god system

Chapter 298 Xiao Qin's Father

Chapter 298 Xiao Qin's Father
In the courtyard, a charming fragrance wafted in the air. Among the flowers and plants, a middle-aged man with a sad face stood among them.

The man has his hands behind his back, his back is slightly hunched, and his eyes are covered with wrinkles that do not match his age.His temples are slightly white, but he is 60 years old in his early forties.

This old man was none other than the son of the Great Elder, Xiao Qin's father, Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi did not inherit the talent of the First Elder, so he was not liked by the First Elder since he was a child. He was often beaten and scolded, and life was difficult until Xiao Yi got married and gave birth to Xiao Qin!
Xiao Qin's talent was good, and he was loved by the First Elder, so his attitude towards Xiao Yi also changed. Xiao Yi's life has been much easier since then.

Because of this, Xiao Yi cared very much for Xiao Qin. He was proud of Xiao Qin. To him, Xiao Qin was his life. Xiao Yi's future life depended on Xiao Qin.

At that time, Xiao Yi was living a chic life, and he was always in a good mood.

Xiao Qin's death was like a thunderbolt, which slammed into Xiao Yi's head, almost making him lose his breath, and all his life was completely destroyed as a result!

He couldn't believe such a fact. He wanted to know the cause and effect of the matter, and how his excellent son died.

However, when he asked, the only result he got was that Xiao Qin died in the hands of the monster, and there was not even Xiao Qin's body.

Xiao Yi couldn't accept it, so he asked the First Elder, but the First Elder didn't say a word, and told Xiao Yi not to ask about it any more, which made him even more unacceptable.

Xiao Yi started investigating from then on, and his life was ruined by it.

But until now, he still hasn't found any clues. His son's death is unclear. So far, there is not even a body. It seems that someone deliberately concealed all the news of Xiao Qin's death.

Xiao Yi was unwilling, he must find out the reason for Xiao Qin's death, he wanted to see who ruined his current life.

However, Xiao Yi had gone through all channels, and even secretly used the power of the Great Elder sometimes, but he still couldn't find anything. The more so, the more unusual Xiao Yi felt.

After Xiao Qin's death, Xiao Yi's life was meaningless. His originally young face seemed to have aged 20 years in a few months.

"Hey!" Xiao Yi sighed deeply, as if he had aged a bit.

At this very moment, a white glow quietly floated into Xiao Yi's mansion from the outer wall of Xiao Yi.Although the white light was very careful, Xiao Yi still noticed it. Xiao Yi didn't move, and his voice had already spread: "It's not about my son, please leave!"

Although Xiao Yi's strength is not very good, but after all, he has lived in Xiao's family for so long, and he is the son of the Great Elder, so he still has some treasures on him, so it is not surprising that he has some supernatural powers.

The white light fell three feet behind Xiao Yi, and the brilliance dissipated, revealing Xiao Xiaojia's figure.

"The junior came here, there are indeed some things about Mr. Xiao Qin."

As Xiao Xiaojia said, he waved his hands and set up restrictions around the courtyard. At that moment, Xiao Yi had already turned around, looking like Xiao Xiaojia, with a serious expression on his face, but murderous intent in his eyes.

"I know you, you are Xiao Xiaojia."

Xiao Yi has stayed in Xiao's family for decades, so it's not surprising to know Xiao Xiaojia. He continued: "If you don't know about my child, don't talk nonsense in front of the old man. Otherwise, if you accidentally say something wrong, Even if you have some strength, this old man can kill you without a whole body!"

Regarding Xiao Qin's matter, Xiao Yi did not know how many people and channels he used, but he did not get the slightest clue.Now such a young female disciple appeared in front of him and said she knew about Xiao Qin and Xiao Yi didn't believe it, but she was unwilling to give up even the slightest clue.

However, his intimidation could not scare Xiao Xiaojia, Xiao Xiaojia said calmly: "Senior, it is inconvenient to talk here, can you go into the room and discuss it in detail?"

"Little girl, are you serious?"

Xiao Yi was extremely serious at the moment, of course he wanted to know how Xiao Qin died, but the other party was a girl under 20 years old after all, could her words be trusted?
"I also participated in the ancient forest trial that day. Seniors can investigate this at any time. In the ancient forest, this junior has seen the murderer who killed Xiao Qin and fought against him."

"So my Qin'er was not killed by a monster, but was killed by someone?" Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he clenched his fists involuntarily.

For the past few months, he has been thinking this way all the time, but because he has no evidence and cannot find the slightest clue, he can only keep it in his heart.

Now that an outsider mentions it, Xiao Yi can't help but believe it.

"Senior, can we talk in detail in the room?" Xiao Xiaojia frowned slightly, she didn't want to talk to Xiao Yi in this other courtyard, if someone accidentally found out, it would be a waste of time!

"Okay! Little girl, the old man believes you for now, so go to my son's mourning hall and let him watch."

Xiao Yi brought it in and opened the front hall, where the light was dim. There was a mourning hall in the hall, which occupied almost two-thirds of the hall. Its size was really speechless.

In the mourning hall, there are all kinds of fruits and wine, and there are countless incense burners in front of it.

It takes a lot of energy to take care of this mourning hall. Xiao Yi has taken care of it himself in the past few months, and it is extremely neat and clean, which obviously took a lot of effort.

Arriving in the mourning hall, Xiao Yi did not talk to Xiao Xiaojia right away, but came to the mourning hall, lit three sticks of incense, and then took a deep breath, stepped back half a foot away, and faced Xiao Xiaojia.

"Little girl, tell me everything you know." Xiao Yi was ready to listen.

Xiao Xiaojia shook his head, "Senior should know that this junior didn't come here simply to tell senior how Xiao Qin died. After all, this junior didn't owe senior anything, let alone Xiao Qin. This junior came here to make a deal with senior. of."

"A deal?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes: "Does this old man have anything valuable on him? If so, just tell me."

After Xiao Qin's death, Xiao Yi was disheartened, thinking that everything was no longer important, no matter what the deal was, as long as he could get the truth about Xiao Qin's death, he was willing to pay.

"The junior wants to know if the elder left anything special because of the disappearance of the Patriarch, or has he said anything related to the senior?"

Xiao Xiaojia knew that time was running out, and there was a time limit for Xiao Ye to attract her attention, so Xiao Xiaojia had to make a quick decision.

Xiao Yi, who had been indifferent all this time, suddenly became cautious when he heard that it was about the Great Elder and Xiao Zhan. He stared at Xiao Xiaojia, and suddenly sneered: "Hahaha! Little girl, who sent you two? Don't tell me the old man I don’t know the whereabouts of the Patriarch, even if there is a clue, do you think you can deceive him with two or three words?”

"Xiao Qin died in the ancient forest. He was killed by a cultivator from the Demon Sect. The cultivator from the Demon Sect was named Yang Shuo."

Regardless of Xiao Yi's doubts, Xiao Xiaojia revealed the real beast that killed Xiao Qin before Xiao Yi agreed to the deal.

This may have been ill-considered, but after he said it, the expression on Xiao Yi's face became cloudy and uncertain. Although he was a little ferocious, he didn't refute anything loudly. On the contrary, he trusted Xiao Xiaojia a little more.

"Little girl, where did you get the news? Why do I believe you?" Xiao Yi questioned.

Regarding this point, Xiao Ye didn't say anything, but Xiao Xiaojia already had an answer, she said: "Senior has already lived in Xiao Qin's mansion, and I believe that in order to investigate this matter, he has searched the courtyard back and forth, there must be something in it. There is no news about the Demon Sect, no matter whether it is the residual breath or some kind of clues left behind, it is impossible not to have it.”

Xiao Qin colluded with the disciples of the Demon Sect and caused three tragedies near the Xiao family. Xiao Qin wanted to erase all the evidence. What evidence remains.

I believe that Xiao Yi must have grasped something through such a serious investigation, otherwise Xiao Yi would have been surprised when Xiao Xiaojia mentioned the Demon Sect.

Obviously, Xiao Yi had suspected the Mozong for a long time, but there was no evidence or clue, it was only revealed by Xiao Xiaojia now.

Xiao Yi was silent. It was obvious that the little girl in front of her came prepared. She had enough confidence to make Xiao Yi believe her words, and she had enough capital to negotiate terms with Xiao Yi.

"Little girl, I have what you want!"

After a long time of contemplation and consideration, Xiao Yi said: "Xiao Ye sent you here, right? When I entered the ancient forest of Xiao's family, Xiao Ye and my Qin'er had a lot of conflicts. The old man once thought it was him. I did it. Now that you come forward, Xiao Ye should have told you everything. Even if Xiao Ye is not the murderer who killed my child, he must know something. As long as what you say satisfies the old man, the old man will think about it for you something you want."

These words are the most important to Xiao Xiaojia, and they are also Xiao Yi's decision.

Obviously, the Great Elder did leave something for Xiao Yi regarding Xiao Zhan's matter, but Xiao Yi would not hand it over easily. Even the most powerful members of the Xiao family and the branches of the Xiao family had nothing to do with Xiao Yi before. The guy has an attitude of rather dying than handing over.

And the Xiao family branch, the most powerful of the Xiao family, didn't dare to be 100% sure what Xiao Yi had in hand, so in the end they had no choice but to give up and leave people to watch secretly.

Xiao Ye attracted the attention of all the watchers today. Even Xiao Yi felt it. Coupled with Xiao Xiaojia's arrival, Xiao Yi knew that it was time for him to hand over his things. At the same time, he learned that Xiao Qinzhi The time has come for the truth to die.

For Xiao Yi, this was an unexpected gain, but now, he must first know the truth of the matter before handing over the things.

"Senior, when I speak, please be prepared. There may be some remarks that are not good for Xiao Qin, but in order to restore the truth of the matter, please don't get excited and listen to the junior."

(End of this chapter)

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