god system

Chapter 300 Surrounding the Slaughterhouse

Chapter 300 Surrounding the Slaughterhouse

When a person wants to fabricate an image, he must be weak in writing, and there will be serious lag.But if there is a memory in the mind, it means that the pen is written with spirit and a thorough understanding!
Xiao Xiaojia's state at the moment is just like this, Xiao Yi has been looking at Xiao Xiaojia's paintings, and during this process, Xiao Yi can't even find any flaws.

This made Xiao Yi believe even more in what Xiao Xiaojia said before!

Soon, Yang Shuo's ferocious appearance appeared in Xiao Xiaojia's pen. When he saw this portrait, Xiao Yi couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He is no stranger to the painting in front of him. He clearly remembers that Xiao Qin once brought this person to his home.At that time Xiao Yi thought that this was just a friend of Xiao Qin's, nothing special.

Unexpectedly, this person was actually a member of the Demon Sect, he was the one who killed his own son!

Turning his mind again, he finally remembered that Xiao Qin seemed to call this person Brother Yang that day!

Combining the before and after, a complete story chain is formed, which is no longer fake. Xiao Yi, who has been investigating this matter, finally got a complete answer.

He has been looking for this answer for several months, and when he really understands it, he doesn't want to know it anymore.His own son actually colluded with the Demon Sect to mutilate righteous women with despicable methods.

Knowing this by the great elder, he will definitely kill him directly, even if he is himself, he may drive Xiao Qin out of the Xiao family.How ridiculous it would be if by that time, his son, whom he had always been proud of, would become his stain.

"Ms. Xiao's family, not many people know about this, right?" Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Xiaojia complicatedly, and asked helplessly.

"Brother Xiao Ye and I, as well as two friends of Brother Xiao Ye, who know everything, have already promised Brother Xiao Ye that they will never tell this matter. As for Brother Xiao Ye and I, since we want to be with Brother Xiao Ye Seniors are doing business, so naturally they will not tell others about it. Besides, this matter is related to the Xiao family's collusion with the Demon Sect. As a disciple of the Xiao family, I will definitely not let it go out. I believe the seniors are the same, right?"

For the members of the Xiao family, collusion with the Mozong is the most damaging thing to their reputation, and they will not let outsiders know about it, unless it is under the influence of some kind of force majeure.


Hearing what Xiao Xiaojia said, Xiao Yi heaved a sigh of relief. As long as this matter doesn't spread, Xiao Qin's reputation will be preserved.Xiao Qin is dead, we can't let him lose the Xiao family's face anymore, let's just let things go like this.

Anyway, Xiao Qin's revenge has already been avenged, and he has nothing to pursue, but how will he spend the rest of his life?

"Senior, I've already said what needs to be said, so what Brother Xiao Ye wants..."

It wasn't long before Xiao Yi and Xiao Xiaojia had a conversation. At this point, Xiao Xiaojia had shown all his sincerity, and Xiao Yi had believed what Xiao Xiaojia said, so now it was Xiao Yi's turn.

What clues did the Great Elder leave behind?
"Little girl, Xiao Jun should have come in person to tell me about this matter. But now that we have reached this point, it is time to give the things to you. Come, follow me."

Xiao Yi pushed open the gate of the backyard and led the way, Xiao Xiaojia followed closely behind, and they had penetrated into Xiao Qin's courtyard thoroughly.

What exactly is left by the elder, he will hand it over to Xiao Xiaojia soon.

In another place, Xiao Ye came to the foot of the Xiao family's back mountain, and above his head was the Xiao family's slaughterhouse.

In his perception, there have never been so many detection fluctuations falling on him like now, and he doesn't know how many people are following him in the dark.

Looking around, I didn't find any shadow. In such an environment, there are countless people watching me, and I put it in my original world, which is unimaginable.

Now Xiao Ye's expression is hesitating. When he came to the back mountain of Xiao's family, his destination was of course a slaughterhouse at first. After all, the slaughterhouse is so secretive that even the powerful members of the Xiao family branch can't see through it.

Such a place can confuse the Xiao family branch, making them think that the news about Xiao Zhan may really be in the slaughterhouse.

This is an excellent place to confuse the enemy, but after thinking about it, Xiao Ye gave up again.

Uncle Wei and the others in the slaughterhouse are not ordinary butchers, but their lives are very ordinary. If Xiao Ye goes in like this, it will disrupt Uncle Wei's life.

This is something Xiao Ye is unwilling to do, and he also does not want to see, but this is indeed the best place, the best place Xiao Ye can think of.

"When we get here, there is no reason to leave." Xiao Ye made a decision, but instead of going to the slaughterhouse right away, he stretched out his fingers and gestured for the back mountain.

Although there is a slaughterhouse in the back mountain, it is not the only slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse accounts for about half of the area of ​​a mountain, and the other half is undeveloped.

There are flowers and plants there, Xiao Ye can go and look through them at will, which can also confuse the Xiao family branch's sight and provide Xiao Xiaojia with more time.

After gesticulating, Xiao Ye stepped onto the back mountain. The moment he stepped on the back mountain, countless powerful fluctuations suddenly enveloped Xiao Ye.

In front of these powerful fluctuations, Xiao Ye couldn't help but pause, and then black shadows appeared in front of Xiao Ye.

It was a strong man with a strong reputation, all aged between 40 and [-] years old, they surrounded Xiao Ye in an instant, blocking Xiao Ye's way.

Facing the encirclement circle of strong men, Xiao Ye didn't have the slightest fear. Perhaps in terms of strength, Xiao Ye was by no means a match for this group of people.But Xiao Ye will not be afraid, or he has forgotten the fear now.

He has too many means, and he has encountered enough things. He has seen many big scenes, so he will naturally adapt.

In addition, Xiao Ye's body absorbed the flames, and he practiced in the weightless space, and his xinxing cultivation had already reached an extremely high level.

These strong men who appeared did not speak, they just locked Xiao Ye with their breath, warned Xiao Ye, and kept Xiao Ye where they were. Obviously, they wanted to prevent Xiao Ye from entering the back mountain.

In another place, some strong men from the Xiao family branch had rushed to the back of the Xiao family and surrounded the slaughterhouse.

The Xiao family branch moved faster than Xiao Ye expected. He thought that the Xiao family branch would only appear after he went to the back of the Xiao family and found something.

Unexpectedly, the Xiao family branch would lose so much attention. Before Xiao Ye acted, the Xiao family branch acted and surrounded the slaughterhouse in an instant.

This caught Xiao Ye who was planning to bypass the slaughterhouse by surprise. This would definitely affect Uncle Wei and the others, but Xiao Ye couldn't stop it.

In the silent confrontation, Xiao Ye stood where he was, and there was no dialogue with the Xiao family branch. Everyone tacitly chose to remain silent.

The surrounding area of ​​the slaughterhouse has already been surrounded by strong men from the Xiao family branch.

"Everyone in the slaughterhouse, come out."

In the Xiao family branch, I don't know who yelled, his tone was quite dignified, he must have heard the news before, this Xiao family slaughterhouse is not simple, and it is precisely because of this difficulty that the Xiao family branch is more sure. , Xiao Zhan's news or whereabouts are really in this Xiao's slaughterhouse.

The Xiao Family Slaughterhouse is not simple. The strong people of the Xiao Family Branch appearing here are not the real strong people of the Xiao Family Branch. Although their strength is strong, they are not the strongest. Facing the Xiao Family Slaughterhouse, they really do not have 100 %Confidence.

The Xiao family branch opened its mouth, and the slaughterhouse has been substantially affected, but in the face of the orders of the strong members of the Xiao family branch, there was no response from the Xiao family slaughterhouse.

The atmosphere seemed extremely dignified for a moment, and only the powerful fluctuations constantly revealed by the powerful members of the Xiao family branch permeated the air.This fluctuation means that the powerful members of the Xiao family branch may attack at any time.

"People in the slaughterhouse, we are not malicious here, please leave the slaughterhouse for now."

After there was no response from the slaughterhouse for a long time, the strong man from the Xiao Ye branch spoke again. This time his tone was much more serious than the first time, and he had the momentum to enter the slaughterhouse.

In the slaughterhouse, there was still no sound, no one came out, and no one responded, as if there was nothing in the slaughterhouse.

Xiao Ye was in the distance, and his sight had been covered by the powerful members of the Xiao family branch, but he could still feel the threatening atmosphere.

"Uncle Wei, I'm sorry."

Xiao Ye wanted to apologize for disturbing Uncle Wei's normal life. As for Uncle Wei's safety, Xiao Ye was not worried at all.

He didn't know Uncle Wei's strength, but he had absolute confidence in Uncle Wei. In front of the Xiao family branch, Uncle Wei would never die.

There was still no response in the slaughterhouse, the experts from the Xiao family branch waved their hands, and when even several experts burst out with powerful qi fluctuations, a light shield enveloped the slaughterhouse.

Then someone beckoned again, and the strong members of the Xiao family branch were all ready to fight.

At this moment, the back mountain of the Xiao family is extremely quiet. After the battle is done, there is no sound from the strong members of the Xiao family branch. They are all experienced people. Once they enter the fighting state, they will not be distracted by anything. .

The Xiao family branch is ready to fight. These people in the Xiao family's back mountain are all the strong people of the Xiao family who live in the Xiao family's mountain.

They are nothing compared to the entire Xiao family branch, but the combination of their strengths is also no small matter.

The battle seemed unavoidable, and Xiao Ye faintly looked forward to it. He expected that Uncle Wei would make a move. He never knew what kind of character Uncle Wei was. This time, he might be able to see Uncle Wei's strength.

Uncle Wei's mysterious identity may also be revealed because of this action.Although he felt ashamed of Uncle Wei, Xiao Ye couldn't help but look forward to it.

The strong members of the Xiao family branch obviously didn't want to make a big move, otherwise they would have already attacked the Xiao family slaughterhouse. At this moment, even if the slaughterhouse ignored their words, the Xiao family branch still temporarily chose to wait.

Although there was a mask and preparations, the battle did not start immediately as expected.

But patience has a limit, not to mention that there may be clues to Xiao Zhan hidden in the Xiao's slaughterhouse, and the Xiao's branch finally ran out of patience after a quarter of an hour!

(End of this chapter)

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