally nodded in agreement after some ideological struggle.

After all, he is only ten years old, so how can he watch his master suffer and not seize the opportunity?

"You are waiting here. I will report to the family. By the way, do you have any medicinal materials? If there are no medicinal materials, I will not report. The teacher will definitely not see you." The student said.

"Well, then."

Xiao Ye smiled wryly, and casually threw a medicinal herb to the schoolboy.He was surprised, Dr. Ma was already sick, and looking at the schoolchildren, Dr. Ma was still not seriously ill. Under such circumstances, he was still sticking to the rules. How much did he like medicinal materials?
"Okay! I'm going to report now, you wait."

After the schoolboy took the medicinal materials, he finally opened the door and went to report.

When the schoolboy reported it, the gate of the courtyard was tightly closed. Obviously, the schoolboy would not let Xiao Ye and Dongzi in without Dr. Ma's approval.

"Dongzi, have you heard that Dr. Ma is not feeling well these days?" Xiao Ye asked Dongzi while the schoolboy was going to report.

He always felt that Dr. Ma's illness was a little unusual. He was a doctor, so could it be that he couldn't even take care of his own body?Moreover, the schoolboy looked dignified, and said that Dr. Ma couldn't cure himself, which was obviously not a minor illness.

Dongzi shook his head: "No, yesterday I heard that Dr. Ma was treating people."


Xiao Ye frowned at Dongzi's truth. If what Dongzi said was true, then Dr. Ma got sick today, and probably not long ago, or even when he set off from another hospital to go to the medicinal material warehouse. .

If so, this disease may be somewhat unusual.

"Could it be their fault?"

The people Xiao Ye thought of were naturally the branch of the Xiao family.You must know that when Xiao Ye was in the courtyard, he deliberately disclosed Xiao Ye to the Xiao family branch. It is inevitable that the Xiao family branch will have some actions. Will they fight against Dr. Ma?
Xiao Ye didn't know, and he could only get the answer after seeing Dr. Ma.

Not long after waiting, when the gate of the courtyard opened again, there was no figure of the schoolboy. After a while, the schoolboy's head poked out from the crack of the door. The first time he looked around carefully, he saw only Xiao Ye was alone, and just now he let out a sigh of relief, and opened the door to let Xiao Ye in.

"The master said he wants to see you, but he has to stay at the outer door."

The boy in the mouth of him is naturally Dongzi.

Regarding this point, Dongzi had no meaning. After Xiao Ye explained a few words, Dongzi stood guard outside Dr. Ma's courtyard.Of course, this kind of protection is only on the surface, and the secret investigation of the Xiao family branch is not something that Dongzi can stop.


The moment he stepped into the other courtyard, Xiao Ye felt that the other courtyard was restricted, which was obviously to prevent detection.This made Xiao Ye frowned. At this moment, he squatted down and began to think.

After a while, Xiao Ye suddenly raised his voice: "Doctor Ma, when Xiao Ye comes to visit, if he does something that displeases the doctor, it will be considered rude by the younger generation."

Yin Luo, without waiting for any reply, Xiao Ye waved his hand to break the simple restriction.

This rude and reckless behavior is obviously not what the guests should do. Doing so will make the host feel disgusted, and even drive Xiao Ye out directly.

But Xiao Ye had to do this. If there was a restriction in the house, people outside could not hear the conversation between Xiao Ye and Dr. Ma, then no matter what, people outside would think that Xiao Ye got the news from Dr. Ma.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, they will definitely take action because of this. This action will definitely endanger Dr. Ma's life, so Xiao Ye can't take risks. Even if Dr. Ma's conversation with himself is heard, he must break this restriction.

"Why are you like this, you..." Xiao Ye's actions made the schoolboy very dissatisfied, he accused Xiao Ye angrily, and stopped in the middle of the conversation, probably Dr. Ma had given some instructions.

"Humph! Come with me!"

The schoolboy stared at Xiao Ye, snorted coldly, and led the way ahead.

Xiao Ye's actions really made him dissatisfied, and also made him very puzzled, but the master had orders, and he had to follow them.

Xiao Ye didn't explain anything. He was ready to be kicked out of the courtyard before breaking the restraint.Even if you can't see Dr. Ma, you can't joke about Dr. Ma's life.

Dr. Ma's courtyard is very large, but it is a bit dark at the moment, and the backs of the schoolchildren leading the way are also very dignified, which makes the atmosphere a bit depressing.

The schoolboy led Xiao Ye into the hall, and through the hall was a back garden, where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, full of vitality. In front of the garden, there was a thatched hut, which was particularly conspicuous in the garden.

This is the courtyard of Xiao's house, there are plenty of spacious and comfortable rooms, who would build a thatched hut in the garden for no reason?
Obviously, that thatched hut was built by Dr. Ma. Perhaps because he is a doctor, Dr. Ma likes to live in that thatched hut, and all the people who come here for treatment are treated in that thatched hut.

"Let's go." The schoolboy greeted and led Xiao Yexing to the thatched hut.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

When approaching the thatched hut, there was a sudden severe coughing sound in the house, several times in a row, as if it couldn't stop at all.

Xiao Ye's hearing was strengthened by the marrow washing pill and the whole body strengthening pill. In his ears, he could hear that the coughing host was already very weak, and there was clearly still blood spitting out during the last cough.

"Dr. Ma's illness is already so serious?" Xiao Ye was startled, and the pace of the soles of his feet couldn't help speeding up a little.

(End of this chapter)

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