god system

Chapter 280 Meeting the Doctor

Chapter 280 Meeting the Doctor
Xiao Ye's sense of hearing and smell are already different from ordinary people, relying on them, Xiao Ye can obtain more information than others!His physical improvement can be considered a small evolution.

"You'd better plug your nose, the house smells bad."

In front of the closed thatched hut, the schoolboy reminded Xiao Ye, don't look at the closed door, in fact Xiao Ye has already smelled it. Fortunately, there is a garden outside, and there is a fragrance of flowers and plants. If it is covered up, the smell is not bad. Not too obvious.

With the reminder from the schoolboy, Xiao Ye naturally paid more attention.

After the schoolboy opened the door, an unpleasant smell really came out from the room. Even though Xiao Ye had been prepared, he couldn't help but feel a choking smell.

The house did not have the scene that Xiao Ye had imagined, but it was pitch black. Without the help of external lights, it would be impossible to see the situation inside the house clearly.

In this small thatched hut, there is actually another room separated. At this time, the door is closed tightly, and the stench is emitted from that room.

Looking at the door of the hut, no matter in terms of structure or material selection, it is obviously a temporary construction.

Obviously, there were no compartments in the hut originally, because of certain things, this compartment was just built, and it was built in a hurry, so it was so rough.

The janitor's appearance is still brand new, obviously it has just been installed. If there is no accident, Dr. Ma should be in that cubicle.

"What's going on here?" Xiao Ye asked with a frown.

"What else can happen, because of the matter of the Patriarch. Originally, the Patriarch disappeared, many people have come to look for the tutor and asked a lot of questions. At that time, the tutor was tireless, but no one took action against the tutor. Just today , but someone attacked the teacher, and it was done secretly, it was a sneak attack, and now the teacher can't even see the light, and can only be trapped in the house."

Speaking of what happened to Dr. Ma, the schoolboy gritted his teeth, aggrieved, and his eyes were full of anger!
"Today? Can't see the light? What's going on?" Xiao Ye asked.

"I don't know the details. The process from being attacked to being injured by our teacher was too fast. There was no room for us to resist, and we couldn't even see the appearance of the enemy." The schoolboy was angry and helpless, the enemy was too strong up.

Hearing this, Xiao Ye's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help blaming himself secretly.According to the student, what happened to Dr. Ma may have something to do with him.

"Let's go and see Dr. Ma." Xiao Ye sighed inwardly and waved his hand.

"Go inside by yourself. Master won't see me. After I close the door, you can open that door again." The schoolboy was outside the thatched hut, unwilling to enter the house.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the stench, but that Dr. Ma didn't allow him to enter, probably because he didn't want this young schoolboy to see his sickly appearance.

Xiao Ye stepped into the thatched hut, and the smell became more intense immediately. He frowned and endured it. As he passed by, the schoolboy slowly closed the door.

After the sound, the thatched hut was pitch black, and there was no more light. Relying on his spiritual eyes, Xiao Ye did not have any visual impairment in this thatched hut.

In front of the wooden door of the compartment, Xiao Ye stopped for a while, and then slowly opened the wooden door. The strong stench gushed out from the wind system when the wooden door was opened, which really made Xiao Ye turn pale with shock.

This stench seemed to have life. After gushing out, even if Xiao Ye didn't breathe, the stench would pervade Xiao Ye's body crazily, causing strange stinging pains.

"What the hell is it?" Xiao Ye frowned, and immediately activated the Holy Light Guard. Although it couldn't block the smell, it could prevent these strange smells from entering Xiao Ye's body spontaneously.

Ling opened his eyes, and cast his twinkling eyes into the small cubicle. Xiao Ye was really shocked when he saw it.

In the cubicle, there is purple-black smoke floating. There is no special smell in the smoke. Looking again, there are certain incense burners in the four corners of the room, and purple smoke floats from the incense burners. For some reason, the purple smoke floated in the void, and finally turned purple-black.

Obviously there was something in the air that changed the color of the purple smoke.

Apart from this strange purple-black smoke, there is only one grand master's chair in the room, an old man with white beard and hair, his eyes closed tightly, his whole body is leaning against the grand master's chair so weakly.

From the old man's mouth and nose, he kept exhaling black strange gas, and looking at the old man's face, it was actually rotted, and his lips were obviously purple. Even a layman like Xiao Ye could see this symptom... …


The old man in front of me with a weak breath, who looked like he couldn't hold on to yesterday, turned out to be Dr. Ma, a dignified doctor, and it's really embarrassing to be reduced to such a point.

"You are the son of Patriarch Xiao Zhan? What's your name?" A weak voice came from Dr. Ma's mouth. Dr. Ma's eyes were still gold coins, and he didn't even move his body.

In fact, except for his face, Dr. Ma's body was covered under his clothes, and Xiao Ye couldn't see anything.

"Junior Xiao Ye is the son of Xiao Zhan. I came here this time to thank my senior and to ask about my father." Xiao Ye clasped his fists and said truthfully.

"Hey! Nephew, your father and this old man have long called brothers and sisters, and your father often talked to this old man about your affairs. You really shouldn't have broken the old man's restrictions just now. There is no chance to speak."

Dr. Ma sighed deeply. His relationship with Xiao Zhan was far beyond Xiao Ye's imagination. You must know that they have reached the point of calling each other brothers.

Dr. Ma was not prepared to survive when the people in the house put down the restraint. He wanted to tell Xiao Ye what he knew, but it was a pity that Xiao Ye was reckless.

"Senior, this junior has some good medicine from Ziyun Sect. It may improve the condition of senior. Please take it."

Xiao Ye did not answer what Dr. Ma said, nor did he express anything. He took out a bottle of Little Red Potion and brought it to Dr. Ma.

"No need, this old man's body won't waste medicine." Dr. Ma still didn't make any movements, but his tone seemed helpless and a bit painful.

"Senior, you should give this medicine a try. Even if it doesn't work, at least it can make you feel better." Xiao Ye said, but in desperation, he could only carefully transmit the sound: "Senior, this medicine is very important. After taking it, you will definitely recover. But you have to pretend that you are just getting better, and you are still not out of danger, so that you can save your life."

Xiao Ye's voice transmission this time was very dangerous, because he didn't know if anyone outside could intercept it, but he was also careful, and it was difficult for others to eavesdrop on his voice transmission when he was so close.

After hearing this, Dr. Ma's eyelids still moved, and they still didn't open, as if he had no strength. He just opened his mouth slightly, as if to let Xiao Ye feed him a drink.

Obviously, Dr. Ma has lost even the ability to drink medicine. If there is no accident, his whole body should be rotten.

"Okay." When Dr. Ma opened his mouth, he added something, obviously speaking to the eavesdroppers outside.

"En." Xiao Ye nodded, and poured half of the little red potion into Dr. Ma's mouth. In an instant, the rot on Dr. Ma's face quickly receded, and his pale face turned rosy.

Dr. Ma's body recovered to its peak state almost instantly, which even shocked Dr. Ma himself deeply.

He stared at Xiao Ye with his huge eyes in surprise. These changes in himself made him feel unbelievable.

A moment ago, he knew that his lifespan had dropped, and he would definitely not survive today.At this moment, he was alive and well, feeling the exuberant vitality.

"Hey! Although it is Ziyunzong, the medicine doesn't seem to have much effect. Senior, you have to take good care of yourself." Dr. Ma has fully recovered, but Xiao Ye sighed, as if he was very depressed.

These were obviously meant for outsiders. Obviously, the other party could detect the conversation between Xiao Ye and Dr. Ma, but they couldn't see Dr. Ma's current state.

In this case, it is actually very simple for Dr. Ma to tell Xiao Ye some secrets, and that is to pass them on in writing.

The current situation is actually beyond Xiao Ye's expectations. Because he cannot see the light, Dr. Ma has enclosed himself here, so that the outside world cannot see the situation in the house, which also creates the conditions for expressing information in writing.

And outsiders think that Dr. Ma has been poisoned and can't move anymore, so how can he write?
So they are completely at ease about that as well.

The emergence of all these conditions is really miraculous. The enemy created this opportunity for Xiao Yeshengsheng. Now it depends on whether Dr. Ma knows how to cooperate.

"That's all nephew, although this old man's life can't be saved, but with the old man's ability, it's okay to persist for a while. You don't need to worry too much."

The shock in Dr. Ma's heart could be said to have seen an unprecedented miracle, but he knew very well that he needed to cooperate with Xiao Ye at this moment, and he could easily handle this kind of cooperation.

"Hey." Xiao Ye sighed deeply again, obviously he wanted to make a play with Dr. Ma, and this play was for outsiders to watch.

"Nephew, I'm getting old, just now you said why you came to see me?" Dr. Ma began to pretend to be confused, and he deliberately asked to make outsiders think that Dr. Ma was still critically ill and his memory was not good. At this time, Dr. Ma had already taken out the paper and pen from his pocket.

For a doctor, pen and paper are must-haves. It seems that he and Xiao Ye have also thought about it. At this moment, he is going to use writing to convey news to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye is very satisfied with Dr. Ma's performance.

"Senior, this junior came here to know about my father's injuries, and whether my father had said anything special to senior before he disappeared."

Xiao Ye asked loudly, as if he was afraid that the critically ill old man would not be able to hear what he said clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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