god system

Chapter 299 Confronting Zhang Xiaoyi

Chapter 299 Conversation with Xiao Yi
Xiao Xiaojia is not a person who can speak well. She was given the name of the lone star of the evil spirit since she was a child, and she has little contact with the outside world, and she rarely speaks.

Before meeting Xiao Ye, he probably didn't speak many words. The so-called bird of a feather flocks together, and now she can talk to Yi Yi in such a lengthy talk because she has been with Xiao Ye for a long time.

"If you have something to say, my Qin'er is already dead. I believe you will not intentionally wrong a dead person. Whatever happens, the old man has even endured Qin'er's death. What else can't be tolerated."

Even so, when hearing Xiao Xiaojia's words, Yi Yi couldn't help but shudder.At least Xiao Qin's reputation wasn't bad before his death. Could it be that his reputation will be ruined after his death?
Regarding this point, Yi Yi had actually been prepared for a long time. When investigating Xiao Qin's death, Yi Yi found traces of the Demon Sect in Xiao Qin's home, which made Xiao Yi feel cold.

Could it be that his son had an affair with Mozong?
"The matter started a few months ago. At that time, a member of the Demon Sect came to the vicinity of Xiao's house, named Yang Shuo. His purpose was to capture female monks alive and harvest yin to replenish yang. Therefore, it is not good to see the light of the matter, and he is not good. Do it, so he was looking for a partner, and finally found Xiao Qin."

Xiao Xiaojia began to narrate, and Xiao Ye told her all this: "Xiao Qin is a disciple of the Xiao family, and has always been hostile to the Demon Sect, so if Yang Shuo wants to cooperate with Xiao Qin, it is absolutely impossible to say it positively."

"What's wrong with him?" After hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned. In his mind, he was full of Yang Shuo's villainous appearance, how did that damn guy drag his clever son into trouble.

Xiao Xiaojia had a dry mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said: "Yang Shuo left a secret book of the magic sect on the road that Xiao Qin must pass. Of course, the secret book of the practice has been revised, but the description in it is still the same. It is tempting, and Xiao Qin has a great interest."

"Then Yang Shuo used various methods to border on Xiao Qin, and finally persuaded Xiao Qin to cooperate with him and started doing evil."

After a pause, Xiao Xiaojia continued: "Yang Shuo hid in the ancient forest of the Xiao family, and found a cave, and arranged a strange formation in it, which produced fog and drove away some low-level monsters nearby, causing a large number of monsters to swarm. Enter the outskirts of the ancient forest of Xiao’s family. Xiao Qin is looking for targets, bringing qualified women into the ancient forest, and finally handing them over to Yang Shuo to collect yin and replenish yang.”

"After three women were killed in a row, the test in the ancient forest of the Xiao family began. At that time, Xiao Ye, Xiao Qin and I all participated in the trial of the ancient forest and entered the ancient forest of the Xiao family together."

Speaking of this, Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help taking a deep breath: "As soon as I entered the ancient forest, I found a large number of monsters on the periphery, which caused heavy losses during this trip to the ancient forest. Seniors can go to the disciples who entered the ancient forest to verify this. , I believe it is not difficult at all."

After the sound fell, Xiao Xiaojia stopped, as if she was tired, and seemed to want to see Xiao Yi's performance, but she didn't continue immediately.

"Go on, since Yang Shuo cooperated with my son, why did he kill him in the end?"

Xiao Yi knows whether Xiao Qin is cooperating with Yang Shuo or not. From the clues found in Xiao Qin's house, the elder's evasive attitude, and the blockade of news from all sides, Xiao Yi knows that this is a little scary. It's true.

His son colluded with members of the Demon Sect and did things that were outrageous. Even Xiao Yi felt that the family was unlucky, but he was his son after all, and he was already dead. Now Xiao Yi wanted to find out the truth of the matter.

Xiao Xiaojia nodded, and continued: "At that time, Xiao Ye and Xiao Qin had already formed a grudge. In the ancient forest, Xiao Qin had been trying to get rid of Xiao Ye, so he followed him secretly. All the way to a place in the ancient forest Waterfall, Xiao Qin made a move, but because Xiao Ye had a helper at that time, Xiao Qin failed and continued to go deep into the ancient forest. His purpose was to lure Xiao Ye and others to Yang Shuo's cave. There is a female cultivator in the team who meets the criteria of collecting yin and nourishing yang, and the second is to let Yang Shuo help him, and kill Xiao Ye and others."

All this was told by Xiao Ye to Xiao Xiaojia. Although it was contrary to the facts, Xiao Ye didn't think there was anything wrong.

It was impossible for him to tell Xiao Yi the truth of the matter. After all, Xiao Qin was killed by Ling Luo in the end. If Xiao Yi knew the truth, Ling Luo would be miserable.

So Xiao Ye didn't tell Xiao Xiaojia the truth, but just made up a story for Xiao Xiaojia with half the truth.In this way, Xiao Xiaojia will not feel that it is against his conscience to say these words.

At this point, everything sounds subtle and there is no flaw, as if things should go on like this.

"In this case, why did Yang Shuo turn against my son?" Xiao Yi took a deep breath, he was a little reluctant to accept the so-called "truth", and even his eyes turned blood red.

"Yang Shuo is a member of the Demon Sect. He had already decided to kill Xiao Qin when the Xiao family's ancient forest trial began. Because Xiao Qin was no longer useful to him, and his whereabouts were about to be exposed. So when Xiao Qin came to Yang Shuo When he entered the cave, Yang Shuo killed him."

Xiao Xiaojia's introduction in this section is very simple, because she didn't see how Yang Shuo died at all, and she could only rely on Xiao Ye to tell him all this.

"It's so simple?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yes." Xiao Xiaojia nodded, very seriously.

"Then how did you fight Yang Shuo?" Regarding the truth explained by Xiao Xiaojia, Xiao Yi was skeptical, and he had to find out everything before he would give up.

"After Xiao Qin's death, Xiao Ye and the others chased him all the way to the cave and started a war with Yang Shuo. I happened to pass by at that time, otherwise Xiao Ye's life would have been left behind."

Xiao Xiaojia told everything she knew. Although it was not the truth, it was the truth to Xiao Yi and Xiao Xiaojia, because Xiao Ye, Ling Luo and Ling Chong who knew the truth would not tell it.

"You mean how many people did you save Xiao Ye?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes." Xiao Xiaojia was not shy. She was the one who saved Xiao Ye, Ling Luo and Ling Chong back then, even she knew it clearly.

Xiao Yi stared at Xiao Xiaojia's eyes. His decades of experience allowed him to observe a person through his eyes. From Xiao Xiaojia's calm eyes, Xiao Yi did not read the slightest lie.

After all, Xiao Xiaojia thinks what she said is true, and Xiao Xiaojia's childhood experience will not allow her to show the small fluctuations in her heart in her eyes, so it is completely impossible for Xiao Yi to see anything in Xiao Xiaojia's eyes of.


Under Xiao Yi's silence, he took a few deep breaths. He paced back and forth in the mourning hall, obviously thinking about whether what Xiao Xiaojia said was true or not.

Judging from various clues, Xiao Xiaojia's performance, and Xiao Yi's own analysis, what Xiao Xiaojia said should be true, and there are no huge loopholes or loopholes, which can also explain why Xiao Yi couldn't find the slightest clue , the Great Elder avoided talking about it and so on.

But in Xiao Yi's heart, he just felt that there was something unreasonable about this matter, but Xiao Yi himself couldn't say what it was.

"How did your battle with Yang Shuo go in the end?" When Xiao Yi asked this question, it meant that he had accepted Xiao Xiaojia's statement, and now he was asking about the situation of his enemy.

"That Yang Shuo is no small feat. He has unpredictable supernatural powers. Although I was slightly better that day, Yang Shuo obviously hid some kind of ability, so he escaped."

Xiao Xiaojia answered truthfully that he had won against Yang Shuo back then, and reminded Xiao Ye that Yang Shuo was not a simple person, and it was precisely because she saw that Yang Shuo did not use his full strength and had some unspeakable secrets that made Yang Shuo choose to escape in the end.

"According to what you said, my enemy is Yang Shuo? Very good, draw me a portrait of him now, and after the painting is finished, I will give you what you want."

Xiao Yi took a pen and paper and asked Xiao Xiaojia to draw Yang Shuo's portrait, but Xiao Xiaojia refused.

"What? Can't draw it? Or are you all making up this matter, trying to deceive the old man?" Smiling coldly, with an aggressive tone, he tried to disturb Xiao Xiaojia, making Xiao Xiaojia say the wrong thing in a panic.

Xiao Xiaojia shook his head: "That's not the case, but Yang Shuo is dead, so there is no need to paint."

"What?" Xiao Yi was startled: "Didn't you say that Yang Shuo escaped? Why is he dead now?"

"After Yang Shuo escaped, he went to Ziyunzong and got in. Coincidentally, my brother Xiao Ye and I also entered Ziyunzong, and not long ago, a wave of corpses broke out in Ziyunzong's tomb. Do you know?" Xiao Xiaojia said and asked back.

"The corpses in Ziyunzong's tomb mountain are flooded. The people of the Demon Sect cooperated inside and outside to attack Ziyunzong. This old man has heard about it, but what does it have to do with Yang Shuo? Why did he die?"

Ziyun Sect is one of the five major sects in Zhengyuan Continent. Although the Xiao family's news is not very well-informed, the news of Mo Zong's attack on Ziyun Sect has naturally been passed on to the Xiao family, and it is inevitable for Xiao Yi to know.

"The tide of corpses in the ancient tomb, what the Demon Sect wants to get from the Ziyunzong's tomb mountain, Yang Shuo is their important chess piece. Brother Xiao Ye ran into Yang Shuo again by mistake on the tomb mountain, and unfolded fighting."

"Brother Xiao Ye has made great progress. At the tomb mountain, Xiao Ye completely surpassed Yang Shuo, and left his life in the tomb mountain." Xiao Xiaojia told all the things he knew, without hiding anything .

"You mean that Xiao Ye avenged my Qin'er?" The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth twitched, and the result made him a little bit dumbfounded.

Xiao Qin and Xiao Ye are rivals, and it is Xiao Ye who avenges Xiao Qin in the end?Isn't this a bit too bloody?
"Senior, whether you believe it or not, the facts are the same. Brother Xiao Ye killed Yang Shuo, and I can swear a poisonous oath. As for the portrait of Yang Shuo, since the senior wants it, the junior can draw one."

This time Xiao Xiaojia grabbed the pen and paper, and quickly drew the image of Yang Shuo in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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